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光与原子的相互作用是量子光学研究的基础性问题。光和原子在相互作用的时候在共振附近会产生电磁感应透明现象(Electromagnetically Induced Transparency----EIT)。众所周知,非线性光学过程在共振附近会由于电磁诱导透明现象而得到显著的增强。激光冷却与俘获技术的发展为开展量子气体研究提供了理想的冷原子实验平台。冷原子系统具有温度低,受外界环境干扰小,可控性强等一系列的优势,现有的量子中继实现方案大都寻求在冷原子系综中实现。这篇论文从理论和实验上研究了在冷原子系综中(85Rb)基于电磁诱导透明的一系列非线性光学过程。
     基于二维冷原子系统,我们实现了一系列基于电磁诱导透明的非线性光学过程。首先实现了非简并的四波混频过程,又加入一束耦合光实现了五能级系统中的双四波混频现象,产生的光场具有窄线宽,双频率的特点,在弱光条件下可以用于制备色态(colour state)的光子。
     接下来我们研究了四波混频过程中基于电磁诱导透明的探测光和四波混频光的存储过程。发现当绝热的关闭耦合光和泵浦光时,四能级系统中在满足相位匹配条件下产生的四波混频光和输入的探测光能够同时存储于原子的基态自旋集体激发模中。打开耦合光和泵浦光,这两个光场又能够从原子的相干中恢复出来。并且这一存储和恢复过程在外界的偏置磁场存在的情况下,会出现周期性的振荡。这一振荡可以用原子的基态自旋集体激发模在均匀磁场中相位的拉莫进动(Larmor precession)来解释。
The atom-photon interaction is a fundamental issue in quantum optics. Such intreactions will be resonantly enhanced under the condition of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. It is well known that nonlinear optical processes can be resonantly enhanced with Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) by simultaneously creating a destructive interference in absorption and a constructive interference in the nonlinear susceptibility. The EIT process in the coherent medium has many imporatant applications. The cold atomic ensembles, isolated from the outside environment, have many advantages for realizing the quantm repeator in a quantum network such as low tempreture, powerful constrollability. Such quantum repeator could be realized based on the nonlinear optical processes. This issue will theoretically and experimentally study several nonlinear optical processes in a cold Rubidium85ensemble, such as four-wave mixing, double four-wave mixing, EIT based light storage and retrieval.
     Firstly we give the theoretical model of EIT in a classicial Lambda-type three level system.we plot the transmission and dispersion curve under the EIT condition. We also show that the third-order nonlinear suspectibility of the system will be resonantly enhanced under the EIT condition.
     Then we describe the experimental realization of the cold atom ensemble (Rb85) in a Magneto-optical Trap. Since a large optical depth will help to enhance the photon-atom interaction and increase the nonlinear optical suspectibility, we build up a classical three-dimentional MOT and a two-dimentional MOT, respectively. A Magneto-optical Trap normally cinsists of a ultrahigh vacuum chamber, the laser system, the magnetic field gradient, the monitor and the timing system. We successfully obtain the sigar shaped atomic cloud and optimize the optical depth of the cloud.
     Based on such a two dimensional atomic cloud, we realize the nondegenerate four-wave mixing process and double four-wave mixing by adding another coupling field. We generate a so-called the bichromatic field, which has a narrow bandwidth and could be used to produce the colour state in the low light level.
     After that we study the storage and retrieval of the probe field and the generated four-wave mixing (FWM) field under the condition of EIT. When the coupling and pump fields are adiabatically switched off,the generated FWM field and the probe could be simultaneously stored in the collective ground state spin excitations.And they could be retrieved from the ground state coherence by switching on the coupling and pump fields. Such a storage and retrieval process shows damped oscillations in an external uniform magnetic field, which could be explained as the Larmor precession of the phase in the ground state coherence.
     In summary we study a series of the atom-photon interactions under the conditions of EIT. We believe the cold atomic ensemble has promising prospect in the applications of the quantum communication.
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