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According to the request of economic and social development in middle and long term in China, half of urban population will be the new entrants. Then the urbanization level in China will reach at 50% in 2010 and at 60% in 2020 which is the world average level. The core problem of urbanization is the new entrant's adaptation and fusion, namely new entrant's citizenship. Many new entrants will be rural migrants, and urbanization requires rural-urban migrants to be permanent migrants in urban. Permanent migration will be developmental direction of urbanization in our country in the future. However, the migration pattern of Chinese rural-urban migrants is significantly different from similar processes of other countries, the migration is a process which includes both outflow and return. The majority of Chinese rural-urban migrants are in short-term migration process called "houniao style", which causes the low urbanization level of our country, and it does not match to the level of industrialization.
     Therefore, this paper studys the whole process of rural-urban migrants' migration, and the main features demonstrated by the process, and then answers the following questions: why some rural-urban migrants are difficult to permanently migrate in urban all the time ,while some rural-urban migrants are able to settle down in urban, what are the differences between the two types of rural-urban migrants, as well as what are the conditions from temporary migration to permanent migration. These questions will have importantly theoretical and practical significance. Conclusions of the study promote rural-urban migrants to settle in urban stably, thereby promote China's urbanization to develop smoothly and rapidly, the policy implications provide guidance and reference for government management and decision-making departments, so the corresponding management policies and measures are given towards rural-urban migrants groups in different migration patterns.
     This paper starts from the entire process of rural-urban migrants' mobility, and constructs a basic analysis frame, which divides the migration of rural-urban migrants into three stages, the first stage is the process of leaving rural into urban, the second is the process which rural-urban migrants flows for many times in inter-urban and in inter-profession, the third is to stay in a certain city and then transform from temporary migration to permanent migration. The three stages comprehensively depict the overall process of rural-urban migrants' migration. Each process is studyed, and we may obtain the answers to the above questions.
     Therefore, the research of this paper includes the following five parts:
     The first part is a preparation, including chapter one, two, and three. Chapter one mainly describes the background, purpose and significance, as well as definition of the key concepts in the paper , the basic analysis frame, research methods, innovation and lack ; Chapter two is a literature review, the classic migration theory and research results in domestic and foreign are respectively reviewed in some aspects. The related research of the rural-urban migrants has been already very rich, lots of research methods and conclusions provide guidance for this paper, but few of the researches conduct a comprehensive analysis from the overall migration process of rural-urban migrants, and there are merely researches which divide rural-urban migrants into temporary and permanent migration according to their actual migration behaviors, and then research the differences in the two groups.Chapter three explains the research data, and makes the basic statistics analysis for the data, in order to provide a profile of samples for the following research analysis.
     The second part is the first stage of rural-urban migrants migration—moving into urban, namely chapter four. Without so much length, this part statistics and analyzes the main reasons of rural-urban migrants leaving rural into urban, the way to obtain the first urban job and occupational type, and analyzes the type of urban where the rural-urban migrants move for the first time. Its conclusions can be compared with the following analysis.
     The third part is the second stage of the rural-urban migrants migration—mobility in inter-urban and in inter-occupations,namely Chapter five. First,this chapter analyzes the times of labor's mobility and use the count model to estimate the factors that impact the labor' s multi-mobility after moved into the city. The results show that some personal characteristics of the rural-urban migrants as well as the amount of home land, time of outside, whether having technique or craft and the different hometowns will significantly impact the times of the labor's mobility. Secondly, it analyzes the consequences of the multi-mobility of the rural-urban migrants, rural-urban migrants' occupational prestige has improved after multi-mobility, but not significant. Their human capital increases as the occupations change, and their average income increases while the times of mobility increase.
     The fourth part is the third stage of the rural-urban migrants migration—settlement in urban.including chapter six,seven, eight, nine. This part is the key of this paper. Chapter six uses the theory of net benefits's maximization, to account the income and expenditure of rural-urban migrants in urban. List the income and expenditure then statistic each of them, construct the OLS model to analyze the factors that impact the net profit of rural-urban migrants. It shows that men and married persons have a significant advantage in increasing their net income, the number of their children attendding school shows a significant negative correlation with the annual net profit. Chapter seven, based on the literatures and research experiences, uses five variables to divide rural-urban migrants into temporary migration and permanent migration. This division is based on the differences in their actual behavior. On the based of the groups division, construct the simultaneous equations model to analyze the economic status' and social status' differences between temporary migration and permanent migration. The results show that, two types of groups have obvious differences in the annual consumption level of economic status, the occupational prestige of social status and the resident way. Chapter eight uses the two selection model and binary choice model to research the conditions transforming from the temporary migration to permanent migration on the willingness and the actual behavior of rural-urban migrants. The result shows that in addition to age and marital situation, the rural-urban migrants who have high occupational types and own strong social relationships will have more probability of permanent migration. To help them improve their living way may also help to improve the probability of permanent migration both on their willingness and actual action. Chapter nine uses the method of case description, describes two typical cases of rural-urban migrants, respectively reflects the specific characteristics of temporary and permanent migration.
     Part five, conclusions and recommendations. Chapter ten, mainly summarizes the conclusions of this paper, and proposes the policy recommendations to arrange the rural-urban migrants in category according to the conclusions.
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