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City development are closely related to urban transport development. In the modern city, travel modes develop form the orignal foot mode to many ways. With the popularity of motor vehicles, tavel by car become the most popular way. But there are also many problems, such as traffic jam, environmental pollution and so on, because of wide vehicle using. It shows that the rational development of multi-modal travel has become urban transport development trends. In order to solve urban traffic problems, we should encourage using high-capacity public transport, and promote development of multi-modal travel. Therefore this paper propose a multi-mode travel guidence system, which integrate private car travel, bus travel, walking, bicycle trips and other travel modes, and provide traveler route choice (pri-trip and on-trip) and route guidence (on-trip). Based on the research findings of the national high-tech research and development program of china (863 program): R&D of intelligent guidence software and application systems based on dynamic information, this paper do main research on one of the key technologis: multi mode urban transpotation network modelling method.
     In chapter I, paper summarized the development of city and urban transpotation, and the development state of chinese urban transportaion. Then proposed multi-mode urban travel guidence system to solve the urban transportation problems.finally proposed the research contents of this paper.
     In chaper II, first summarized methods of transportation network modelling and existing transportation network model. Then analysis the deficiencies of these model based on the multi-modal transportation network modeling demand.
     Chaper III analysis characteristics and deficiencies of base state with amendments spatio-temporal data models and object-oriented spatio-temporal data model. Then proposed modified object-oriented spatio-temporal data model based on base state with amendments.
     Chapter IV analyzes the multi-modal transport network traffic characteristics and modeling needs, proposed multi-modal transport network modeling elements, give the geometric expression and relationship expression,and finally give the conceptual model and logical model of multi-modal transport network.
     Chapter V did main research on the incremental update and topology rebuild mechanism of the multi-modal transport network based on the analysis of existing spatial data update technology. gave incremental update mode,methods,and the incremental information modeling,and described the travel path calculation method based on topology rebuild.
     Under the premise of the previous research,Chapter VI do the reasearch on the physical model of the spatial-temporal data model based on Oracle database. and constructing a pilot system, show the feasibility of the multi-modal urban transportation network model.
     Chapter VII is the conclution of the paper. It summarizes the major research and innovation of this article, and put forward the idea of future research.
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