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LUCC which the IGBP and IHDP drafted and published together have been the key and hotpoint problem of the global environmental change recently, a large number of studies show thatglobal environmental change mainly originated from the change which people impact on theecological system, they effect the capability that the biosphere maintenance life. Land uselandscape pattern has tight link with the land ecology process, the interaction of the two aspectshow some landscape ecology function, explore the ecological environment response which comesfrom the land use landscape change deeply can provide technical support and theoretical basis toprotect and improve rural ecological environment in the future. The article take the Songnen highplain typical black soil region Heilongjiang province Bayan county as the research area, under thesupport of related theory, define the main concept the article involved, collect the main data whicheffect the land use landscape change and ecological environment change, breakthrough thetraditional study angle, divide the land use landscape gradient zone based on the natural attributeand administrative division factors, analysis the land use landscape structure change and landscapepattern change of every gradient zone, based on the “source-sink” landscape theory, identify thelandscape type of the research area, ascertain the contribution rate the land use landscape changeimpact on the ecological environment change by the LCI, analysis the landscape type which effectthe change of the landscape ecological of every gradient zone, using the BP model identify themain effect index, using the single factor evaluation method evaluate the factors’ effect degree andinterpolate to the spatial of every gradient zone, based on the research results, calculate the landuse landscape ecological potential of every gradient zone, lay a foundation to the land uselandscape pattern optimization, based on the land use landscape optimization principle, putforward landscape optimization target, analysis the spatial strength and spatial interactionrelationship of landscape optimization of the research area, build ecological corridor andecological point, combined the ecological potential results divide the land use landscapeoptimization partition, provide land use landscape optimization method. The result results haveimportant guiding significance to the rural ecological environment protection.
     From the landscape structure change result it can be seen that, from1976to2009, the mainlandscape type is the dry land, forest take the second place, dry land is the landscape matrix of theresearch area, the change of every landscape type is different, it shows that the area of dry land、paddy land、forest land、grass land、water increase, garden land、construction land and other typeland decrease;
     Choose eight landscape structure index to analyze the landscape structure change on thelandscape level, the results show that: landscape fragmentation degree increase year by year of every gradient zone, the spatial distribution become more and more widely, the shape becomemore and more irregular, the landscape pattern change into many factor intensity pattern in2009from the station of advantage plaque format good continuity in1976, the plaque shape is the mostirregular of the gradient zone II and gradient zone III, the effect different of people activityinterference of every gradient zone is not big, in the five gradient zones, the effect to the gradientzone II and gradient zone III is big relatively;
     Choose ten landscape structure index to analyze the landscape structure change on thelandscape type level, the results show that: the biggest landscape type is dry land of every gradientzone, is the landscape matrix, the dry land area increase year by year. The other type landscapechange differently, the landscape fragmentation degree increase, the advantage scheduling ofevery landscape in the gradient zone I is dry land>paddy land>construction land>water>grassland>forest>other type land>garden land, the advantage scheduling of every landscape in thegradient zone II is dry land>forest>construction land>water>grass land>paddy land>other typeland>garden land, the advantage scheduling of every landscape in the gradient zone III isforest>dry land>water>paddy land> construction land> grass land>other type land>garden land,the advantage scheduling of every landscape in the gradient zone IV is dryland>forest>construction land>paddy land>water>grass land>other type land>garden land, theadvantage scheduling of every landscape in the gradient zone V is dry land>water>grassland>paddy land>forest>construction land>other type land>garden land;
     Based on the “source-sink” landscape theory, take the forest、grass land、water、other typeland and dry land whose slope is smaller than6°as the “source” landscape, take the paddy land、garden land、construction land and dry land whose slope is bigger than6°as the “sink” landscape.Using the LCI index calculate the function degree which the landscape change impact on theecological environment change, the change of LCI shows that, in the gradient zone I, landscapepattern composition goes against ecological development healthily in the33years, the landscapepattern of gradient zone II is reasonable and beneficial to ecological development healthily, thelandscape pattern of gradient zone III is more and more reasonable year by year, landscapecomposition develop into the direction which is beneficial to the ecological environment healthydevelopment, the landscape pattern of gradient zone IV go to the ecological environment healthydevelopment, landscape pattern become more and more reasonable, the landscape pattern ofgradient zone V go against the ecological environment healthy development always. According tothe analysis of lorenz curve, we can get the contribution degree size the landscape type to theecological process and the main landscape type which effect the landscape ecologicalenvironment;
     Choose30indexes from the topography and geomorphology、vegetation cover、soilenvironment、social economy analysis the main effect factors the landscape change impact on theland ecological environment change. Using the BP model identify the effect index, the resultsshow that the main index number of gradient zone I is seven, the main index number of gradient zone II is eight, the main index number of gradient zone III is eight, the main index number ofgradient zone IV is six, the main index number of gradient zone V is six. Using the single indexevaluation method evaluate the effect degree of the main effect factors, and interpolate theevaluation result on the space to get the space distribution map;
     Choose the main effect factors as the important indexes to calculate land ecological potentialvalue, use comprehensive potential calculation model to calculate the land use landscapeecological potential of every gradient zone, and divide four level of the ecological potential, theresults show that: in the gradient zone I, the sampling point of ecological potential level I has thebiggest number, and mainly distribute in the southeast of the gradient zone, the sampling point ofecological potential level II mainly distribute in the northwest of the gradient zone, the samplingpoint of ecological potential level III and level IV distribute in the gradient zone dispersedly; inthe gradient zone II, the sampling point of ecological potential level I has the biggest number, andmainly distribute in the southeast of the gradient zone, the sampling point of ecological potentiallevel II mainly distribute in the northwest of the gradient zone, the sampling point of ecologicalpotential level III and level IV distribute in the gradient zone dispersedly; in the gradient zone III,the sampling point of ecological potential level I mainly distribute in the medium-north of thegradient zone, the sampling point of ecological potential level II has the biggest number, anddistribute in the gradient zone uniformly, the sampling point of ecological potential level IIImainly distribute in the medium-south of the gradient zone, the sampling point of ecologicalpotential level IV distribute in the medium of the gradient zone dispersedly; in the gradient zoneIV, the sampling point of ecological potential level I has the biggest number, and mainly distributein the medium of the gradient zone, the sampling point of ecological potential level II has themainly distribute in the east and west of the gradient zone, the sampling point of ecologicalpotential level III has the mainly distribute in the west of the gradient zone, the sampling point ofecological potential level IV has the mainly distribute in the south and north of the gradient zonedispersedly; in the gradient zone V, the sampling point of ecological potential level I has thebiggest number, and mainly distribute in the north of the gradient zone, the sampling point ofecological potential level II mainly distribute in the south of the gradient zone, the sampling pointof ecological potential level III mainly distribute in the medium of the gradient zone, the samplingpoint of ecological potential level IV mainly distribute in the medium-north of the gradient zone;
     Basis analysis of land use landscape pattern optimization include spatial strength analysis ofland use landscape ecological function and land use landscape ecological function spatial functionrelationship. Considering the land use landscape type、number and spatial distribution situation、the effect that the land use landscape pattern impact on the land use ecological environmentchange and the calculation result of land use landscape ecological potential, based on the“source-sink” landscape theory, overlay the landscape type grade map and the land use landscapeecological potential map, get the spatial strength analysis of land use landscape ecologicalfunction of every gradient zone; Based on the ArcGIS spatial analysis module, use landscape accumulative cost distance model, determination landscape unit which landscape function spatialmutual restriction, get the landscape function spatial interrelationship distribution map accordingto the spatial function relationship of landscape. Extract ecological source region of every gradientzone in the research area, use the landscape accumulative cost distance model to constructecological corridor and ecological node. Overlay the land use landscape ecological potentialspatial distribution map、landscape ecological function strength spatial distribution map、landscapefunction spatial interrelationship map, combined with the spatial distribution of the landscapeecological corridor and ecological node, determine the land use landscape pattern optimizationdistribution, and classify the land use landscape optimization distribution into three types,according to the optimization distribution propose the land use landscape pattern optimizationproject.
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