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Network service convergence is the development trend of the worldwide information market, the development of new business information in Chinese market in full swing, the triple play is an important part of Chinese information industry development strategy planning. In the process of development trend about new information business integration in China, the new services represented by IPTV is developing rapidly, Chinese IPTV with meeting the needs of market users, getting its development opportunities, and also inevitably encounter many problems in the process of its growing. Some development strategies should be noted in the process of IPTV growing, and other growth modes can be learned concerning its growing up smoothly and it's getting corresponding market share, which should be considered important factors. Thus, this topics thesis is carried out under this background.
     Chinese scholars studying for the domestic IPTV service system in its infancy, so that Chinese IPTV market development theory is almost empty, plus inherent characteristics of the domestic information market, can not directly copy from the experience of foreign countries and regions such as Europe and the United States, thus to some extent affect the healthy growth of Chinese IPTV. Therefore, in a sense, Chinese IPTV development process can not get the former that be learned, and only forward in the exploration. This paper start from the perspective of management, importing economic analysis model, with the help of statistical model analysis method, using the theory of industrial science to discuss the possibly problems of development process and its countermeasures, meanwhile citing the authoritative statistics of the relevant industry and referencing foreign counterparts experience, expect to promoting the orderly and steady growth of Chinese IPTV.
     This papers around the industry frame, importing related concepts of modern information economics such as network externality, industry alliance and principal-agent into IPTV business, stressing the actual statistics and the dialectic text discusses to describe modern Chinese IPTV profoundly, and further to analysis objective factors and subjective factors which faced with Chinese IPTV, relying on quantified mathematical model of economic management to find underlying factors causing these reasons, and then drawing further qualitative analysis, putting forward feasibility measures of response.
     This paper different from the existing research about Chinese IPTV which mainly applying speculative text discusses、approximate method、 fuzzy mathematical models and random survey, the paper focusing on modern Chinese IPTV industry status, utilizing industry theory、industry case study、the latest first-hand Authority statistical data to explore its Imperative needs. The thesis mainly from market environment、 market-competitive behavior、potential marketing alliance、organizational incentive to study, using more strict industry reasoning model, reduce the factors which contain ambiguity, with the help of strict logical derivation, adding the authenticity and reliability of the this article.
     The paper also proposes the innovative regulation of the Chinese IPTV industry from management system and legal system.
     Overall, the paper integrated use research methods of management、 economics、statistics,etc, focus on theory with practice, to analyze from business environment and industrial development, and attempt to find some referenced countermeasure measures for Chinese IPTV development, hoping to come up with reference for Chinese IPTV.
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