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第一章Orbscan Ⅱ和Pentacam测量屈光手术前后角膜参数的比较
     传统的角膜曲率计、角膜镜及角膜地形图仪仅仅能分析角膜前表面的形状和光学质量。最近推出的Orbscan Ⅱ和Pentacam能够同时获得角膜前后表面的信息,提高了人们了解角膜特性的能力。Orbscan Ⅱ眼前节分析仪结合了裂隙扫描技术和Placido盘,是最早的能测量角膜后表面的仪器。基于Orbscan Ⅱ的研究指出:LASIK和PRK术后常规出现微小的角膜前突。但是Orbscan Ⅱ测量角膜后表面的精确性已经被质疑。Pentacam眼前节分析仪使用的是Scheimpflug成像技术,可获得全角膜的前表面、后表面地形图,各点角膜厚度,前房容积,前房任意点深度,自动测量晶体密度。本研究旨在利用Orbscan Ⅱ和Pentacam对正常角膜和角膜屈光手术前后角膜的参数进行测量,分析两种仪器的可靠性,及角膜屈光手术对角膜后表面形态的影响,为这两种仪器在角膜屈光手术的术前筛查、术后随访中的应用提供参考,为手术方式的选择提供依据。
     本研究的病例来源为2010年2月至4月在我院屈光手术中心就诊的连续病例。正常角膜组病例均在分别检查A超中央角膜厚度,IOLMaster, Orbscan Ⅱ及Pentacam检查,屈光手术组患者在术前及术后17~24周分别进行上述检查。正常角膜组比较Orbscan Ⅱ及Pentacam测量角膜前后表面3mm平均轴向屈光力(Ka-3mm和Kp-3mm、中央轴向屈光力(Ka-central和(Kp-central)、角膜厚度(CT)(两种仪器均选用最薄点角膜厚度)有无统计学差异,研究两者的一致性。由于IOLMaster测量的角膜前表面屈光力Ka-I和A超的角膜厚度测量值CTA也参与分析。屈光手术组术后参数也做上述统计分析。比较屈光手术组后表面3mm平均轴向屈光力(Kp-3mm)、中央轴向屈光力(Kp-central)在手术前后有无统计学差异。两种仪器的测量结果有无差异。后表面屈光力的变化值(ΔKp-3mm-O和ΔKp-central-O)与残余基质层厚度(RBT)有无相关性。本数据采用R-2.14.2分析软件进行数据分析和统计。统计方法主要有:描述性分析,一致性分析,配对t检验,pearson相关分析。
     正常角膜组共143例286眼,Orbscan Ⅱ及Pentacam的Ka-3mm(47.89±1.37D,48.15±1.49D)、Ka-central(47.76±1.42D,43.16±1.38D), Kp-3mm (-6.42±0.22D,-7.01±0.25D)、Kp-central (-6.33±0.43D,-6.13±0.23D)测量值之间的差异,均有统计学意义。Orbscan Ⅱ及Pentacam测量的Ka-3mm分别与Ka-1(48.14±1.54D)比较,Pentacam测量值与Ka-I相比无统计学差异(t=0.478,p=0.633),而OrbscanⅡ测量值与Ka-I相比存在统计学差异(t=-3.733, p=0.0002)。 Orbscan Ⅱ(550.68±31.21μm)和Pentacam (548.57±30.04μm) CT测量值两者之间无统计学差异(t=1.326,p=0.186)。两者分别与CTA比较,均存在统计学差异。
     屈光手术组共69例136眼。Orbscan Ⅱ及Pentacam测量术后Ka-3,、Kp-central Kp-3mm、Kp-central的结果,两种仪器各个测量值之间的差异均有统计学意义。Orbscan Ⅱ(t=81.26, p<0.001)及Pentacam(t=56.98, p<0.001)的post-Ka-3mm测量值与post-Ka-Ⅰ(38.58±1.97D)相比存在统计学差异。术后Orbscan Ⅱ(450.92±50.73μm)与Pentacam (467.36±40.47μm) CT测量值之间存在统计学差异(t=6.76,p<0.001)。两者分别与post-CTA比较,post-CTO与post-CTA之间均存在统计学差异,post-CTP与post-CTA之间不存在统计学差异。比较手术前后Kp-3mm和Kp-central,OrbscanⅡ测量值在术后均变小(更负,即更陡峭),而Pentacam测量值无统计学差异。Orbscan II测量的Kp-3mm和Kp-central变化值与RBT存在线性相关,Pentacam测量结果显示:与RBT无线性关系。按照不同手术方式分组后,LASIK组和LASEK组的手术前后Kp-3mm/Kp-central变化量,两组之间无统计学差异。
     Orbscan Ⅱ和Pentacam测量角膜前表面屈光力准确性高,但两者的结果不能相互替代使用。测量角膜后表面屈光力,在正常角膜中Pentacam测量值较小,即Pentacam测量的正常角膜后表面较陡峭,但在LASIK/LASEK术后则相反。Pentacam并未发现Orbscan Ⅱ得到的屈光手术后后表面前突的结论。从仪器的重复性、再现性和原理考虑,Pentacam测量值可能较为精确。
     正常角膜组各角膜参数中Rp (6.36±0.22mm)、Kp (-6.29±0.22D)、CT (548.60±30.04μm)、K2(-6.17±0.22D)值呈正态分布,其余各变量均不符合正态分布。AP比的均值为1.228,Nc的均值为1.3278。Ra与Rp呈正相关。KG与K1.3278的均值分别为41.98±1.33D和41.98±1.33D,t=0.09,p=0.928,两者之间不存在统计学差异。建立KG与K1.3278的回归模型,回归方程:KG=1.0161×K1.3278-0.6736,回归系数b=1.016,p<0.001,决定系数R2=99.2%。KG与K-6.17均值分别为41.98±1.33和41.98±1.33,t=0.1,p=0.99,两者之间不存在统计学差异。建立KG与K-6.17的回归模型,回归方程:KG=0.8859×K-6.17+4.79,回归系数b=0.88,p<0.001。决定系数R2=99.0%。
     本研究利用Pentacam测量的角膜前后表面中央3mm平均轴向曲率半径和瞳孔中心角膜厚度,计算得到AP比为1.228。Ra与Rp呈直线相关,且具有较高的相关性(R2=62.9%)且AP比的变异较小,这种前后表面曲率半径的线性关系是薄透镜模型准确计算角膜屈光力的前提。计算出角膜屈光指数为1.3278,低于标准角膜屈光指数1.3375。计算出正常角膜的K2为-6.17±0.22D,符合正态分布,变异较小。由上述结论得到两个角膜屈光力的计算公式:K1.3278=0.971×Km K-6.17=1.114×Km-6.17
Chapter1Comparison of Orbscan Ⅱ and Pentacam measurements of corneal parameters before and after refractive surgery
     Traditional keratometer, keratoscope and corneal topography only analyze the anterior surface of corneal. Orbscan Ⅱ and Pentacam can measure both of the corneal surface, and improve our ability to understand the cornea. Orbscan Ⅱ, combining the slit-scanning and Placido disc, is the first instrument capable of measuring the posterior corneal surface. Orbscan Ⅱ-based research found:corneal protrusion occurs after LASIK/PRK. However, the accuracy of Orbscan Ⅱ to measure the posterior corneal surface has been questioned. Pentacam using a Scheimpflug imaging technology can get the topography of anterior and posterior corneal surface, the corneal thickness, anterior chamber volume, the anterior chamber depth at any point. This study was designed to take advantage of Orbscan Ⅱ and Pentacam to measure the parameters of the normal corneas and the corneas after refractive surgery, analyze the reliability of two instruments and the impact of corneal refractive surgery on the corneal surface morphology according to the two instruments.
     The cases of this study were the patients in refractive surgery centers of our hospital in February to April,2010. The cases were examined with A-scan, IOLMaster, Orbscan II and Pentacam. Patients of the refractive surgery group carried out such examinations before and after the surgery. Ka-3mm, Kp-3mm, Ka-central, Kp-central and CT were compared between Orbscan II and Pentacam. Because the IOLMaster measurement of anterior corneal power (Ka-I) and A-scan corneal thickness (CTA) were also involved in the analysis. Postoperative parameters of the refractive surgery group also had the statistical analysis. We compared the differences of posterior corneal power measurements of the two instruments and analyze whether the changes of the posterior corneal power (ΔKp-3mm/ΔKp-central) and RBT were correlated. Statistical methods concluded descriptive analysis, consistency analysis, paired t test and Pearson correlation analysis.
     The differences between the measured values of Orbscan II and Pentacam Ka-3mm (47.89±1.37D,48.15±1.49D), Ka-central (47.76±1.42D,43.16±1.38D), Kp-3mm (-6.42±0.22D and-7.01±0.25D), Kp-central (-6.33±0.43D,-6.13±0.23D) were statistically significant. Comparison with the Orbscan II and Pentacam measurements of the Ka-3mm, respectively, with the Ka-I(48.14±1.54D), the difference of Ka_3mm-P and Ka-I was not significant, and the difference of Ka-3mm-O and Ka-I was not significant (t=-3.733, p=0.0002). Orbscan Ⅱ(550.68±31.21μm) and the Pentacam,(548.57±30.04μm) CT measured values were of no significant difference (t=1.326, p=0.186). Respectively compared with CTA, there are statistical differences. In the refractive surgery group, comparing of post-Ka-3mm, post-Ka_centrai, post-Kp-3mm and post-Kp-central, there were significant differences between the two instruments. Comparing Kp-3mm and Kp-central before and after surgery, Orbscan Ⅱ found post-Kp-3mm and post-Kp-central were smaller (more negative, which is more steep), while the Pentacam measured values had no significant difference. AKp-3mm-O/ΔKp-centrai-o and RBT were linearly correlated. LASIK and LASEK brought similar changes of the corneal parameters.
     Orbscan II and Pentacam measurements of the anterior corneal power were of high accuracy, but the results can not replace the other. Measurement of posterior corneal power, the Pentacam measured smaller values in the normal cornea, but measured larger values after LASIK/LASEK. Orbscan II found posterior surface protrusion, while Pentacam did not. Considering the repeatability, reproducibility and principles of these instruments, Pentacam might be more accurate.
     Chapter2Corneal parameters and their changes after corneal refractive surgery
     Traditional keratometer, keratoscope and corneal topography can only measure the radius of the anterior corneal, then convert them to corneal refractive power with the keratometric index. An important prerequisite for the use of keratometric index is that the ratio of the anterior/posterior corneal surface is a constant. PRK/LASIK/LASEK change the ratio. Then the traditional keratometer and corneal topography is clearly inaccurate. In this study, we measured the corneal parameters with Pentacam, calculated the AP ratio, corneal refractive power by the Gaussian optics formula, and the keratometric index, and compare the variations after LASIK/LASEK.
     Ra, Rp and CT of the normal cornea and post-surgery cornea were measured with Pentacam. The values were calculated:the AP ratio, Ka, Kp, KG, K2, keratometric index (Nc), Km, K1.3278, K-6.17. Normality of the above parameters were tested.The averages and standard deviations of these parameters were calculated. The paired t-test compared Kg and K1.3278, Kg and K-6.17. The parameters in refractive surgery group were also calculated before and after surgery, and compared using paired t-test. The differences between post-KG and post-K1.3278,post-KG and post-K-6.17were compared. Post-KG and post-Km were linearly regressed.
     Rp (6.36±0.22mm),Kp (-6.29±0.22D), CT(548.60±30.04um), and K2(-6.17±0.22D) showed a normal distribution. The mean value of AP ratio and Nc were1.228and1.3278. Ra and Rp showed a positive correlation. Mean Kg, K1.3278and K.6.17, were41.98±1.33D. In the refractive surgery group, Rp and Kp had no significant difference before and after surgery. K2changed from-6.16±0.21D to-6.19±0.21D.There are statistical differences of AP ratio and Nc before and after surgery. The mean of post-KG and post-K1.3278were32.60±2.02D and33.83±1.79D, there was significant difference between them. The mean of post-KG and post-K.6.17were32.60±2.02D and32.63±2.14D, there was no significant difference between them.
     In this study, the AP ratio was1.228. Ra and Rp had a high linear correlation (R2=62.9%). This was the premise of the thin-len model to calculate the corneal refractive power accurately. The keratometric index was1.3278, lower than the standard keratometric index of1.3375. K2was-6.17±0.22D, with normal distribution, a smaller variation. Two corneal refractive power calculation formulas from the above: K1.3278=0.971×Km K-6.17=1.114×Km-6.17
     Using of K1.3278and K-6.17formula can get more accurate corneal refractive power values. For calculations after refractive surgery, K.6.17may be more accurate.
     Chapter3The algorithm of corneal refractive power in intraocular lens power calculation
     In this study, K1.3278and K-6.17were used to calculate the normal and post-surgery corneal refractive power for intraocular lens implantations. The postoperative actual refractive status worked as a standard to determine the accuracy of the formulas.
     The normal cornea group included consecutive cases in July2011in our cataract center. In the refractive surgery group, we retrospectively analyzed9eyes of six cases after refractive surgery who needed phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. The intraocular lens diopter were calculated with the following corneal refractive powers:(1) direct measurement of the A-scan or IOLMaster's Km;(2) K1.3278;(3) K-6.17. Intraocular lens power calculation formular was the Haigis formula. The paired t-test was used to compare the differences. Analysis software was R-2.14.2.
     In normal corneal group, the prediction error of Km, K1.3278and K_6.17were-0.02±0.24D,0.92±0.26D and0.75±0.28D. PE1-3278and PE-6.17were of no significant difference. There are significant differences between PE1.3278and PEm, PE-6.17and PEm. The rates of prediction error within±0.50were93.88%,2.04%and22.22%. The absolute errors were0.02±0.14D,0.92±0.26D and0.75±0.28D.
     In the refractive surgery group, the prediction error of Km, K1.3278and K-6.17were-2.23±0.47D,-1.19±0.46D and-0.60±0.40D. There are significant differences among them. The rates of prediction error within±0.50were0,11.11%and33.33%. The absolute errors were2.23±0.47D,1.19±0.46D and0.61±0.37D, and there are significant difference among them.
     In normal eyes, the intraocular lens power calculation error of K1.3278and K-6.17is significantly larger than the original corneal power value. Because the IOL formulas had been optimized, Km was accurate enough. For intraocular lens power calculation after refractive surgery, the errors of K1.3278and K-6.17were significantly less than Km, but still tend to underestimate the required intraocular lens diopters, leading to postoperative low hyperopia. Intraocular lens power calculation after corneal refractive surgery is still a thorny issue. With the combination of different intraocular lens power calculation formulas and different corneal refractive power correction method, you will get different results. The more realistic approach is to calculate with the known data in as much as possible ways, then make a overall consideration.
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