ISO 22000在水产品加工企业中的应用
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     根据ISO 22000国际标准和我国水产品相关法律法规,结合厦门市同安源水水产有限公司的实际情况,建立了一套较为科学的、完整的、适用于规模化生产的食品安全管理体系。根据冻罗非片生产的实际情况,绘制了生产工艺流程图。通过危害识别、风险评估和危害分析,确定了三个关键控制点(CCP):鲜验收、消毒杀菌、金属探测,同时还确定了每个关键控制点的关键限值(CL)和控制措施组合,建立了HACCP计划和操作性前提方案(OPRP)。通过HACCP计划和操作性前提方案的有效结合,将冻罗非片的显著食品安全危害消除、预防或降低到可接受水平。
     本论文研究结果将为水产品加工企业建立和实施ISO 22000体系提供参考。
In the thesis, an aquatic product enterprise integrated management system model, which uses PDCA principle and process method, was established.It is based on the investigation of aquatic enterprise management system.
     According to the IS022000 standard and the relative laws and regulation with regard to the aquatic food industry, this thesis founds scientific and intact food safety management systems, combined a great deal literature with the actual production practice of Xiamen Tongan Yuanshui Aquatic Products Co., LTD.Meanwhile this food safety management system was suitable for the large-scale production.On the basis of the actual condition of manufacturing, the products process flow diagram was made. Based on the process flow diagram, the CCPs were determined through information obtained from hazard identification, risk assessment and hazard analysis.Checking and accepting fresh fish, disinfecting and metal detecting were identified as critieal control points (CCPs). Critical limits (CL) and corresponding control measures were established. Operational prerequisite programme (OPRP) and HACCP plan were established. HACCP plan and OPRP were capable of preventing, reducing or eliminating these food safety hazards to defined acceptable levels.
     Through testing, the microbial pollution situation of workshop and food contact surfaces at the quick frozen tilapia fillets line showed that the production environment of quick frozen tilapia fillets was under the good control and OPRP was effective. The authority certification, that audited by government or certification authority,proved that the establishment of food safety management system is scientific, standardized and effective.
     The research results would provide reference for aquatic product processing enterprise to establish and implement the ISO 22000 system.
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