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本文提出了一种新的反映中纬度环流异常的指数。通过计算逐日指数场,发现指数从正值到负值的转变可以描述一类偏离纬向流的环流过程。这一新的指数是对西风指数(环状模指数)的一种发展。环状模指数揭示的是纬向均匀的高低纬度间的一种遥相关,这种遥相关在整个半球尺度普遍的存在着,称之为北(南)极涛动(AO)或者环状摸(Annular mode)。在北半球这种振荡的遥相关型还显示出一定的局地性,NAO指数指示的就是北大西洋地区的这种振荡。然而所有这些指数所反映的都是半球尺度的或者区域尺度的纬向均匀模态。伴随着这种大尺度指数的变化,中高纬度60°N~70°N和30°N~40°N两个遥相关型的两个显著中心之间的55°N附近地区大气环流在不断的调整着,通常这一纬度带是大气阻塞活跃的地带。
A new regional circulation index is defined in this dissertation. It is calculated at daily 500hpa height field. The transition of the index of certain regions from positive to negative means the changing of the mid-latitude atmosphere circulation from zonal flow pattern to meridianal circulation pattern. So the new index is a development of those zonal index/annular mode index. While the new index not only concerns the situation of the whole latitude circle, but also it can reflect the regional pattern of the meridianal circulation by the negative index area in the index field. The experience of a certain region from positive index to negative index then back to positive index is called as "negative index process". The process begins at the first appearance of negative index on a certain grid point and terminates at the last time the negative index occurring at that grid point. According to the conception of negative index process, one could take out a collection of local circulations from the profound mid-
    latitude westly band atmosphere motions.
    Firstly, the whole collection of the mid-latitude regional circulations is considered. A statistic is made about the geographical distribution, strength/amplitude, persistence properties and the annual cycle of the negative process around the whole north hemisphere mid-latitude area. Analysis shows that of the whole collection of the negative process one main kind of the negative index process has a certain long duration and considerably big magnitude, and negative index process longer than 5 days has a good resemble to atmospheric blocking.
    Then, based on the conception of negative index, a new blocking index is put forward. A Comparison has been done between the new blocking index and the others blocking index defined by former researchers, which shows that the new blocking index can depicture blocking events better at many aspects than the former ones. By means of the new blocking index, all blocking events are selected from the 42-year long data, a statistic of the strength, occurrence perturbation and the long term variations is done.
    Since the negative index can discover the key area of blocking region, a case study of the persistent negative index pattern process or blocking event has been performed, which studied the flow field and temperature field characters and fluxing properties of the key area and the four directions around area, gives a clear picture of the blocking, and tells the location of the sensitive heat and vorticity sources.
    Besides, a mechanical study of the interactions between the planetary-scale part of blocking flow and the synoptical-scale transient eddies has also done to study the role of the topography forcing induced type blocking in causing the pole-ward deflection of storm-track.
    A diagnose has also been done to discus the different roles played by different interactions between large scale and small scale waves in effecting the life cycle of blocking.
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