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    据分析表明,湖心的沉积速率高达18.2mm yr~(-1),而湖区大部沉积速率在2-5mm
    mm yr~(-1)。
     涨潮流带入的悬移质和推移质;整个湖区的沉积通量为 10000l2000 t yTI.粒
     差异;平均潮差 0.50 m,平均涨潮历时 5 ’J’时 19分,平均落潮历时 7小时 5
     分,平均纳潮量 2刀X 106 m‘.月湖口门的潮流是不规则半日潮流,涨急、落急
     流速可达 1刀 m s’‘以上;口门想流时刻正对应湾内的高人潮时,是典型的驻波.
     月湖湖心的颗粒态有机碳通量为 0.34 kg m”‘p”’.推而广之,仅就有机碳通
Tidal inlets are a common feature along littoral drift shores all over the world.
     Located in the eastern Shandong Peninsula. China, Yuehu is a small tidal inlet
     system with great values in terms of fish culture, tourism, environment and scientific
     research. Generally, the environment in the Yuehu area was stable before the 1 970s,
     but some inappropriate development activities (e.g. the artificial closure of the
     entrance in 1979, and reclamation of a large part of the intertidal land of 0.59 km2
     within the tidal basin since 1986) have resulted in high deposition rate, degeneration
     of water quality and deterioration of the lagoon ecosystem. This indicates that this
     coastal embayment is fragile and sensitive to external forcing; the environment and
     ecosystem damage caused by human activities is difficult to recover naturally.
     Several aspects of the Yuehu Inlet system are of scientific research significance.
     First, as a typical tidal inlet system with special hydrodynamics characteristics, this
     system is an excellent case for sediment dynamics study. Moreover, the latest 20
     years saw fast and disastrous environmental changes happening in Yuehu. Such
     changes deserve extensive research focusing on the interaction between human
     activities and physical environment evolution.
     Two phases of hydrodynamic observation and sediment sampling were
     undertaken in winter 1998 (from November 12 to December 11) and summer 1999
     (from August 12 to September 9), respectively. During each period of fieldwork,
     tidal water levels of 29 days were recorded at the lagoon center using an Aanderaa
     Water-Level Recorder (Model 7 for winter and 8 for summer). Spring and neap tidal
     cycle measurements of the current velocity, tidal water level and suspended sediment
     concentrations were carried out within the entrance to the tidal basin. Further, 130
     surficial sediment samples and 9 short cores were collected. During the sampling,
     the position was fixed using a (Magellan 2000XL) portable GPS.
     In the laboratory, grain size analysis was undertaken for the sediment samples
     using a CILAS 940L laser grain size analyzer and sieves, and grain size trends over
    the lagoon were computed using the Gao-Collins model (Gao and Collins, 1991).
     Four short cores were selected for analysis of depoaition rate ( 0Pb method) and one
     for organic carbon content (using a Perkin-Elmer 240C Elemental Analyzer). Water
     level records were processed with TIRA (a program for harmonic analysis), and tidal
     currents within the inlet entrance were calculated on the basis of the law of
     conservation of mass and a method proposed by Gao and Collins (1994).
     Furthermore, bedload and suspended sediment transport rates at the inlet mouth were
     calculated. Historical data from scientific journals, maps and aerophotos were also
     collated in order to understand the evolution of the Yuehu Inlet.
     Yuehu has a small lagoon of 4.94 km2 in area and an average water depth of 1.0
     m. The lagoon was separated from the open sea by a send spit. An entrance channel
     of 132 m (measured at MSL) in width connects the lagoon with the open sea. Five
     small rivers discharge seasonally into the lagoon; the catcbment basin, 15.2 km2 in
     area. is characterized by low hills. Longshore drift along the beach on the open sea
     side is relatively weak.
     The lagoon is generally dominated by fine-grained material, and mud and sandy
     mud account for about 40% of the lagoon area. The central part of the tidal basin is
     covered with muddy se
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