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Whether a region's landscape is rational which influences directly on its economic development and ecological environment. If landscape distribution is irrational, it may lead to disastrous effects such as water and soil erosion, edge effect aggravation, biological diversity loss and species extinction rate rise. This thesis analyzed the landscape change during 16 years in Qishan, reached the landscape change result, and brought up some reasonable ways to deal with the change, and to optimize its landscape distribution, and to coordinate its economy and ecosystem.
     This thesis integrated RS and GIS. Rectified Qishan's RS images on computer, and used the rectified images as base maps in ArcGIS9.2, used different colors for different land utilization types to draw layers of SHP files on the basis of the base map. Then superposed all the SHP files upon“Qishan Administration Map”in ArcGIS9.2, with place name and legend added, made it a "Contemporary Land Utilization Map of Qishan". At the same time, had data exported from ArcGIS9.2 for further analyzing.
     The data analyzing work was to incorporate the 49 land utilization types from ArcGIS9.2 into 7 landscape patterns (farmland, forest, unutilized land, water area, pasture, land for resident/industry/mining/traffic, and fruit garden). Use the data from ArcGIS9.2 such as patch type, patch area, patch numbers; the area, distance index, fragmentation index and isolation index of each landscape pattern, and the landscape diversity index of the whole region, was calculated out.
     The result showed that the landscape diversity index of Qishan had raised in the 16 years. Forest and pasture had increased, and farmland had decreased. Lands for resident/industry/mining/traffic increased obviously. And the "unutilized land" had been almost used up. These showed that the ecological environment had been improved, but the conflict between population and land had really become more serious. The hidden danger of ecological fragility and soil erosion had not been disappeared, and may lead to food crisis.
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