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由于昆虫具翅,可以扩展到几百米或几千米的高空。许多农业害虫都被发现是风载的而且在繁殖地或越冬地外几百公里暴发。为了更好地理解空中昆虫群落的结构及其如何与近地昆虫群落相互作用的,尤其是风载迁飞的效应,2002年在渤海海峡中间的长岛县一小岛(38 23.200’N,120 54.500’E)上使用探照灯诱虫器进行了观测;2001和2002年我们使用数字昆虫雷达和姊妹灯(同时使用的探照灯诱虫器和地面灯诱虫器)在北京附近的廊坊(39°30′42″N,116°36′07″E,28m asl)进行了观测。
     本研究初步阐明了我国华北地区空中昆虫群落结构,首次使用我国自行研制的扫描昆虫雷达的数字化数据采集及分析系统,及价廉、高效的姊妹灯诱虫法对华北地区甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua、草地螟Loxostege sticticalis和棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera的迁飞进行了长期系统地观测,得到了甜菜夜蛾在我国北方迁飞的直接证据,三种害虫迁飞行为的若干参数,认识了昆虫迁飞行为与风温场的关系,丰富了昆虫迁飞理论,为我国害虫的治理提供了科学依据。
     在长岛县的小岛上诱到的昆虫种群只有少数几种是当地繁殖的,大多数是由风从大陆携带而来。甜菜夜蛾,东方粘虫Pseudaletia(=Mythimna)separata,棉铃虫和小地老虎Agrotis ipsilon是迁入岛上的主要种类,但由于没有作物它们随即又迁出。龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica&异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis,步甲Pseudoophonus griseus和草蛉是伴随害虫迁飞的主要天敌。发现其它一些昆虫也具迁飞性,有可能形成显著的迁飞。性比(雌:雄)随日期和时间的变化表明甜菜夜蛾、东方粘虫、棉铃虫和小地老虎的雌虫比雄虫有更强的迁飞能力。
    中国农业科学院博士学位论文 摘要
     200和 2002年观测到 6代棉铃虫的高空风载迁飞和短距离扩散。200年春观测
    高峰,这几个密度高峰甚至高于第一个起飞高峰。棉铃虫一般在 1500 m以下迁飞,
    成层常出现在300、500或1000 m高度,并且多层现象也经常出现。春季昆虫趋于
Insects can spread up to hundreds or thousands of meters above ground due to the power of wings. Many agricultural insect pests were found wind-borne and outbreaks were recorded in regions hundreds or thousands of kilometers away from where these insects bred or overwintered. For better understanding the structure of insect community aloft and how it interacted with the insect community near the ground, especially the effects of the wind-borne migration, observations were conducted with a searchlight trap on an island (38 23.200' N, 120 54.500' E) in Changdao, at the center of Baohai channel, in 2002, and with a digital entomological radar and a twin light-trap (simultaneously operated searchlight trap and ground light-trap) at a site in Langfang (39 30'42" N, 116 36'07" E, 28 m asl) , in the vicinity of Beijing, in 2001 and 2002.
    The present study described the structure of insect community aloft in northern China. It was the first trial to employ the newly equipped migration data acquisition and analysis system for the scanning entomological radar and, a twin light-trap developed in China for, systematic long-term observations of migration of the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua, beet webworm Loxostege sticticalis and cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera in northern China The study provided direct evidence for the migration of 5". exigua in China, many parameters of migratory behaviour of the three species of insects, a better understanding of the relationship between migratory behaviour and wind or temperature field. The results enriched the theory of migration and provided new scientific knowledge for pest management in China.
    The majority of insect populations trapped on the island were brought from the mainland by winds with several species locally bred. The beet armyworm S. exigua, oriental armyworm Pseudaletia (=Mythimna) separata, cotton bollworm H. armigera and black cutworm Agrotis ipsilon were dominant pest species immigrated into the island, however they emigrated without finding crops. Ladybird Propylaeajaponica & Harmonia axyridis, ground beetle Pseudoophonus griseus and ant lion Chrysopidae were dominant natural enemies migrating with insect pests. Many other species of insect were found to be wind-borne migrants and might produce significant migration. The variation of sex ratio (female to male) with day and time suggested the female moth more powerful in migrating than male S. exigua, P. separata, H. armigera and A. ipsilon.
    The searchlight trap was found to be an efficient tool for trapping migrants and, operated alongside a ground light-trap, could distinguish migrant from locally-flying species. The ground based light-trap caught large numbers of L. sticticalis on the next evening, after an immigration event, so priority of catching peaks in searchlight trap to ground based light-trap was a good indication of migration.
    It was confirmed that S. exigua and some other species were high-altitude nocturnal wind-borne migrants in September and October in northern China. Maximum density of moths typically occurred below 500 m, and strong layers were often observed at about 200 m above ground level in airflows which would carry the moths towards the south. Spodoptera exigua descent in the vicinity of the radar site in later September was often associated with rain.
    The long distance high-altitude wind-borne migration of the beet webworm moths L. sticticalis and short distance dispersal were observed in 2001 and 2002. Catches in both light traps suggested there were five flight periods during our study. Ovary development stage of females in catches and radar observation indicated that L. sticticalis migrated to northeast in early June, to southwest in August and September, and locally-bred moths dispersed over shorter distances in July and August. Collective orientation by the moths was often present in the spring and autumn migration, and the direction of orientation was towards the northeast in spring but to the southwest in autumn.Multi-level layering of migrants was seen every
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