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Time synchronization between satellite and the ground station is an important part of the navigation and positioning system. In the satellite navigation and positioning, the position coordinates of the users in the space reference frame are obtained by measuring the transmission time between satellite and users. Therefore, it is fine or not of the time synchronization between satellite and the ground station will impact the positioning accuracy directly. The precision and reliability of the time synchronization between satellite and the ground station cause a great effect to the positioning accuracy and performance of the navigation system.
     For the precise time synchronization between satellite and the ground station, proper approach must be chosen to reduce the effects to synchronization precision of ephemeris error, ionosphere error, troposphere error, Duopule effects error and time delay error of devices. Currently, some revision methods for these errors have been developed all over the world, but most are superficial. Especially domestic technology at this aspect drops behind the foreign. And there is not any analysis or argumentation of the simulation results, so further study is needed.
     In recent years, our country is constructing the second generation satellite navigation system. Therefore, the research on time synchronization technology between satellite and the ground station become exigent and pivotal. This thesis is just to the need of the developing of our country’s satellite navigation system, and the research on the time synchronization technology of navigation satellite is developed.
     This thesis is brought forward by one research institute with the demand that we analyze and demonstrate the scheme on the time synchronization between navigation satellite and the ground station, and especially analyze the revision model to the errors above. In the end, we design schemes about the one-way and two-way time synchronization technology between satellite and the ground station. The research fruit and simulation results make great sense to the research in this field inside and outside our country.
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