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In the latest thirties years of reforming and open-up,china get great achievement in economic development,especially the eastern coastal areas in china develope rapidly,which originates from reforming in economic field and from opening to the outside world.that is to say the eastern areas in china undertake industrial transfer which comes from Hongkong、Macao、Taiwan as well as the processing of export oriented from abroad,which accelerated capital,technology and talent accumulation, realize the rapid development of economy. Although China's western region has been developed for ten years, but generally "infrastructure is backward, zoology environment is weak, economic structure is unreasonable, ego development capacity is not strong"the state has not yet changed fundamentally, the gap is enlarging comparing with the eastern developed area.Narrow difference of development between east and west needs in the east to promote continuous development at the same time, to make the western than the eastern faster development.The West wants implementation to span type development, whether can use the eastern development pattern? On the basis of current our country located domestic and international economic situation, especially with the United States sub-loan financial crisis lag and besetting the European debt crisis of continuous fermentation, western developed country which is in the global financial crisis and the debt crisis recover its economic will be a long time, China's export-driven economy era has in the past, only depends on changing the train of development, the adjustment of economic structure, vigorously develop the introversion economy. At the same time, our country internal regional industrial transfer boom has come, on one hand, the eastern elements due to the constraint of resource endowment and economic needs, be faced with accelerate the needs of industrial transfer; on the other hand, industry gradient potential exists between east and west in china, the western have the advantage of rich resources, therefore, the west must undertake the transfer of industries to advance industrialized process, accelerate development of economy
     China's rapid economic growth is accompanied by the unbalance of the economic structure issue, it is affecting the quality of economic growth in China and the problems of sustainable development. China economy faces transition, from export-oriented to domestic demand change, from the extensive type, investment driven industry development path to intensive, a new modern industrial path transformation.In the industrialized process in the west in china, especially thinking about the backward economic development in underdeveloped western how does the area or lack of development to achieve structural adjustment and the change of the mode of development, while also facing the western ecological environment which is fragile and weak bearing capacity constraint. Therefore,it is urgency and necessity that China has to advance industrial structure to optimize and upgrade.Along with the accelerating process of industrialization, how to undertake the industrial transfer in the implementation of western industrial structure to optimize upgrade, to narrow the difference between east and western, is not only an important theoretical problem, but also a significant practical issue. About western undertake industrial transfer and industrial structure optimization and upgrading path proposition being in academic theory bound and practice branch, become proposition of theoretical and practical which we need positive thinking and practice currently. This is the background of " western region to undertake the industrial transfer and industrial structure optimization and upgrading"
     In this paper,industry transfer practice between the east and the west and the requirement of economic structural adjustment is the research background,the theory of model analysis and case method is applied, relevant countermeasures suggestion to undertake industrial transfer and industrial structure optimization and upgrading mechanism, path research, combined with China's western realistic foundation and condition to our country western area be put forward.
     The main content of this thesis is divided into4parts with6chapters:
     The first chapter is the introduction, describes the research background and significance, research ideas and methods.
     The second chapter is literature review, combing the theory of industry transfer, technology innovation diffusion and upgrading of the industrial structure and other related literatures both at home and abroad.
     The third chapter is the part of theoretical research,the internal mechanism of analysis for the innovation creativity of industry transfer to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, mainly includes two aspects: one is explains for industry transfer creativity with the core of the innovation forming process through technological innovation, technical innovation diffusion theory and the technology of secondary innovation process; another is the use of micro economics theory as the basis, with the macro model of economic growth theory as theoretical framework, build technical innovation-Industrial Upgrading Model of innovation and industrial upgrading between intrinsic mechanism and evolution path of. The innovation creativity of industry transfer to promote industrial upgrading:new technology research and development for industry innovators (or the new management system development), greatly improves the innovator's profit level and production efficiency, and lead the other manufacturers to accelerate technology imitation of industry or increase funding of its research and development, and then realize the technological innovation technological level chase; industrial upgrading path:basic industry " innovation--innovation of imitation" of technological catching-up mode to promote the industrial technology level in different manufacturers technical level convergence and whole industry output efficiency level, the whole industry from the initial lower efficiency levels gradually evolved into the higher level of efficiency, and then realize the upgrading of industries; from the industrial transfer, industrial transfer on the impact of technological innovation on the optimization of regional industrial structure upgrading
     The fourth chapter is the study of the western industrial transfer to advance industrial structure to optimize upgrade path:(1) analysis of the western undertake industrial transfer opportunities, challenges and advantages and disadvantages.(2) the analysis of the western region industry to undertake the type selection, main content includes to western development mode is selected, the eastern industrial transfer type analysis, western region industry advantage and industry attractiveness and analysis based on western how to choose to undertake industrial types and undertaking industry transfer to advance industrial structure to optimize upgrade content was studied, including the to undertake the transfer of industries and technological progress, and undertake the industrial transfer and industrial structure coordination, to undertake the transfer of industries and regional coordinate development, undertake the industrial transfer and ecological environment protection
     The fifth chapter is the analysis of the case. This paper gives a Sichuan to undertake the transfer of industries, innovation ability and the state of industrial structure change to carry on the analysis, we can obviously see Sichuan in undertaking industrial transfer for several years to improve the capability of technology innovation, industry upgrades, industrial structure optimization.
     The sixth chapter, the western undertake industrial transfer and industrial structure to optimize upgrade relevant policy recommendations. Main content:(1) clear the target of industrial structure optimization and upgrading for the western;(2) need to be developed in different levels and types of development planning, such as the west to undertake the transfer of industries to provide guidance to avoid the blind to undertake, and between regions of the disordered and vicious competition;(3) improve the optimization of western institutional environment. Western China's economic development as underserved areas, planned economy times imprint is quite deep, need to further accelerate market construction, by the means of market configuration resource can better improve the efficiency of resource allocation; conversion of western governmental function.(4) to improve basic conditions for the west to undertake industry:further improve the infrastructure, accelerate the construction of western undertaking industrial transfer carrier;(5) the west to undertake the industry transfer main measures: industrial cluster, regional cooperation, to undertake a bond initiative recruit business;(6) make and perfect relevant policy guarantee system:developed to support the western industrial development policy, promote western industrial transfer to cast financing policy, develop service western science and technology, education and talent policy, promoting the industrial structure optimization and upgrading of the fiscal and taxation policy.
     The viewpoint of this paper:
     1, The innovation creativity of industry transfer, with technology progress of diffusion as the main content of the, advance industrial upgrading in industry undertaking area by the endogenous way.
     2, The path for undertaking industry transfer to advance industrial structure to optimize and upgrade is:according to the different advantages of western area inside, it is the guid that to undertake advanced technology,to keep the coordinated development between industry in local and undertaking industry,to keep the coordinated development between regional coordinated development and the ecological environment harmonious development,and to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure.
     3,The conditions in western area vary, with different types in different regions to undertake the industry transfer, industrial type selection are different.(1) from industrial transfer motivation types, considering the region's economic development, resources and environment foundation, the labour force and other related factors, according to the needs of economic development, choose to undertake suitable for local industrial types:in the developed areas of the place with good condition to undertake the extension of industry transfer, from high-end undertake proceed with, drive region the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure; for the resource dominant position is prominent place to the dominant industry move drives supporting industrial transfer, optimization of regional industrial structure; for its industrial foundation is weak, but has a vast market space area, can undertake market expansion or supporting industrial transfer.(2) from the eastern industrial transfer type trend and western industry attractiveness analysis point of view, for the science and technology foundation of good, strong innovation ability of regions, suitable to undertake higher technical support to the industry, which is mainly suitable for processing undertake deepening technology intensive industry; the industry foundation, environmental carrying capacity is strong, can increase the manufacturing industry the undertaking efforts, through undertaking for local industrial development (local industry can provide the industry cooperation or supporting), which is the main processing of deepening capital of the industry, and through the extension of industrial chain, won the industry development; to limit development zone ecological environment, need in ecological environment within an acceptable range, to undertake appropriate the local resources development industry, mainly to undertake resource deep processing industry, through the deep processing of resources, promote resource value; for some regions with resource gift, or need to protect local industry raw material or energy, can be appropriately selected to undertake resource for primary processing industry.
     4,Through data analysis of the Sichuan Province in recent years,author think that Sichuan actively undertake domestic and foreign industrial transfer to get technology spillover effect, and promote the process of industrialization and industrial upgrade, thus promoting the adjustment and upgrade of industrial structure.
     The innovation of this paper is as follows:
     1, A new industrial classification of industry. In order to study the internal mechanism of industrial upgrading,industrial classification based on the factor intensity, deep of processing and technology association of industry. In39industry segments to china's national economic statistics four types were classified as:type of primary industry resources, type of resources deepen processing, type of processing and deepening capital,type of deepen processing and technology
     2, Put forward the concept of force of innovation of industry transfer. This paper argues that the industry transfer because the technology diffusion of industry to undertake technical innovation, bring updating concept, and can be transferred to the enterprise from" learning" to the advanced management experience and management know-how. These constitute the connotation of innovation of industry transfer. And technology innovation diffusion theory and the secondary innovation process analysis of the innovation of industry transfer force forming process
     3, The establishment of industrial transfer innovation and industrial upgrading model. Endogenous economic growth theory under the framework of the establishment of industrial transfer, innovation and industrial upgrade model, and this model explains the train of industrial upgrading.
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