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Knowledge is critical resource to keep enterprise's competition.Knowledge resources is not only focus of scholar'concern,but also focus of enterprise's competition.lt is critical to improve the core enterprise's competition.The key to develop for company is persisting knowledge resources acquiring.On the other hand,with economic globalization and the rapid development of networking,there are great changes in existence manner of enterprise. Enterprise network developed rapidly.Enterprise embedded in the social network can get correct information immedetely.it can support knowledge, information and complementary resources.Under the social network environment,it is impossible to manage knowledge singlely for any enterprise or organization,because enterprise is openly itself. The social network become important way to get knowledge and information.The performance of knowledge resources acquiring is depending on the high level of coordination mechanism which can be used to obtaining knowledge resources.The enterprise can get success in the fierce competition.Referenced the former researchers's contribution, this research utilizes network relationship theory, knowledge management theory, organization learning theory, and coordination mechanism theory to formalize a model of the influencing variable of knowledge resources acquiring performance in industry cluster and some interrelated hypothesis.This paper discusses the relationship between network characteristics and coordination mechanism and mechanism that enterprise network have impact on knowledge resources acquiring, so as to explain how clustered enterprises network characteristics have an impact on knowledge resources acquiring under today's industrial clusters environment. This paper is important for enterprises to acquire knowledge resources and improve competitiveness. Then,this paper takes advantage of social network analysis methods. Based on interviews with top management in enterprises and carrying out small sample test research, author obtain the data through conducting a questionnaire survey of394enterprises in the Xi'an communications equipment manufacturing industry cluster and Xi'an optoelectronics industry cluster.the author takes a study by using of the statistical analysis software SPSS16.0which in details including correlation analysis, factor analysis, and liner regression.The main research results are shown below after the empirical analysis:
     (1) Position centrality and tie strength have an importantly positive impact on knowledge resources acquiring.
     (2) The impact which clustered enterprises network characteristics have on knowledge resources acquiring is not direct, it dependent on the intermediary role of the coordination mechanism.Coordination mechanisms play intermediary role between position centrality、 tie strength and dominant intellectual resources acquiring,coordination mechanism play full mediating role between position centrality、 tie strength and tacit knowledge acquiring.The coordination mechanism play a brige role between network characteristics and Knowledge resources acquiring.especialy for tacit knowledge,the role is dimininet. apparently, the two indicators of enterprise external network have an indirect but significant impact on knowledge resources acquiring.
     In the framework of network characteristics, coordination mechanism and knowledge resources acquiring, The innovation points of this research include the following three aspects:
     (1) Constructed and tested a comprehensive framework about network characteristics, coordination mechanism.and knowledge resources acquiring.
     The author reviewed the relative literatures about network structure, coordination mechanism, knowledge resources acquiring and based on these literatures, taking the coordination mechanism as the intermediate variable, the author constructed the analysis framework of "enterprise external network, coordination mechanism, enterprise knowledge resources acquiring".By analysing the clustered enterprise's sample data from the Xi'an communications equipment manufacturing industry cluster and the Xi'an optoelectronics industry cluster, this paper empirically tested corresponding hypothesis.the author clarify the impact mechanism of enterprise external network affects its knowledge resources acquiring indirectly by the means of its effect on enterprises coordination mechanism which play mediating role between enterprise external network and knowledge resources acquiring. Compared with previous studies,this paper have more complete theoretical framework, Author explores more comprehensive clustered enterprises network characteristics.
     (2) Revealed the mechanism that formed the clustered enterprises's knowledge resources acquiring from a network perspective.
     Based on network theory, coordination mechanism,this paper reveals the mechanism of how clustered enterprises network characteristics affect knowledge resources acquiring.this paper discussed the mechanism that formed the clustered enterprises's knowledge resources acquiring, Complement the model of the influencing variable of knowledge resources acquiring,disscuss the critical factors affecting enterprise's knowledge resources acquiring System, put all these critical factors in a completed model.In this dissertation, the author claim that the difference of enterprises network characteristics have an impact on the knowledge resources acquiring indirectly by the means of its effect on enterprises's coordination mechanism.This point was supported by the empirical analysis. As a mediating varible, coordination mechanism play important role on improving knowledge resource acquiring.
     (3) Author make a quantitative analysis on the impact of enterprise external network on its knowledge resources acquiring.This paper reveal the mechanism how clustered enterprises network characteristics have an impact on knowledge resources acquiring by the empirical analysis.At present, the empirical analysis are still rare on enterprise external network affecting knowledge resources acquiring. Thus, according to285valid questionnaires of the Xi'an communications equipment manufacturing industry cluster and Xi'an optoelectronics industry cluster, this Paper takes a study by using of the statistical analysis software SPSS16.0, and this have some exploratory.In this paper, author gets two conclusions:Firstly, the position centrality, tie strength positively affects coordination mechanism.Coordination mechanism of enterprise positively affects knowledge resources acquiring.The latter conclusion shows that enterprise can build coordination mechanism more actively in the process of knowledge resources acquiring to enhance performance of enterprise knowledge resources acquiring.
     Choosing clustered enterprises as analysis object, by constructing the analysis framework, the theoretical and empirical analysis, this paper has get some meaningful conclusions. However, theory about industrial clusters are complicate. Because of the author's limited research ability, there might be some drawbacks in this paper which needed to be improved by further research.
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