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Financial holding company is the product of“integrated-separated-integrated”financial operational process, is the carrier of integrated operation. The former integrated operation was stopped by the crisis in 1929-1933. And after that, most countries in the world adopted separated operation mode. With the changes in financial concept, efficiency other than safety becomes the core value in finance and the tendency of integration in financial industry gives impetus to the development of financial holding company. Since it was born, financial holding company has become a new organization mode for integrated operation. It has many advantages: increase the distributive efficiency of financial resources, satisfy customers’need for all-around financial services and strengthen competitiveness and innovation of financial institutions. In contrast to that important status, financial holding company has tremendous operational risks, which are not only the reflection and combination of single institution, but the variation of former risks. Besides, the comprehensive structure, complicated property relationships and diversification of business all together put new supervisory requirements forward.
     After studying the background of financial holding company development and the challenges it puts to supervision, it is easily found that“separated operation, separated supervision”has become a great obstacle to financial reality. The latest development in financial supervision system shows a profound system is a mechanical unification of external legal regulation an internal control, is a systematical organization of market entry regulation, operational regulation and market leaving regulation. In fact, such a supervisory system has already been made, what we should do now is to transplant it into the supervision of financial holding company. Influenced by financial integration, this essay argues the regulation of financial holding company in vertical view: market entry-operation-market leaving and in horizontal view: internal control-trade discipline-legal supervision.
     Following that idea, the essay is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, financial operation model and financial regulation are concerned. From the historical angle, we may find financial holding company is one of the realization forms of integrated operation and different operation model decides different choice of financial regulatory system. Influenced by the latest supervisory idea, the necessity and specialty in supervision of financial holding company are discussed. In the second chapter, the essay studies the special risks financial holding company is faced with and specifies the definite supervisory tasks. To conclude, regulatory principles, contents and model of financial holding company are quite different from those of a single institution. In the third chapter, it is mainly concerned with the regulation of market entry, which is composed of the theory basis, the motivation and different forms of setting up a financial holding company. And then it studies the legal regulation of several countries. The fourth chapter discusses the most important sector in financial holding company supervision, that’s operational regulation. Administrative level and efficiency of outer supervision decides the risks level. The harmony of legal regulation, trade discipline and internal control is a key factor in financial supervision. In the fifth chapter, how to leave market is the central topic. From the theory of public need, the market leaving of financial holding company is essential. And then build a supervisory system of“before-in-after”leaving to ensure the safety and stability of national economy. Finally there is a conclusion, in which contents of supervising the financial holding company are summarized.
     Under the frame, the essay goes into the specific contents of financial holding company supervision in detail. Regulation in market entry is the first defense line for safety. The type of institutions, the scope of business and the qualification of personnel are the key contents in market entry supervision. Regulation in operation and market leaving becomes the second and third defense lines respectively. Compared with the first and last defense lines, operational regulation is of great importance because it’s moving while the other two are relatively stable. Success or failure in operational regulation decides whether the regulation of financial holding company succeeds or fails, which is decided in turn by the coordinating level of three rights: legal supervisory right, trade disciplinary right and self disciplinary right. Among the three, self-discipline is the basis, trade discipline is the safeguard and the legal supervision is the key. This structure avoids the regulation vacuum due to dissymmetry of information. In detail, operational supervision is made up of corporation administrative structure, internal fire wall and capital adequacy which are a reflection of risk-oriented supervisory concept. As to market leaving of financial holding company, from the theoretical angle of public need, it is quite necessary. The complete system is composed of risk prediction mechanism and measures of before-in-after leaving. To be exact, it includes preventive combination, help in crisis, takeover and rescuing deposit guarantee and heavier burden of holding company. Generally speaking, in order to get a full picture of financial holding company supervision, the former mentioned contents should be considered.
     Abundant latest domestic and foreign materials have been collected for this research. Reviewing and referring to the latest foreign study methods and concerning the domestic reality of financial holding company supervision, a personal research style is formed. Beginning with the relationship between changed legal regulation concept and financial operation model and traditional regulatory theory, based on the integrated operation tendency and innovation in supervisory concept, a conclusion is drawn: risk-oriented supervisory concept should take the place of rule-oriented concept. Relying on standardized analysis methods such as economic, historical and comparative analysis, a complete regulation picture about financial holding company is obtained. Meanwhile, a systematical analytical frame is set up.
     The author is inspired by the former research achievement in different fields, esp. the all-around risk control method in economic circle and is concerned with the topic for a long time. All these lay a solid foundation to overcome the difficulty in study. So the achievement of this essay involve: firstly, this essay restores the original picture of financial holding company supervision, realizes the aim of examining diversified regulatory measures in a vertical and systematical frame. Secondly, the essay excavates the theory basis for regulating financial holding company, makes theory storage for establishing rules and provides theory foundation to correct the present legal system. Thirdly, the essay caters to the new supervisory requirements, which are put forward by innovation of regulatory concept. Fourthly, this essay changes the train of thought to rebuild and correct present rules. Lastly, by responding to financial reality, the essay may help accelerate the merging of domestic and international supervisory rules.
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    ③ 康华平:《金融控股公司风险控制研究》,中国经济出版社 2006 年版,第 40 页。
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    ① Alan Greenspan : “ Remarks at the Conference on Bank Structure and Competition”, available in 1985 WL 51986 (S. E. C)(Dec. 20, 1984).
    ② 康华平:“金融控股公司风险控制模式的国际比较”,载于《上海证券报》理论版,2005 年 6 月 3 日。
    ① 参见康华平:《金融控股公司风险控制研究》,中国经济出版社 2006 年版,第 220-222 页。该书对本节的内容有很大的启发,遂在此表示感谢。
    ② See Rolnald I. McKinnon: “ Money and Capital in Economic Development”, Washington. DC. the Brookings Institution, 1973.
    ③ See Edward Shaw: “ Financial Deepening in Economic Development”, New York, Oxford University Press, 1973.
    ① 康华平:《金融控股公司风险控制研究》,中国经济出版社 2006 年版,第 222 页。
    ① 参见谢平:《金融控股公司的发展与监管》,中信出版社 2004 年版,第 74 页。
    ① 参见彭金隆:《金融控股公司法制监理与经营策略》,中国人民大学出版 2005 年版,第 83 页。
    ② 参见谢平:《金融控股公司的发展与监管》,中信出版社 2004 年版,第 114 页。
    ① 参见王士如,任曼洁:“韩国金融控股公司制度的发展与借鉴”,载于《政治与法律》,2005 年第 1 期。
    ② 周仲非,孙飞廉:“论金融控股公司市场准入的监管”,载于《上海财经大学学报》,2005 年第 4 期。
    ① 参见康华平:《金融控股公司风险控制研究》,中国经济出版社 2006 年版,第 224-225 页。
    ① 参见康华平:《金融控股公司风险控制研究》,中国经济出版社 2006 年版,第 242-244 页。
    ① 中国金融控股公司立法研究课题组:“中国金融控股公司立法若干问题研究”,载于《江淮论坛》,2004年第 2 期。
    ① 贝政新、陆军荣主编:《金融控股公司论—兼析在我国的发展》,复旦大学出版社 2003 年版,第 295-296 页。
    ① 参见李维安:《公司治理》,南开大学出版社 2001 年版。
    ② 参见梁能主编:《公司治理结构:中国的实践与美国的经验》,中国人民大学出版社 2000 年版。
    ③ 贝政新、陆军荣主编:《金融控股公司论—兼析在我国的发展》,复旦大学出版社 2003 年版,第 239页。
    ① 参见康华平:《金融控股公司风险控制研究》,中国经济出版社 2006 年版,第 70-81 页。
    ① 王学军:“金融控股公司发展的理论基础及其启示”,载于《中央财经大学学报》,2004 年第 8 期。
    ③ 黎四奇:“金融企业集团监管中的金融防火墙法律制度分析”,载于《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》,2004 年 2 月。
    ④ See Hary McVea, Financial Conglomerates and the Chinese Wall: Regulating Conflicts of Interest, Claredon Press, 1993.
    ① 黎四奇:“金融企业集团监管中的金融防火墙法律制度分析”,载于《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》,2004 年 2 月。本小节内容受该文的启发,遂在此表示感谢。
    ② Alan Greenspan: “Statement before the Committee on Banking, and Urban Affairs”, US Senate, 76 Fed. Res. Bull. 731, 1990
    ③ 诚实信用原则被奉为民法领域的一条霸王原则,同时其效力也扩展到多个法律领域,如商法。
    ② 第一,要求所有的金融机构均应揭露该金融机构对于消费者非公开的个人金融资讯保护的政策及方式;第二,限制金融机构对于消费者非公开的个人金融资讯对于非关系企业的第三人揭露,并应将相关的隐私权保护政策、条文以书面或是电子档案方式告知消费者;第三,该法要求相关金融主管机关,包括证管会及银行监理机关应落实:公布消费者资讯保护的标准;公布相关的规则及执行法规;在金融机构及其关系企业间可以分享资讯的标准;及是否有足够的法规,保障未经授权揭露消费者财务资讯的情况;第四,本法是对个人金融资讯提供最低度的保障,如果各州有提供更高度的保障,应遵从各州本身的规定。王文宇:《控股公司与金融控股公司法》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年版,第 275-276 页。
    ③ 陈柳,熊波:“金融控股公司监管的比较研究及中国的选择”,载于《中南财经政法大学学报》,2005年第 3 期。
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    ② 谈李荣:《金融隐私权与信息披露的冲突与制衡》,中国金融出版社 2004 年版,第 174 页。
    ③ 王文宇:“金融控股公司法评析”,载于《月旦法学杂志》第 77 期,2001 年 10 月。
    ④ 参见张强、曾宪冬:“金融混业经营新形势下设立监管‘防火墙’的思考”,载于《金融研究》,2003年第 9 期。
    ⑤ 于光祥:“我国金融控股公司的风险及内部控制”,载于《河南金融管理干部学院学报》,2003 年第 6期。
    ① 凌晓东:“金融控股公司的内部控制”,载于《国际金融研究》,2001 年第 4 期。
    ② 康书生:《商业银行内控制度—借鉴与创新》,转引自李仁真,黎四奇:“论金融业务综合化下的有效监管”,《武汉大学学报(人文社会科学版)》,2001 年 9 月。
    ④ 黎四奇:《金融企业集团法律监管研究》,武汉大学出版社 2005 年版,第 105 页。
    ①① 黎四奇:“论我国存款保险制度的构建—以德国自愿式模式为视角的研究”,载于《财经理论与实践》,2006 年第 5 期。
    ② 鲁篱,黄亮,程乐明:《金融公会法律制度研究》,中国金融出版社 2005 年版,第 17-35 页。
    ③ William D. Coleman: “Financial Services, Globalization and Domestic Policy Changes, Macmillan Press Ltd. , p182 (1986).
    ① 杨秋伟:“金融监管法律问题”,载于《湖南经济管理干部学院学报》,2004 年第 4 期。
    ② 参见康书生:《商业银行内控制度—借鉴与创新》,中国发展出版社 1999 年版,第 47 页。
    ① 其实,金融控股公司作为一个整体退出市场的可能性极小,本节探讨的金融控股公司的退出监管是指:首先,将控股子公司放在金融控股公司的架构下来考量各个金融机构的退出监管问题;其次,从逻辑上来说,金融控股公司也应当作为金融机构接受监管,在美国 1999 年《金融服务现代化法》中,金融控股公司也被明确地作为金融机构纳入原有的金融监管框架中,由美联储负责监管。参见刘志平:“论金融控股公司的几个问题”,载于《金融研究》,2001 年第 4 期。
    ② 参见阎维杰:《金融机构市场退出研究》,中国金融出版社 2006 年版,第 143-146 页。
    ③ 中国人民银行国际司编:《放眼世界—中国人民银行出国报告文萃》,中国金融出版社 2001 年版,第57 页。
    ① 阎维杰:《金融机构市场退出研究》,中国金融出版社 2006 年版,第 144-145 页。
    ② 刘东平,霍太稳:“关于金融控股公司的加重责任”,载于《东岳论丛》,2006 年第 1 期。
    ③ 阎维杰:《金融机构市场退出研究》,中国金融出版社 2006 年版,第 146 页。
    ④ 黎四奇:“我国商业银行破产法律制度的现状及其矫正”,载于《上海金融》,2005 年第 9 期。
    ① 康华平:《金融控股公司风险控制研究》,中国经济出版社 2006 年版,第 295 页。
    ② 刘东平,霍太稳:“关于金融控股公司的加重责任”,载于《东岳论丛》,2006 年第 1 期。
    ① 黎四奇:“我国商业银行破产法律制度的现状及其矫正”,载于《上海金融》,2005 年第 9 期。
    ① 阎维杰:《金融机构市场退出研究》,中国金融出版社 2006 年版,第 177 页。
    ① 康华平:《金融控股公司风险控制研究》,中国经济出版社 2006 年版,第 296 页。
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