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This thesis puts forword two ideas: the learning object and division & reconstruction, which will certainly get popular in the domain of the construction of resource storehouse. It will serve as the starting point and innovation in the research of the cultivation of information technology curriculum resources.
     The learning object is a digitized teaching component which can be reused. As object-oriented computer science extending into educational technique domain, it has extremely high practical value and broad application prospect.
     The strategy of division & reconstruction is originally a method of systematic design, and actually a fundamental rule for inquiry study. In the research of this subject, we’ll use division and reconstruction strategy to explain the study stratey based on the curriculum resource storehouse. Instructed by the theory of the learning object, we’ll construct a resource storehouse of the information technology curriculum adapting to division and reconstruction strategy.
     This paper takes the experimental teaching material of compulsory education about Information Technology in Hunan Province as the basic content platform. It systematically studies the design of the information technology curriculum of nine-year compulsory education during the stage from Grade 5 to 8. The research based on the design and cultivation of curriculum resources can help elaborate its theory basis, construction model and technical realization. It also provides one kind of brand-new mentality for the curriculum resource design and its cultivation: Applying the concept of integrable ware, we design the resource storehouse of information based on the theory of study object, therefore making it become a supporting platform for planning and organizing teaching activities through appropriately organized construction. This can also provide students with an environment for independent study and cooperative learning. This storehouse is designed with the idea of study object and reconstruction strategy throughout. The system uses modulation which is composed of a series of different but related modules, among which a system is set up through the feedback and interactive method. Meanwhile it establishes the inner link of different types of resources and forms the intrinsic knowledge network of resources. Users can use various modules and analyze and reconstruct these modules to their own needs.
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