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     重庆某精细化工厂拟采用以“Fenton氧化-两相厌氧-生物接触氧化”为主体的工艺处理高盐难降解的羧甲基纤维素钠(Carboxy Methyl Cellulose,CMC)废水,在废水处理工程建设完成后,从培养耐盐菌开始一直到项目验收共计半年时间,笔者进行了生产性调试研究,研究内容几乎涉及污水处理领域的各个层面,十分复杂而且广泛。首先,同时向水解酸化池、接触厌氧池和生物接触氧化池投加相同成分的某城市污水厂污泥,各池独立完成培菌和挂膜过程。然后,整个系统正式启动,以培养和驯化同步进行的方式来培养系统污泥。在调试期间,进水量控制在200 m3左右,逐步提升进水盐度至设计值26072.9 mg/L,进水COD 6000mg/L。当进水水质水量达到设计值,同时,出水COD稳定在500 mg/L时,向环保局申请验收。
With the high-speed development of our country's economic, the number of chemical pharmaceutical and other industrial enterprise has a huge increasing, creating huge economic benefit, but also of the discharge difficult degradable poisonous and harmful or high salt wastewater. For example with the fine chemical wastewater, the several characteristics superposition of“refractory”with“high salinity”“high concentration”or“poisonous and harmful”, it serious inhibits microbes normal metabolism function, make biochemical reactions very difficult, wastewater treatment is very difficult, already built projects often standards. At the same time, the government has issued or renewed more tightening industrial wastewater discharge standard. So reliable treatment process and key treatment technologies of effluents containing high salinity and refractory biodegradable organic matter is very important to be studied to resolve the difficulty that heavy pollution industries in china are faced with.
     The combined treatments of Fenton oxidation—two-phase anaerobic(hydrolytic acidification tank+ anaerobic tank)—biological contact oxidation was intended to be used in a Fine Chemical Factory in Chongqing in order to treat CMC effluents containing high salinity and refractory biodegradable organic matter. After the completing of project construction, it takes a total of six months from culturing halo -tolerant bacteria to acceptance of the project, I carried on the production commissioning research involving almost every aspect of the wastewater treatment in the six months, and it is extensive and complex. At first, the sludge of a municipal effluent treatment plant was added to hydrolytic acidification tank, anaerobic biological contact tank and biological contact oxidation tank at the same time, cultivation and membrane forming was accomplished separately in each tank. Then the system started. The cultivation and acclimation was carried out to culture sludge in the system. During the commissioning, the influent was confined around 200 m3,and the salinity of influent was increased gradually to 26072.9 mg/L, COD of the influent is 6000mg/L. When the quality and volume of influent reached the design requirements, COD of the effluent is stability 500mg/L, the application of acceptance of the project was submitted to Environmental Protection Agency.
     The results of commissioning show:①Conventional biological treatment systems could be used to treat highly saline wastewater through moderate acclimated biomass. Acclimated micro-organisms could tolerate high salt concentrations, but the tolerance of acclimated micro-organisms is limited, the adapting of micro-organisms to high salt concentrations takes a long time and acclimated micro-organisms are often exposed to shocks. So the adapting and cultivating of salt-tolerant micro-organisms should be controlled strictly.②The key of excellent performance biological treatment process of effluents containing high salinity and refractory biodegradable organic matter is controlling the salinity. The salinity of the CMC effluents treated biologically should be confined to 2 percent.③In the biological contact oxidation process for the removal of organic matter, biological film is the main part.④Settling properties of the sludge in high saline environments is bad, so Sedimentation Tank should be designed properly to appropriately increase the time of settling.⑤The results of production commissioning and operation show that the treatment of CMC effluents containing high salinity and refractory biodegradable organic matter,using the combined treatments of Fenton oxidation—two-phase anaerobic(hydrolytic acidification tank+ anaerobic tank)—biological contact oxidation,is feasible. The effluent quality meets the third grade criteria of integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB8978-1996).
     Treatment technology of effluents containing high salinity and refractory biodegradable organic matter is an academic frontier; it has drawn the concern of academic and engineering circles and is becoming one of the most attractive research directions in the wastewater treatment. The results of this paper could be used to help the effluent of heavy pollution industry to meet the discharge standard in order to relieve urgent press of water environment, and realize environmental, economic and social profits. It has great theoretical and practical meaning.
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