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China had already preliminary completed industrialization after nearly30years of undertake the transfer of manufacturing industry. The manufacturing industry of China began gradually transfer outward. At the same time, the proportion of tertiary industry is rising rapidly in China. The development of tertiary industry and international transfer of manufacturing industry to the fast the proportion to drop gradually coexistence. As a result of the tertiary industry among the financial, real estate and other industries with high yield, attracting capital from the entity economy withdrawing, exacerbated by the service industry and the manufacturing industry developing. If the case does not try to correct, will cause the service industry and high manufacturing industry as the core of the entity economy low industrial hollowing-out effect, influence Chinese economic growth.
     According to2009-2010cross-sectional data. We can find it that the proportion of manufacturing industry in different countries in the recovery process performance is not same after the outbreak of the financial crisis. The countries that manufacturing output for GDP is high, such as Germany, China, Korea, Thailand, economic recovered fast; and the countries that manufacturing output for GDP is low are more difficult to come out of the economic recession. Especially with the emergence of the United States of America Industry hollow, Britain, France, Italy and other countries, their economy get probably bottom again.
     Last century70*s period, the United States to pursue the new liberalism, the country gradually reduced in the intervention in the economy, the result is exacerbated by the manufacturing industry outside move, manufacturing industry in the United States in each industry proportion has dropped from30%in1950to11%in2004. Germany to undertake a move of round of industry, has been more than one hundred years, but is still able to maintain its manufacturing power, it does have a lot of good experience we can use for reference in china. The two countries are the focus of this study samples.
     Under the background, this study tried to find the following aspects:The first. finding out the relationship between manufacturing industry and the economic growth. Proving it that manufacturing industry is promoting economic growth in terms of the existence of a positive role. The second, to find out the relationship between manufacturing industry and economic fluctuation. proved to manufacturing industry have positive effect for prevent fluctuations in the economy and reduce economic periodic wave motion and shorten recovery time wait for a respect to:The third, to find out the related factors about international transfer of manufacturing industry, try to give some advise for prevent the Chinese manufacturing industry transfer outward. The last one is to improve the overall level of China's manufacturing industry measures.
     This research based on Marxist political economics in the economic cycle theory, and the international division of labor and the theory of modern economics macroscopical economic theory, international economics theory as the theoretical basis, including economic growth and economic growth theory. Mainly discusses the Ramsay cross period can be divided into utility function, Solow--SWAN model, Keyes--Koopmans version of the equilibrium, arrow and Xie Xinsi base stem school theory, Luo Mo inside unripe growth model, Ze Yu--Lucas model, bear Peter's growth theory, in addition to before the financial crisis, also popular in west countries the New Liberalism Economics are described. Manufacturing industry transfer theory is the important theoretical basis for the study of. Including the international industrial transfer theory, such as the transfer of labor-intensive industry theory, product life cycle theory, the theory of gradient transfer--, center periphery theory, world system theory, theory of mode of wild goose travel, marginal industry transfer theory; followed by the trade theory, including the theory of comparative advantage, HO resource endowment theory and factor intensity reversal, the monopoly advantage theory, internalization theory, the eclectic theory of international production, overlapping demand theory, increasing returns to scale, technology diffusion theory (overflow).
     On the basis of these theories, this paper focuses on the analysis of two aspects, one is the manufacturing of steady economic growth effect of qualitative analysis, this part is the core of research. Include:(1) long-term macroeconomic problem namely problem of economic growth, in the economic growth of all elements of the manufacturing industry what are the main role, respectively, from manufacturing to the influence of labor productivity, the manufacturing of the impact of advances in technology, manufacturing industry on the formation of human capital effect, manufacturing industry and the relation of resource in four aspects;(2) economic fluctuation problem, in the short-term and macroscopical economic problems, the manufacturing industry function is mainly reflected in the employment effects, effects on prices, balance of payments, effect on the economy is expected to affect these four aspects, together, form the manufacturing industry and economic cycle analysis of the relationship;(3) other action analysis of manufacturing industry, including manufacturing and national security, manufacturing industry and industry hollow problem such as the relation;(4) manufacturing industry and other industry relationship. Including manufacturing industry and agriculture, manufacturing industry and service industry, manufacturing industry chain effect.
     On the other hand is the empirical analysis. Include:(1) validation of manufacturing industry on the steady economic growth plays a vital role in. By the outbreak of the financial crisis of2009-2010world main economy section data undertakes metric analysis, validation of manufacturing output accounted for the proportion of GDP and economy anabiosis strong correlations exist between the;(2) the United States manufacturing situation analysis. First described in the United States the development of manufacturing industry and the United States the relationship between economic growth, and analysis of the United States the outward transfer of basic situation as well as the transfer of manufacturing industry of the United States after the economic changes;(3) the German manufacturing industry case analysis. The first analysis of German manufacturing industry development's basic situation, then analysis of German manufacturing industry for the German economy influence, especially focuses on the analysis of80time later German manufacturing industry continues to maintain a higher proportion of main reason. The United States and Germany on two aspects of positive and negative experiences in China, it has important significance.
     In proof of manufacturing industry on the steady economic growth has an irreplaceable role, this paper also on the transfer of the manufacturing conditions of occurrence were analyzed, one is the transfer of manufacturing industry of the causes and conditions, including manufacturing transfer research, manufacturing industry is transferred shall meet the conditions, the part1945--Also on the in2010the transfer of the manufacturing process for empirical analysis. Verification of these conditions. Two of China's manufacturing industry is the possibility of transferring analysis, respectively, to the Southeast Asia and South Asia the possibility of transferring to non state transfer analysis, feasibility analysis, South America transfer probability analysis to other areas and the possibility of transferring analysis, the analysis is mainly to identify Chinese in the present and the future are facing potential competitors, in order to develop more effective against manufacturing industry from the policies and measures.
     On the basis of the above research, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. This research shows:the Chinese government in determining the future direction of industrial development, should adopt corresponding system design and policy guidance, to keep the appropriate manufacturing industry throughout the industry in a higher proportion of. The output for the entire GDP ratio is maintained at25%-30%, second industry overall ratio eventually should be maintained at30%-35%between, appropriate to reduce the mining and construction industry in the second industry in proportion, keep manufacturing output in the second industrial proportion close to and above80%. To encourage the tertiary industry development at the same time, but also prevent the tertiary industry especially of fictitious economy excessive expansion, the tertiary industry proportion eventually should not exceed65%, the first industry to maintain moderate growth, but the overall trend is the ratio continues to drop, the final output ratio in1%-5%. To achieve the goal of industrial structure regulation, the government on the one hand to achieve the domestic manufacturing industry is optimized upgrade, create a good environment for development, market mechanism and government macro-control combination, promote domestic manufacturing to high-end development, maintain the Chinese manufacturing industry in international competition; on the other hand to prevent virtual economy excessive development of. Should make full use of the financial derivatives in financing leverage, but also to prevent the abuse of financial derivatives, control the proper scale. Through system design, ensure industry profit margins smaller differential, direct funds more flow to the entity economy; in addition, the government should also do a good job of foreign investment guide, intervention in international M&A, moderate on the implementation of the protection measures within the industry, promote the local manufacturing industry from large to strong, good control of manufacturing industry transference of rhythm, prevent the industry is changed hollowly occurrence. In the specific measures, this study from the system design, the face of macro support and enterprise level three levels, put forward national policy guidelines, the national tax breaks and subsidies from the government, legal means, loan, social security measures, foreign investment regulation and guidance, strengthen infrastructure construction, education and occupation training, smooth transition agricultural population, regional metastases alternative international transfer, seize the patent, technology standard and core technologies of these key, improve product quality, brand, to expand the scale of enterprises, form dimensions benefit and proposal.
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