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伴随着Internet 的普及,电子邮件以其快捷、方便、低成本的特点日益得到了广泛的使用,成为了最流行使用的沟通工具之一。然而,作为其发展的副产品――垃圾邮件,却给Internet 用户、网络管理员和网络服务提供商ISP 带来了无尽的烦恼,收件人的时间、带宽和存储资源被无效占用,网络链路因此造成拥塞,还被作为不良信息的载体被到处散发。现在成熟应用的垃圾邮件过滤方法是采用通过软件自动过滤与人工管理相结合的方式,但这不能很好的适应垃圾邮件的多样性,只能过滤掉50%左右的垃圾邮件。因此,迫切需要引入更加智能化的垃圾邮件过滤技术来治理日益猖獗的垃圾邮件问题。
    本论文提出了LVQ 邮件过滤模型和改进型BW 邮件过滤模型,详细的描述了两个模型的设计原理,讨论了两者之间的关系以及它们与邮件服务器的关系,并给出了重要的实现框架与代码。LVQ 邮件过滤模型解决了布尔型邮件过滤模型特征项离散、垃圾邮件与正常邮件边界定义模糊的问题;改进型BW 邮件过滤模型针对传统黑白名单模型提出了改进,减少了用户对边界地址错误界定带来的损失。
As the popularization of Internet, e-mails are more and more frequently used,benefiting from its high efficiency, convenience and low cost. At the same time,however, their byproduct, spams are bringing endless trouble to Internet users,network administrators and Internet service providers. With the spreading of thesecarriers for bad or useless information, the users’time is wasted, the bandwidth andstorage space are consumed, and even the Internet is congested. The mature spamfiltering methods used now combine both the automatic filtering of the software andmanual management, which has been proved not adaptive to variety of spams, and itis estimated only 50% of spams can be detected. Therefore, more intelligent filteringtechniques are required.
    This main goal of this paper is to explore a specific spam filtering model,implement and test it. During our research, we need to examine carefully whether themodel is a fit one, and observe how the parameters of this model itself and theenvironmental parameters influence the filtering performance. So, the test shouldreveal the feasibility and efficiency of this model thoroughly. The author has achievedthe goal above.
    This paper put forwards two filtering model, Learning VectorQuantization(LVQ)and improved Black&White List(BW), described the designprinciples, discussed their inter-relationship and their relationship with the mail server,and provided important implementation framework and codes. LVQ model solved thediscretion of eigenitem in the Boolean filtering model and the difficulties indistinguishing between spams and normal mails. Improved BW model madeimprovements over the traditional black list and white list model, and decreased theusers’loss due to incorrect bordering address.
    Though varieties of filtering methods exist now, a large number of problemsabout spam filtering still remain to be solved, which impedes the filteringperformance from improving. New filtering models brought forward in this paper hasprovided some solutions. It has been proved that they can improve the filteringperformance in some environment. Therefore, the research is of great value.
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