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火星(Mars),作为太阳系九大行星中自然地理环境与地球最为接近的类地行星之一,以其神秘的炽热外表,自古以来就吸引着人们的注意。本文研究以美国“火星环球观测者”(Mars Global Surveyor, MGS)计划获取的火星表面地形数据为主要研究对象,从理解、构建地貌景观的重要基础入手,采用归纳、综合的基本推理方法,分别借助定性和定量分析方法对火星典型地貌形态特征知识给予描述、分类与识别,以期为火星景观建模及其自然环境的进一步研究提供有益的参照。
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the outer-most of the four terrestrial world in the solar system. Named by the ancient Romans for their bloody god of war, Mars is for many people the most intriguing of all celestial objects.With the dawn of the Space Age,scientists of various research fields have got the chance to learning the planet's properties. Orbiters have performed large-scale surveys of much of the planet's surface,lander data have complemented these planetwide studies with detailed information on the specific sits,the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft (NASA) is one of them. This research, based on the survey data of MGS program,includes three important matters, characterization,classification and identification of Mars topographic surface specific landform-characters,especially for the impact craters and valles-canyons.As the research results show,we really hope our research in these fields can help corresponding scientific researches.
     Our research mainly focus on:
     1.Characterization of Martian topographic characters. We study several methods of discribing Mars specific landforms (impact craters and valles-canyons),qualitatively and quantitatively. Especially, this research shows a quantitative notion of "Openness" as an objective and very efficacious character description method.Besides, we also find that "Openness" can be used in other situations, such as Martian landforms classification as well as identification, and it also plays a very important role in the overall research.
     2.1n the second research field, we study the method of constructing Martian terrain patterns and the way of quarternary landforms classification. Based on the discussion of role of landforms classification in modern soil survey and soil-landscape studies, according to some existing Martian classification patterns, this research addresses a new Mars landforms classes pattern. And we find that this pattern overcomes some obvious drawbacks of other ones, it shows a clear, as well as easy-understanding way to interpret Mars specific landforms.
     3.Based on the special survey data attributes, we study the method of identification impact craters quantitatively,objectively and efficiently. Traditionally, the descriptive morphology has been used to study and categorize different types of martian landscapes.Various researchers have manually collected data sets of crater locations and characteristics,but such works are laborious process,and the results are incomplete. In order to overcoming these shortcomings, this research brings up a quantitative crater-detection technique. According to the final results, we find that it significantly speeds up the rate of building the data sets and provides means for an objective and repeatable process for performing the analysis.
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