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After“9·11”incident, to push the democratization in Middle East becomes the core topic of the American government and out-party once again. In September 2002, the American government issued“the national security strategy report”, which ultimately proposed strategy of“Preemptive Strike”. After the Afghan war, US started the Iraqi war in March 2003, and overthrew the Saddam regime rapidly. As an example of democratization in Middle East, Iraq has being awkwardly processing the construction of democracy, which was dominated by United States. Combining the development of current affairs, this paper start with the essence of democracy, and then analyze the situations of Iraqi postwar democracy construction. We point out the existing problems in the construction of Iraqi democracy, also we discuss the reason resulting in these problems. All these are very important to recognize the real intent of American, to find out what preconditions needed in the construction of democracy in developing countries, and to forecast the prospect of democracy construction in developing countries.
     Surrounding the topic of Iraqi democracy construction which process under the lead of the America, this paper involves five chapters:
     Chapter One: Researches the current studying situation on Iraqi democracy construction. Firstly, it summarized domestic and overseas researches on democratization in the Middle East. Then specify domestic and overseas researches on postwar political reconstruction in Iraq.
     Chapter Two: Qualify the concept and the essence of democracy. It involves following aspects: the origin and the development of democracy, the understanding on the essence of democracy of scholars in different countries, the preconditions needed in the construction of democracy, and so on. Then qualify the character of democracy.
     Chapter Three: We discuss the actuality of postwar political reconstruction in Iraq. Firstly, we reviewed the process of putting forward the“Greater Middle East Initiative”, discuss what content involved in this program. Then analyze Iraqi domestic social actuality and democracy construction under the lead of the America. We point out the difficulties and existing problems in the construction of democracy.
     Chapter Four: Basing on the objective and subjective actuality in Iraq, we analyze some factors which hinder Iraq from constructing democratic system. As the restriction of economic level、social structure、political structure and so on, the paper point out that Iraq walk with difficulty on the road of constructing democracy. Besides, we also figure that there exist some subjective conditions which restrict Iraq democracy construction, such as the traditional Islamic political culture, the radical nationalism against United States, the lacking of consciousness of Nation-identity.
     Chapter Five: Conclusions. From the above analysis, we draw the conclusion to believe that the construction of democracy demand mature precondition, which involves higher economic level、consummate political system and corresponding political culture. Then we further point out that democracy must be rooted in the interior. The construction of democracy is a long-term and gradual process.
1 Larry Diamond, Juan J. Linz and Seymour Mardin Lipset, Democracy in Developing Countries, Vol, 2, Boulder. Lynne Rienner,1988, pp.xix-xx
    4 Bernard Lewis, Islam and Liberal Democracy ,The Atlantic,1993,vol.271,no.2,p,89
    5 John L, Esposito, John O. Voll, Islam and Democracy, p.7
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    33 http://news.sina.com. cn/w/2007-03-15/094312524056.shtml
    34 http://news.sina.com.cn/z/yilakezz4year/index.html
    40 Adeed Dawisha and Karen Dawisha, How to Build a Democratic Iraq? Foreign Affairs. New York ,May/June2003, Vol.82, Iss.3,P.36
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    48 http://inter.qianlong.com/4319/2006/01/20/1160@2980661.htm
    52安东尼·寇兹曼著,曾祥颖译:《伊拉克战争经验教训:大战略之课题》,台湾“国防部”史政编译室译印,2004年版,第80  页
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    61 Juan Cole, The Shiite Earthquake, Tuesday 01 February 2005 truthout.com
    62 http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2005-10/25/content_3683360.htm
    64 [美]乔·萨托利著:《民主新论》,第35页
    65 Edward N. Luttwak , Iraq: The Logic of Disengagement, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2005,P30
    66 [美]马克·E·沃伦著,吴辉译:《民主与信任》,华夏出版社,2004年版,第94页
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    69 Patrick Clawson, Iraq for the Iraqis: How and When, Middle East Quarterly, Spring 2004,Volume,XI:Number2.
    73 http://news.sina.com.cn/z/yilakezz4year/index.html
    74 Youssef M. Ibrahim:Democracy: Be Careful What You Wish for”,The Washington Post, March 23, 2003
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    76转引自,Adeed Dawisha:‘Identity’and Political Survival in Sadam’s Iraq, Middle East Journal, Autumn 1999,P.53
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    79 Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli,:Iraqi Kurds at Crossroads, The Middle East Media Research Institute, March30, 2004
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