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Government regulation is the yardstick to measure the interaction between government and market. Under the conditions of the socialism market economy, it related to the success or failure of reforming and opening-up and modernization if we can find a reasonable border between the government and market and correctly perform the functions of the government regulation. This thesis takes government regulation as a research object, takes the Marxism’s theoretical study of government regulation as a starting point, profits from western government regulation theory, bases on the actual of China's economic transformation, analyzes and explores China's government regulation of the transition period in-depth, ultimately to promote the development of the theory and practice government regulation.
     This thesis utilizes some research methods of comparative analysis, system theory and the system economic, emphasizes the integrity and independence of the government regulation’s function, from the angle of macro level and market development to research China’s government regulation reform, at the same time, after difference analytical to the government regulation system foundation, it points out emphatically that the system foundation of transition period has decided the government regulation of this period is different from the West and also different from the planned economy, China's government regulation theory and practice have the bright characteristics.
     This thesis follows the research mentality. That is from theory to practice, from general to specific, from foreign to domestic. To embark first on the government regulation general theory, then to elaborate the government regulation of Marxism and western, and subsequently to discuss the current situation, the problem, the origin and the countermeasures of the domestic regulation theory and the regulation reformation. Besides preface and postscript, this thesis mainly includes the following three parts of contents:
     Part one, government regulation theory summary. This part includes two chapters. Chapter one, Marxism government regulation theory. Marxism classical writers have taken the free competition capitalism as the background to explore government regulation theory. They promulgated the inevitability and necessity to implement
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