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Since robot can be viewed as an effective extension of human's motor ability, it is sure to be indispensable in the course of recognition and exploration of the world. Due to its important role in theory and application, the motion control of mobile robot has been given enough attention by researchers in the world.
    In this thesis, the problems of motion control and perturbance restraint to a wheeled mobile robot with holonomic constraints including uncertain inputs, the pop problems in the field of motion control to mobile robot in recent years, are investigated deeply and thoughtfully. The orthogonal-wheeled mobile robot of the key robotics Lab in Shenyang institute of automation Chinese academy of sciences is the controlled object. It is a mobile robot with holonomic constrains composed of orthogonal-wheels and a ideal carrier in flat surroundings. The main conclusions are given as follows:
    1. Investigation to the method of linearization: Summarizing the idea and the method of linearization. Considering a MIMO nonlinear system, an approximate linearizing stability via state feedback algorithm based on balanced flow pattern is simplified and applying this algorithm to a mobile robot with holonomic constraints.
    2. Investigation to the method of order-decreasing: Simply introducing the idea and the method of order-decreasing for model and control. Considering a class of MIMO high-order LTI system including uncertain inputs in robot control field, according to the composition of the mathematics model, sufficient conditions and deduction for designing an order-decreasing control that meeting the robust quality are presented.
    3. Investigation to the method of H control based on LMI: According to the sufficient conditions and deduction presented in the investigation to the method of order-decreasing, a new algorithm to solve H control problem for a kind of MIMO high-order LTT system is also proposed. Then apply this algorithm to a wheeled mobile robot with holonomic constraints.
    4. The simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the sufficient conditions, deduction and method.
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