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Based on the Dialectical Materialism of Marxism and heritages of previous theories and descriptive methods in the study of verb tenses, the current research adopts an integrated theory-model of various major linguistic theories to investigate systematically the decategorization of English verb tenses. The research has formulated a dynamic viewpoint of tense study, creating a uniform descriptive system of English verb tenses and establishing a stable evaluative framework for the given issue.
     First of all, a dynamic viewpoint of study is formulated in the current research. Actually, like other forms of the language, the verb tense has undergone the process of grammaticalization. The evolution of the tense system is the result of the multi-dimensional transformation of the temporal and spatial qualities of language. The tense is forever a dynamic existence and has been undergoing both absolute and relative changes as language develops.
     The second aspect of the current study is the systematic illustration of the correlation between the form and meaning of English verb tenses. All forms of language are meaningful, and the relationship between the form and meaning of verb tense is objective and is none but in the form of network correlation, with correspondence from various angles. The meaning of the verb tense is not only the sum of those of the separate components of the tense category, but the result of the interrelation of the meanings of the tense markers with various other factors, which may lead to the irregularity in tense construction. These irregular tense constructions are still legitimate, though.
     The third aspect of the current research is the creation of a uniform descriptive system for verb tense study, beginning with the defining of typological and non-typological categories of English verb tenses, with equal emphasis put on the absolute and relative features of the decategorization of English verb tenses. The absolute attribute of the decategorization of English verb tenses manifests itself in the grammaticalization of the tense markers from the perspective of diachronic description. And the relative attribute is manifest in the grounding of tenses in discourse by the discourse schemata in terms of synchronic description.
     The description of the decategorization of English verb tenses covers all layers of language from nonfinite clause, finite clause, clause complex, dynamic discourse, to long narrative discourse, including narrative poems and dramas. The current research involves not only written discourses but also spoken discourses, concerning both the systematic analysis of the semantic motivation of the decategorized verb tenses and the dynamic research in the implicaturs of the decategorized verb tenses in terms of conversational principle. And the study on the conversational implicatures of verb tenses in terms of conversational principle, and the illustration of the temporal schemata of discourse claim frontier theoretical values and high practical significance.
     The fourth aspect of the current study is the establishment of a stable evaluation system. The previous theories and descriptive methodology are haphazard in describing the decategorization of English verb tenses, without any uniform terminology and universal evaluation system. For example, terminology varies exceedingly in describing irregular tense constructions, taking terms such as special uses, non-agreement of tenses, abnormal uses of tenses, etc. Accordingly, standards differ greatly from each other in the definition of tense, and distinction has not been clearly drawn among the differing concepts of basic meaning, conventional inferences and conversational implicatures of verb tenses, as a result of which, inconvenience arises in the research and learning of verb tenses.
     The current study bases itself in the natural temporal and spatial qualities of language, and draws a clear division between typological and non-typological categories of the English verb tenses, from the perspective of the multiple correlations between form and meaning of English verb tenses. The clear definition of basic meaning, conventional inferences and conversational implicatures can help to distinguish the typological and non-typological categories of English verb tenses. And the division between typological and non-typological categories of dynamic discourses establishes a uniform standard for the study of the temporal schemata of narrative discourse.
     The fifth contribution of the current dissertation lies in the hypothesis of interaction between verb tenses. The decategorization of situation type is also the result of grounding, which takes place in the interrelation between situation time and time adverbials, between the temporal attributes of finite and nonfinite clauses, and between the temporal qualities of clauses, between situation time and context, and between the situation time and arguments.
     The sixth aspect of the current study is the perfection of the perspective shift hypothesis. The integrating function of grounding, which may lead to the decategorization of verb tenses, also lies in the shift of perspective. As a matter of fact, the use of language in communication is a process of experiential construal, which may possibly expand across the temporal and spatial boundaries, and language users may constantly shift the temporal perspective and temporal focus according to their communicative intention. The shift of temporal perspective is basically in the shift and hypothetical re-establishment of time domain. The shift of perspective can help to express even more subjective and modal meanings.
     The hypothesis of perspective shift is used throughout the whole dissertation, covering all levels of clause, clause complex, dynamic discourse, and log narrative discourse. And furthermore the dissertation carries out a classification of perspective shifts in discourse schemata and does a systematical analysis in the cognitive motivation, conversational implicatures, and discourse functions of perspective shift as well. The study is among the most comprehensive of the like.
     The seventh aspect of the current research is the systematic explanation of ever puzzling problems of verb grammar, such as the controversy in the future tense in English, the present perfect, the vagueness of time adverbials which may cause difficulties in tense choice, the default tense in many settled constructions, the imperfectiveness of the progressive aspect, the controversy in subjunctive mood and the remoteness of tenses. The analysis is based on a uniform method and a universal standard of high feasibility.
     In addition, a dynamic model is established to describe the decategorization of English verb tenses.
     The theoretical system of the current dissertation claims great innovation and pedagogical significance. The theory is of great explanatory power in the sense that it makes it possible to analyze a great number of ever puzzling problems. The theory is also quite inclusive, covering all the deviations of verb tenses and meanings. The theory is adaptable to various major linguistic theories. And the theory is tortuous enough to offer theoretical analysis to various verb tense problems.
     The dissertation is directly depending on the following theories and hypotheses:Semantics of Verbs, Grammaticalization, Categorization and Decategorization of Language, Constructional Grammar, Grounding Hypothesis, Pragmatics, Functional and Systemic Grammar, and Narratology.
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    ① Macoard, Robert. The English Perfect:Tense-choice and Pragmatic Inferences [M]. Amsterdam/New York: 1978:163.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid:103..
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    ⑥ Macoard, Robert. The English Perfect:Tense-choice and Pragmatic Inferences [M]. Amsterdam/New York: 1978:200.
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    ② Ibid:391.
    ③ Ibid.
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    ⑤ 奥托·叶斯柏森,《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译。北京:商务印书馆,2010:393。
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    ② Ibid:399.
    ① 转引自何伟,英语小句复合体中时态关系之系统功能语法研究[D],中山大学博士论文,2003:23。
    ① Declerk, Renat. Tense in English—Its Structure and Use in Discourse [M]. Routledge, London,1991:63.
    ② Hornstein, Norbert.. As Time Goes by:Tense and Universal Grammar [M]. London:Massachusetts Institute of Technology.1990:11.
    ③ Comrie, Bernard. Tense [M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1985:6.
    ① Micahel, Ian; English Grammatical Categories [M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1974.
    ② Halliday, M. A. K., Hasan, Ruquaiya. Cohesion in Enlgish.《英语的衔接》[M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001:187。
    ③ Ibid:186.
    ① Halliday, M. A. K., Hasan, Ruquaiya. Cohesion in Enlgish.《英语的衔接》[M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001:187:187
    ② 引自G. W. Bush:"You can be President of th United States",2001.载《新编综合英语》,第四册,刘东虹等人主编,武汉:华中师范大学出版社,2012。
    ③ Halliday, M. A. K., Mathiessen, Christian, M.I.M. Construing Experience through Meaning —A Language-Based Approach to Cognition.《通过意义识解经验》[M].北京/上海/广州:世界图书出版公司,2008。
    ① Comrie所说的相对时态相当于Halliday的次要时态,而绝对时态相当于Halliday的主要时态。
    ② Comrie, Bernard. Tense [M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1985:22.
    ③ Ibid.
    ① 奥托·叶斯柏森,《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译。北京:商务印书馆,2010:389。
    ② 关于这个问题我们在1.1.6中已经论述过。
    ③ 我们用小方块表示零点时间因为任何所谓的时刻都会延续一段时间,不会少于几秒。Comrie(1985)也持类似观点。
    ① 详见第一章。
    ② Taylor, J. R. Cognitive Grammar.《认知语法》[M],北京/广州/上海/西安:世界图书出版公司,2013:392。
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:34.
    ② 章振邦,《新编英语语法教程》,学生用书[M],第五版。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009:126。
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:337.
    ② Comrie, Bernard. Tense [M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1985:46.
    ③ Ibid:44.
    ④ Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:337.
    ⑤ Millward, C.M. A Biography of the English Language[M].2nd Ed. Orlando:Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.1996: 185.
    ⑥ 转引自Hopper, Paul J, Traugott, E, Closs. Grammticalization《语法化》[M].2nd Ed.北京:北京大学出版社2005:97。
    ① Hopper,Paul J,Traugott,E,Closs.Grammticalization.《语法化》[M].2nd Ed.北京:北京大学出版社,2005:97。
    ② Declerk,Rennat.The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase.Volume 1.The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis[M].Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:337.
    ③ 英语的形容词后缀-ish表示“带有什么色彩的”,“略显……”的意思。本文译为“准将来时”,是一种近似义。
    ④ Declerk,Rennat.The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase.Volume 1.The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:338.
    ① Millward, C.M. A Biography of the English Language[M].2nd Ed. Orlando:Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.1996: 185.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:342.
    ① Depraetere, Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar—A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012:183.
    ② Millward, C.M. A Biography of the English Language [M].2nd Ed. Orlando:Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.1996: 322.
    ① 关于这个问题的详细讨论参见第四章。
    ① Master, Peter. Systems in English Grammar—An Introduction for English Teachers[M]. New Jersey:Prentice Hall Regents.1996:68.
    ② Depraetere, Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar—A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012:188.
    ③ Ibid:145.
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ⑥ Depraetere, Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar—A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012:151.
    ① Depraetere, Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar—A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012:177.
    ② Ibid:187
    ① 石毓智,《语法的概念基础》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,2006:45。
    ② 罗曼·雅柯布森,《雅柯布森文集》[M],钱军选编和译注,北京:商务印书馆,2012:228。
    ① 很难用汉语确切表达这些术语的含义,本文此处所使用的是近义词。
    ② 转引自周睿丰,情景的时间研究[D],华中师范大学博士论文,2011:18。
    ③ 转引自Zhou, Minglang. A Study of Temporal Relations in Natural Languages with Special Reference to English and Chinese [D]. Ph.D Dissertation of Michigan State University.1993:6.
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume I. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:113-114.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ 周睿丰,情景的时间研究[D],华中师范大学博士论文,2011:20。
    ④ Taylor, J. R. Cognitive Grammar.《认知语法》[M],北京/广州/上海/西安:世界图书出版公司,2013:400。
    ⑤ 章振邦,《新编英语语法教程》,学生用书[M],第五版。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009:226。
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:110.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ 因为有时候情景的参照时间是语境暗示的,所以会出现n=0的现象。
    ④ Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:113.
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:123.
    ② Ibid.
    ① 奥托·叶斯柏森,《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译,北京:商务印书馆,2010:437。
    ① 陈佑林,何举纯,《普通语言学概论》[M],武汉:华中师范大学出版社,2011:86。
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Master, Peter. Systems in English Grammar—An Introduction for English Teachers [M]. New Jersey:Prentice Hall Regents.1996:343.
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ 奥托·叶斯柏森,“语法哲学”[M],何勇等译,北京:商务印书馆,2010:437。
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ⑥ Ibid
    ⑦ Ibid.
    ① Master, Peter. Systems in English Grammar—An Introduction for English Teachers [M]. New Jersey:Prentice Hall Regents.1996:350.
    ② Ibid:357.
    ③ Ibid:352.
    ④ Ibid:353.
    ⑤ Ibid:359.
    ⑥ 章振邦,《新编英语语法教程》,学生用书[M],第五版。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009:255。
    ① n≥1表示有时候可能会又有不止一个从句情景。
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:206.
    ② Ibid
    ③ Ibid.
    ① Hu, Jazhen Temporal Interpretation in English[D]. Ph.D Dissertation of the University of Arizona.1988:166.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid:167.
    ① Hu,Jazhen Tempooral Interpation in English[D].Ph.D Dissertation of the University of Arizona.1988:165.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid
    ① Hu, Jazhen Temporal Interpretation in English[D]. Ph.D Dissertation of the University of Arizona.1988:165.
    ② Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:389.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid.
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume I. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:389.
    ② Ibid:444.
    ③ Ibid:498.
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ Ibid:488.
    ① Leech, Geoffrey N, Short, Michael H. Style in Fiction-A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose [M]. London and New York:Longman.1983:342.
    ② Ibid
    ① Declerk, Renat. Tense in English—Its Structure and Use in Discourse [M]. Routledge, London,1991:194.
    ② Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:196.
    ③ Ibid.
    ① Declerk, Renat Tense in English—Its Structure and Use in Discourse [M]. Routledge, London,1991:221.
    ② Ibid:193.
    ① 中文术语参考过易仲良,1999:58。
    ① Zhou, Minglang. A Study of Temporal Relations in Natural Languages with Special Reference to English and Chinese [D]. Ph.D Dissertation of Michigan State University.1993:86.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:137.
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis[M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:142.
    ② Ibid:117.
    ③ Ibid.
    ① Klein, Wolfgang. How time is encoded [A]. In Wolfgang Klein, Ping Li (eds), The Expression of Time [C], Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruyter.2009:51.
    ② Depraetere,Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar—A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012:156-157.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid:157.
    ① 参考过Macoard,Macoard,Robert.The English Perfect:Tense-choice and Pragmatic Inferences[M]. Amsterdam/New York:North-Holland Publishing House.1978:135.有改动.
    ① Macoard, Robert. The English Perfect:Tense-choice and Pragmatic Inferences [M]. Amsterdam/New York: North-Holland Publishing House.1978:175.
    ② Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:142.
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:661.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Hu, Jazhen Temporal Interpretation in English[D]. Ph.D Dissertation of the University of Arizona.1988:155.
    ④ Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:180.
    ① 和历史性现在时有区别,这里不涉及视角转移,只是凸显现联性。
    ② Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:296.
    ③ Batstone, Rob. Grammar [M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press 1994:19.
    ① Widdowson, H.G. Practical Stylistics.《实用文体学》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999:3。
    ② Ibid:4
    ③ Ibid:19
    ① Binick, Robert I. Time and Aspect. [M]. New York/Oxford:Oxford University Press.1991:388.
    ① Depraetere, Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar—A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012:141.
    ② Smith, Carlota. S. The Parameter of Aspect [M]. Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers.1991:93.
    ① 参见3.1.
    ② 转引自Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M]. Cambridge University Press,1988:47.
    ③ Taylor, J. R. Cognitive Grammar,《认知语法》[M],北京/广州/上海/西安:世界图书出版公司,2013:419.
    ① Taylor,J.R.Cognitive Grammar.《认知语法》[M],北京/广州/上海/西安:世界图书出版公司,2013:392。
    ② Brinton, Laurel J.The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M].Cambridge University Press,1988:41.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid.
    ① Lillian Hellman, The Little Foxes,载秦小孟主编,《当代美国文学》,下册[M],上海,上海译文出版社,1986:292.
    ② Halliday, M. A. K., Mathiessen, Christian, M.I.M. Construing Experience through Meaning —A Language-Based Approach to Cognition.《通过意义识解经验》[M].北京/上海/广州:世界图书出版公司,2008:471。
    ① Depraetere, Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar—A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012:145-146.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ⑦ Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M]. Cambridge University Press,1988:86.
    ⑧ 章振邦,《新编英语语法教程》,学生用书[M],第五版。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009: 421.
    ① Lillian Hellman,The Little Faxes,载秦小孟主编,《当代美国文学》,下册[M],上海,上海译文出版社,1986:279.
    ① Macoard, Robert The English Perfect:Tense-choice and Pragmatic Inferences [M]. Amsterdam/New York: North-Holland Publishing House.1978:178.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M]. Cambridge University Press,1988:61.
    ④ 转引自Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M]. Cambridge University Press,1988: 69.
    ⑤ Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M]. Cambridge University Press,1988:71.
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ① Allan, Keith. The semantics of the perfect progressive in English[A]. In Luna Filipovic, Kaisia [3] M. Jaszczolt (Eds). Space and time in languages and cultures:linguistic diversity [C]. Amsterdam:John Benjamins B.V., 2012.
    ② Ibid.
    ① 章振邦,《新编英语语法教程》,学生用书[M],第五版。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009:319.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Halliday, M. A. K., Mathiessen, Christian, M.I.M. Construing Experience through Meaning —A Language-Based Approach to Cognition《通过意义识解经验》[M].北京/上海/广州:世界图书出版公司,2008:473。
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M]. Cambridge University Press,1988:75.
    ① 转引自Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M]. Cambridge University Press, 1988:71.
    ② 奥托·叶斯柏森,《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译,北京:商务印书馆,2010:432。
    ① Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems [M]. Cambridge University Press,1988:102.
    ② Hopper, Paul J, Traugott, E, Closs. Grammticalization.《语法化》[M].2nd Ed.北京:北京大学出版社,2005:94。
    ③ Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M]. Cambridge University Press,1988:100.
    ④ Brinton, Laurel J. The Development of English Aspectual Systems[M]. Cambridge University Press,1988:100.
    ① Smith, Carlota. S. The Parameter of Aspect [M]. Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers.1991:216.
    ② 奥托·叶斯柏森,《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译,北京:商务印书馆,2010:412。
    ③ 详见本文的6.1.
    ④ 周睿丰,情景的时间研究[D],华中师范大学博士论文,2011:65。
    ① 周睿丰,情景的时间研究[D],华中师范大学博士论文,2011:65。
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid..
    ⑤ Taylor, J. R. Cognitive Grammar.《认知语法”[M],北京/广州/上海/西安:世界图书出版公司,2013:400
    ⑥ Ibid:399.
    ① Allan, Keith. The semantics of the perfect progress in English[A]. In Luna Fillipovic, Kasia M. Jaszczolt (eds), Space and Time in Language and Cultures:Linguistic Diversity [C]. Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing BV.2011.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Millward, C.M. A Biography of the English Language [M].2nd Ed. Orlando:Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1996:184.
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ⑥ Allan, Keith. The semantics of the perfect progress in English [A].In Luna Fillipovic, Kasia M. Jaszczolt (eds), Space and Time in Language and Cultures:Linguistic Diversity [C]. Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing BV.2012.
    ⑦ 叶斯柏森,奥托,《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译。北京:商务印书馆,2010:478.
    ① Taylor, J. R. Cognitive Grammar,《认知语法》[M],北京/广州/上海/西安:世界图书出版公司,2013:403
    ② Allan, Keith. The semantics of the perfect progress in English[A]. In Luna Fillipovic, Kasia M. Jaszczolt (eds), Space and Time in Language and Cultures:Linguistic Diversity [C]. Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing BV.2012.
    ③ Ibid
    ④ Ibid
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ① Depraetere, Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar—A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012.
    ② Allan, Keith. The semantics of the perfect progress in English[A]. In Luna Fillipovic, Kasia M. Jaszczolt (eds), Space and Time in Language and Cultures:Linguistic Diversity [C]. Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing BV.2012.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Allan, Keith. The semantics of the perfect progress in English [A]. In Luna Fillipovic, Kasia M. Jaszczolt (eds), Space and Time in Language and Cultures:Linguistic Diversity [C]. Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing BV. Ibid.2012.
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ⑥ Allan, Keith. The semantics of the perfect progress in English [A]. In Luna Fillipovic, Kasia M. Jaszczolt (eds), Space and Time in Language and Cultures:Linguistic Diversity [C]. Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing BV. Ibid.2012.
    ① Declerk, Rennat The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:285.
    ② 参见Declerk, Rennat The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:217.原文为英文。有改动。
    ① 参见Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:217原文为英文。有改动。253.
    ② Ibid:223-224.
    ③ Hu, Jazhen Temporal Interpretation in English [D]. Ph. D Dissertation of the University of Arizona.1988:165,166, 162.
    ④ Ibid:163.
    ① 参见第三章。
    ② Macoard, Robert. The English Perfect:Tense-choice and Pragmatic Inferences [M]. Amsterdam/New York: North-Holland Publishing House.1978:54.
    ① Declerk, Rennat The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:264.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ⑥ Palmer, F. R.1986. Mood and Modality,《语气和情态》[M].北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司/剑桥大学出版社,2007:1。
    ⑦ 首位字母小写的realis vs. irreais表示子范畴
    ① Palmer, F. R.1986. Mood and Modality,《语气和情态》[M].北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司/剑桥大学出版社,2007:7。
    ② 转引自周睿丰,情景的时间研究[D],华中师范大学博士论文,2011:68。
    ③ Taylor, J. R. Cognitive Grammar.《认知语法》[M],北京/广州/上海/西安:世界图书出版公司,2013:406。
    ① 虽然语气也会改变情景时间,为了不破坏论文的整体性,我们没有在在第三章分述,而是在本章一起论述。
    ① Palmer, F. R.1986. Mood and Modality,《语气和情态》[M].北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司/剑桥大学出版社,2007:201。
    ② Ibid.:13
    ③ Declerk, Rennat. The Definition of Modality[A]. In Adeline Patard, Frank Bristard (Eds), Cognitive Approaches to Tense, Aspect, and Epistemic Modality[C].Amsterdam/Philadelphia:John Benjamins Publishing Company.2011.
    ① Batstone, Rob. Grammar [M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press 1994:16.
    ② Ibid:17.
    ③ 本文引用的关于叶斯柏森的文献是中译本《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译,北京:商务印书馆,2010。下同。
    ① 转引自熊学亮,《语言使用中的推理》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,2007:24。
    ① 转引自熊学亮,《语言使用中的推理》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,2007·31
    ② Sperber, Dan, Wilson, Deirdre. Relevance:Communication and Cognition.《关联性:交际与认知》[M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社/Blackwell Publishers Ltd.2001.
    ③ 廖美珍,目的原则与法庭互动话语合作问题研究[M],《外语学刊》,2004年第5期。
    ④ 转引自Thomas, Jenny. Meaning in Introduction:An Introduction to Pragmatics [M]. London and New York: Longman.1995:18.
    ⑤ Levinson, Stephen C. Pragmatics[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001:99。
    ① Lyons, John. Linguistic Semantics:An introduction《语义学引论》[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社/剑桥大学出版社,2000:275。
    ② 熊学亮,《语言使用中的推理》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,2007:24。
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ 转引自Levinson, Stephen C. Pragmatics [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001:116。
    ① Thomas, Jenny. Meaning in Introduction:An Introduction to Pragmatics [M]. London and New York: Longman.1995:79.
    ② Comrie, Bernard. Tense [M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1985:24.
    ① Comrie, Bernard. Tense [M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1985:38.
    ① 转引自Comrie, Bernard. Tense [M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1985:41-42
    ② 徐义云,英语时态的情态意义[J],《安阳师范学院学报》,2011第1期。
    ③ Ibid.
    ① 叶斯柏森,奥托·,《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译。北京:商务印书馆,2010:453-454。
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Ibid.
    ① Macoard, Robert. The English Perfect:Tense-choice and Pragmatic Inferences [M]. Amsterdam/New York: North-Holland Publishing House.1978:57.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid:59.
    ① Lepper, Georgia. Categories in Ttext and Talk [M]. London/Thousand Oaks/New Dehli:SAGE Publications. 2000:23.
    ① Lepper, Georgia Categories in Ttext and Talk [M]. London/Thousand Oaks/New Dehli:SAGE Publications. 2000:25.
    ① Thomas, Jenny. Meaning in Introduction:An Introduction to Pragmatics [M]. London and New York: Longman.1995:83.
    ① Brazil, David. A Grammar of Speech [M]. Oxford:Oxford Press.1995:83.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Klein, Wolfgang. How time is encoded[A]. In Wolfgang Klein, Ping Li (Eds), The Expression of Time [C], Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruyter.2009:51.
    ④ Chardonnay,霞多丽,也译作莎当妮,原产自法国勃艮第(Bourgogne)的一种很受欢迎的白葡萄酒。
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume I. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:586.
    ② Ibid.
    ① Hellman, The Little Foxes。载秦小孟主编,《当代美国文学》下册,上海:上海译文出版社,1986:277。
    ② 转引自Declerk, Renat. Tense in English—Its Structure and Use in Discourse [M]. Routledge, London,1991:209.
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:581.
    ① Kranich, Svenjia. The Progressive in Modern English [M]. Armsteidam:Rodopi, B. V.2010:61.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid:65
    ① Kranich, Svenjia. The Progressive in Modern English [M]. Armsterdam:Rodopi, B. V.2010:217-218.
    ② Stubbs, Michael. Discourse Analysis—The Sociolinguistic Analysis of Natural Language [M]. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.1983:106.
    ① 符号[]表示话语重叠。
    ② Lepper, Georgia Categories in Ttext and Talk[M]. London/Thousand Oaks/New Dehli:SAGE Publications.2000: 70.
    ① Depraetere, Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar—A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012:169.
    ① Depraetere, Ilse, Langford, Chad. Advanced English Grammar-A Linguistic Approach. [M].London/New York: Continuun International Publishing Group.2012:169..
    ① Brazil, David. A Grammar of Speech [M]. Oxford:Oxford Press.1995.
    ② Leech, Geoffrey N, Short, Michael H. Style in Fiction-A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose [M]. London and New York:Longman.1983.
    ① Milroy, Lesley. Scociolinguistics and second language learning [A]. In Gillian Brown, Kirsten Malmkjaer, Alastair Pollitt, John Williams (eds). Language and Understanding,《语言与理解》[C].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1995。
    ② 奥托·叶斯柏森,《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译。北京:商务印书馆,2010:18.
    ③ 原文如此,疑为he的古体。
    ④ 转引自奥托·叶斯柏森,《语法哲学》[M],何勇等译。北京:商务印书馆,2010:18.
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ⑤ 章振邦,《新编英语语法教程》,学生用书[M],第五版。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009:23
    ① 章振邦,《新编英语语法教程》,学生用书[M],第五版。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009:147.
    ② Leech, Geoffrey, Svartvik, Jan. A Communicative Grammar of English [M].2nd Ed. London and New York: Longman,994:17.
    ① 百度百科。
    ① Milroy, Lesley. Scociolinguistics and second language learning [A]. In Gillian Brown, Kirsten Malmkjaer, Alastair Pollitt, John Williams (eds). Language and Understanding,《语言与理解》[c].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1995.
    ② Ibid.
    ① Halliday, M. A. K., Hasan, Ruquaiya. Cohesion in Enlgish.《英语的衔接》[M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001:1-2.
    ② Ibid:26.
    ③ Lepper, Georgia Categories in Ttext and Talk [M]. London/Thousand Oaks/New Dehli:SAGE Publications.2000: 99.
    ① Cook, Guy. Discourse and Literature.《语言与文学》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,1994:27。
    ② Application Study Bible, New International Version, John:85. Wheaton, Illinois:Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 1991:1895.
    ① 引自百度百科。
    ② Short, Michael. Understanding texts:point of view [A]. In Gillian Brown, Kirsten MalmkjBaer, Alastair Pollitt, John Williams (eds). Language and Understanding,《语言与理解》[C].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1995。
    ③ 参考Short:1995绘制,有改动。
    ④ Ibid
    ① 参考Short:1995绘制,有改动。
    ② 何伟,《功能时态理论研究》[M],外语教学与研究出版社,北京:2010:179。
    ① Klein, Wolfgang. How time is encoded [A]. In Wolfgang Klein, Ping Li (eds), The Expression of Time [C], Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruyter.2009:51.
    ① Declerk, Rennat. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase. Volume 1. The Grammar of the English Tense System-A Comprehensive Analysis [M]. Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruvter,2006:130.
    ② Klein, Wolfgang. How time is encoded [A]. In Wolfgang Klein, Ping Li (eds), The Expression of Time [C], Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruyter.2009.
    ③ Taylor, J. R. Cognitive Grammar.《认知语法》[M],北京/广州/上海/西安:世界图书出版公司,2013:395.
    ① 引自英语学习网。
    ② Klein, Wolfgang. How time is encoded [A]. In Wolfgang Klein, Ping Li (eds), The Expression of Time [C], Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruyter.2009:51.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Montrachet,罗德曼-康帝,法国产世界顶级葡萄酒,每年限产6000瓶。
    ① Klein, Wolfgang. How time is encoded [A]. In Wolfgang Klein, Ping Li (eds), The Expression of Time [C], Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruyter.2009.
    ② "Die Wahlverwandschaften",歌德作品,中译《亲和力》,发表于1809。
    ③ Klein, Wolfgang. How time is encoded [A]. In Wolfgang Klein, Ping Li (eds), The Expression of Time [C], Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruyter.2009.
    ④ Ibid.
    ① Klein, Wolfgang. How time is encoded [A]. In Wolfgang Klein, Ping Li (eds), The Expression of Time [C], Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruyter.2009.
    ② 引自英语学习网。
    ① 选自Great People of Our Time,载“大学英语-泛读》,Book 4,学生用书,主编张研秋上海:上海外语教育出版社,2006:27。
    ② Thomas, Jenny. Meaning in Introduction:An Introduction to Pragmatics [M]. London and New York: Longman.1995:75.
    ① Lepper, Georgia. Categories in Ttext and Talk [M]. London/Thousand Oaks/New Dehli:SAGE Publications.2000: 72.
    ② 李战子,《话语的人际意义》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002:181。
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ 读者阅读的自传体语篇当然是书面的。当然不排除谈话中会夹杂一些自传内容。
    ① 张研秋主编,《大学英语泛读》,第三册,学生用书[M],总主编董亚芬,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2006:103。
    ① 李战子,《话语的人际意义》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002:186。
    ② Leech, Geoffrey N, Short, Michael H. Style in Fiction-A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose [M]. London and New York:Longman.1983:322.
    ③ Ibid:343.
    ① 由于篇幅限制本文不便用长篇小说来做语料分析,仅选取名著片段来说明问题。
    ② Leech, Geoffrey N, Short, Michael H. Style in Fiction-A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose [M]. London and New York:Longman.1983:347.
    ① 引自百度文库。
    ① Widdowson, H.G. Practical Stylistics.《实用文体学》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999:39.
    ② Ibid:41.
    ③ 转引Widdowson, H.G. Practical Stylistics.《实用文体学》[M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999:40-41.
    ① 倪赫男,陈丛梅,英语语篇时态不一致现象分析[J],《绵阳师范学院学报》,2007年第6期。
    ② 参考Short:1995绘制,有改动。
    ① 戏剧人物对白也是地道的的动态语料,可以用来证明动词时态的相对非范畴化,详见6.3.2。
    ② 选自Lillian Hellman, The Little Foxes,载秦小孟主编,《当代美国文学》[M],下册,上海:上海译文出版社,1983:265。有删减。
    ① 选自Lillian Hellman, The Little Foxes,载秦小孟主编,《当代美国文学》[M],下册,上海:上海译文出版社,1983:273。
    ② 从这方面我们可以领略到美国剧作家海尔曼敏锐的文笔和精确的语言表达。
    ① 此处指美国内战(American Civil War),1861-1865.
    ② 选自Lillian Hellman, The Little Foxes,载秦小孟主编,《当代美国文学》[M],下册,上海:上海译文出版社,1983:265。
    ① 选自Lillian Hellman, The Little Foxes,载秦小孟主编,《当代美国文学》[M],下册,上海:上海译文出版社,1983:292.
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    ① 转引自百度文库。
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