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The dissertation has introduced the analyzing and reconstruction question of complicated treed natural gas pipe network system.It has studied the analyzing and reconstruction question of old pipe network.
    To the analyzing and reconstruction question of old pipe network that has been studied in the dissertation,the first task is to make simulated calculation of the network.The goal of the calculation is to determine if the network can work normally.That is to say,at the condition of random discharge of node points and the pressure of the beginning and the ending,the pressure of node points has been caculated.Having taken the cost as the object fuction,then,it has built the maths models of compressor station and assistant pipe respectively.Then.it uses Newton repeated method and comparision method to resolve the models respectively.The parameters such as compression ratio,diameter and length have been obtained.Then ,by using the technological parameters and economical parameters into the models,the cost has been obtained.Then,it has chosen the minor one by comparing the cost between them.The corresponding programme is the optimal reconstruction programme of the old network.
    At last,it analyzed a network and provided programmes of reconstuction.On the basis of this,the process of economic decision has been made to be used when the people chose programmes of reconstruction.
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