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Purpose: Research the feasibility by establishment of simutaneous PADAMmodel in SD rats. To observe the effect and the influence of reproductiveendocrine for the rats models of PADAM by the therapeutic of Mild Moxibustion.
     Method: Based on the methods after being established, sellected 30 samplesof simutaneous PADAM model in rats according to the serum level of the totaltestosterone (TT) and free testosterone(FT),and divided into 3 groups accordingto random principle, the observation group(mild moxibustion group)、controlgroupⅠ(the testosterone propionate group) and the control groupⅡ(blankgroup). By comparing the level of the serum total testosterone and freetestosterone before and after therapeutic in each group, observing the variationof the general status of the rats, and exhaustive swimming exercise,tailsuspension test and the correlative visceral organs indexes, estimated thereflect condition of intervention instrument in model rats.
     Results:(1)before therapeutic, the serum level of the total testosterone(TT)and free testosterone(FT) among the three groups was the samesignificance(P>0.05), there was a comparison. (2)After therapeutic, the serumlevel of the total testosterone and free testosterone of the observation groupand control groupⅠwere both significant higher than the pretherapy, controlgroupⅠimproved more(P<0.01), observation group(P<0.05),statistics show thesame significance between them(P>0.05). The control groupⅡdid not droppedremarkably for the serum level of the total testosterone(P>0.05). (3) Aftertreatment, the serum level of the free testosterone(FT) of the observation groupand control groupⅠimproved remarkably than the pretherapy(P<0.05),but statistics show the same significance between them(P>0.05), control groupⅡdropped remarkably(P>0.05). (4) For the immobility time of tail suspension test,before treatment, among the three groups was the same significance(P>0.05),there was a comparison. After treatment, observation group and control groupⅠare both significant shorter than the pretherapy(P<0.05), the control groupⅡdid not changed remarkably(P>0.05).Statistics show the same significancebetween observation group and control groupⅠ(P>0.05) after treatment. (5)Andfor the time of the exhaustive swimming exercise, observation group and controlgroupⅠare was the same significance(P>0.05),and both significant longer thanthe control groupⅡ(P<0.01). (6) For the correlative visceral organs indexes,observation group and control groupⅠwere similar(P>0.05).For perirenal fatand testis, observation group was significant higher than the control groupⅡ(P<0.05),thymus was even more marked(P<0.01),but for spleen,they weresimilar(P>0.05). For the thymus and testis, control groupⅠwas significanthigher than the control groupⅡ(P<0.05), the perirenal fat was even moremarked(P<0.01),but for spleen,they were also similar (P>0.05). (7) Visceralorgans index of spleen was no correlated with TT、FT(P>0.05);there wassignificant positive correlation between visceral organs index of thymus andTT, FT(P<0.01);so to visceral organs index of testis and TT、FT(P<0.01); therewas significant negative correlation between visceral organs index of theperirenal fat and TT, FT(P<0.01); so to the time of tail suspension test andTT, FT(P<0.01);there was significant positive correlation between exhaustiveswimming exercise and TT, FT(P<0.01).
     Conclusion:(1) Simutaneous PADAM model in rats can be established accordingto the menstruation the serum level of the total testosterone and freetestosterone. (2) At the present time, there is no attestation shows thatsimutaneous PADAM model in rats can be established according to singlemenstruation the serum level of the total testosterone or free testosteroneinstead both. (3)The effect of the moxibustion and testosterone propionate onthe models of PADAM is similar. It can improve the rats' correlation climactericsymptom of physical ability, depressive state, abdominal adipose accumulation etc, and were relative to the functional of the hypothslsmic—pituitary—testicle axis. So it implies that mild moxibustion can be used as one of thereplacement therapies to testosterone complementary therapies for clinicalresearch of PADAM.
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