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As one of the initial elements to human beings and urban development, water, more or less affacts cities'location, formation, and development. Furthermore, it is also related the living, working and recreation of people. Historicaly speaking, a great many towns and cities were created adjacent to waters, which in many ways led to the blosom of the cities too. In a word, waters engined, named and featured cities.
     An increasing concern has been drawn to the waterfront planning and design, which urged an overwhelming regeneration and revitalization of waterfront landsape worldly. China, as a matter of fact, with her thousands of years'history is facing the very begining of the waterfront landscape design industry. Consequently, the practice has a lot of shortcomes, such as lack of systematically contral, monochromatic usage, and ambiguous styles, to name a few. On the other hand, the related research on wanterfront planning, design and development is obviously inadequate.
     Architecture typology as a representative of Rationalism has become an important method for analyzing architectures and urban form. However, in the landscape realm, there is few research about this. This research aim to conduct systematic research using architectural typology theory and method, and direct practice with typlogy method. Based on the summary of waterfront space, in depth research on the concept of waterfront landscape space, typology system and character, we focus on the waterfront in the cities. The research seek the relationship of waterfront landscape and urban form by exploring the Prototype of waterfront landscape, categorize the space, use case studies to analyze different types of elements, like spatial form, water type, surrounding environment, architecture density, plan morphology, section, urban form, spatial charcter, landscape elements etc and make comparisons. On different levels, grasping the typical form and researcing on the dynamic relationship between waterfront landscape space and urban form will help explore the transferability of typologies. This research is based on the co-evolution of waterfront landscape space and urban form.
     The research is based on the summarized typology and logical analogy and search for integrated methods of waterfront landscape planning and design, in order to conduct more systematic reasonable planning and design practice. Based on the evolution process research of different types, it will discover the relationship of different types and urban form and the possible results under mutual influence.
     For the theory research, this article aim to create a basic waterfront landscape typology system, and analyze the mutual relationship of different types and urban form, in order to make for the current shortage of the research. Using typology method on the waterfront landscape, setting up the theory system will help better organize the practice. The article will use the practice done as case study to illustrate how to use this system to organize the planning and design of waterfront landscape, especially large scale complex projects.
     This research paper can be devided into four parts as belows:
     The first part is as of Chapter One, discussing the intention, methodology and the importance of the research.
     The second part composing of Chapter Two and Three, serving as the theoretical research, set up the overall system for the paper. First of all, the paper introduced Aldo Rossi and Rike brothers' theories on architectural typology and then developed the fundamental base for urban waterfront typology research.
     The third part containing from Chapter Four to Chapter Eight, analyzes the elements and morphology of urban waterfont. Furthermore the paper discussed the characteristics and means of urban waterfront planning and design. In the end, some examples were selected to show the exactly how urban waterfront can be planned and used.
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