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Recent forestry research about digital management and administration require advanced collection techniques of forest resource information. Especially, application of immediate (real-time), accurate, long-distance, auto collecting growth information are fairly expected by the normal investigators.
     For now, the limitation of satellite telemetry measurement can never exactly obtain growth biomass of single tree that can not meet the basic need of research; So, forestry growth biomass information are much depended on workers'field surveys or timely collecting the auto-observing spot data. There are many disadvantages of these applications such as inaccurate, inefficiency and waste of labor force.
     This study is aiming at development of forestry research and information collection technique. Based on the analysis of single growth dynamic monitoring measurement and auto-measuring devices in current situation, we designed a telemetry measurement of stumpage DBH (Diameter at breast height) device and software based on capacitance technology
     Experiments showed communication system of the device is efficient and reliable, DBH of the samples is available which ranged from 50mm to 450mm; Precision could reach to 0.037mm. According to theory "PLS", more precise formula:Diameter-height curve was introduced to make up single stumpage height measurement.
     To convince people that our device and software could be used practically in the dynamic monitoring Forest Growing Stock, we did co-relative sampling study of proxy trees. Quantification and Semivariable functions are combined to gain 3 division strategies based on the square of the forests. Meanwhile Biomass ranges of the trees which grew in different directions were obtained too.
     From Kriging interpolation formula, Square Network Topology of the sample's reasonable distance was drawn. It provided the theoretical foundation of nodal point's optimum layout. The strategy of how to arrange the stumpage DBH measuring devices can be consulted by this theory.
     Another significant improvement of this device is to collect Biomass information of single tree. The conclusion of proxy trees sampling study provided a basic data for developing "wireless sensor Networks on different levels and nodal point separation in the future. Moreover, the telemetry measurement introduced can be extended to forestry geography too.
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