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Team Spirit is one basic demand for the quality of talents inmodern society. From the angle of how to develop team spirit amongcollege students, the author tries to talk about three questions: thedefinition of team spirit;the meaning and the methods about how todevelop team spirit in this article.
    As for what team spirit is, there have been many definitionsin some books and articles. This article will explain the definition ofteam spirit from the angle of the relationship between team andmembership, which is borrowed from former researches. Team spiritmeans the members in one team feel satisfied and agreed and cancooperate actively and initiatively for the sake of the same benefitsand ambitions in the team. Team spirit also means the aspiration andemotion of the members to try their bests to fulfill tasks. From theoriginal of team spirit in both eastern and western cultures, thisarticle will draw a conclusion that the team spirit developed in Chinashould be compatible of both these two cultures -------to develop itunder the director of Chinese traditional collectivism.
    After the explanation of the content, development anddemand of team spirit, the article will prove the necessity ofdeveloping team spirit among college students. Collectivism
    education is traditional ethics education in our country. However, theresult is not good enough for the one-sidedness of recognizing andpublicizing collectivism in college in the past. The author thinks weshould regard team spirit as the beginner of ethics educationaccording to the close relationship between team spirit andcollectivism. Besides, college students are different from middlestudents. The direct goal of learning for them is to improve theirquality and be in perfect harmony with society to adapt the fastdevelopment of it. So they should develop their proper team spirit.The last aim of researching team spirit is to realize itsdevelopment among college students. So the focal point of thisarticle is on how to develop it. The author surveyed a lot about itamong college students after reading varieties of materials. Shedraws out these methods about how to develop team spirit asfollowing. First, make college students know more about team spirit.Second, train team spirit in practice as well as strengthen classdiscipline and the exemplary role of teachers. Third, enhance thejoin forces among college, family and society to carry out thedevelopment of team spirit to every corner of the whole society.
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