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This research did theoretical analysis and empirical test on the network and spillovereffects of transport infrastructure when both the Chinese government and theacademic world have paid great attention on how transport infrastructure constructionaffects Chinese economy. Based on the theory of economic growth, international tradeand new economic geography, this research analyzed how the network and spillovereffects of transport infrastructure work. On this theoretical basis, this researchanalyzed the development of all kinds of transport infrastructure in internationaltransportation and empirically tested its network effect by trade gravity model withcomparative country analysis. And this research also discussed the development andstructure of China’s both national and regional transport infrastructure, empiricallyanalyzed the spillover effect of transport infrastructure by spatial statistics andeconometrics and further tested the spatial spillover effect of transport infrastructure.The conclusions of this research are as follows: First, a country’s development levelof logistics is reflected by its development level of transport infrastructure. Andduring recent years, new developing economies have improved their development oftransport infrastructure, so these countries’ development level of logistics is alsoimproved. Second, the network effect of transport infrastructure plays an importantrole in doing international business, but still needs to be improved. Because of thedifferent role played in international transportation, the port, the air and the roadinfrastructure have statistically significant effect on improving the volume of importand export, but the rail infrastructure does not. The results shows better logisticsinfrastructure index would significantly reduce trade barriers, increase exportcompetitiveness. Generally speaking, the network effect of transport infrastructure isbetter in developed countries than in developing countries. Third, thanks togovernment fiscal policy of expanding domestic demand in order to deal with crisisand the60years of its own development since the country has established, China’stransport infrastructure has improved a lot, and a network of all kinds of transportinfrastructure has gradually established. But the construction of China’s transportinfrastructure still faces some problems, such as irrational structure, lack of capacity,poor link up of various modes of transport and imbalances in the distribution oftransport infrastructure. Fourth, transport infrastructure has a positive spillover effecton China’s economic growth; Different geography and historical endowments playsimportant roles in regional disparities; Transport infrastructure has a negative directeffect on China’s economic growth due to the relative marginal productive gapbetween the two departments of national economy; The effect on economic growth oftransport infrastructure has a significant time lag and this lag changes its sign whentime is4-5years; Transport infrastructure has a significant spatial spillover effect,which is relatively more obvious in middle and eastern part.
     The innovations of this research are as follows: First, this research has an innovativeperspective. By analyzing the development of all kinds of transport infrastructure ininternational transportation, this research systematically and empirically tested thenetwork effect of transport infrastructure by trade gravity model with comparativeanalysis among world major trading countries, making up the existing gas in recentresearch. Second, this research has innovative research methods. Based on theanalysis of the development and structure of China’s both national and regionaltransport infrastructure, this research separated the direct effect from the indirecteffect of transport infrastructure of the economic growth and empirically tested thespillover effect of transport infrastructure. This research also empirically tested thespatial spillover effect of transport infrastructure by spatial weight matrix usingmethod of spatial statistics and econometrics.
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