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Routing Protocol is one of the key technologies for Wireless Sensor Network. it transforms the data source nodes to destination nodes. Hierarchical routing protocols have an advantage in many aspects such as balancing energy consumption of nodes to prolong survival time of network, scalability and data integration.
     This paper introduced the architecture of Wireless Sensor Network, network topology, network features, as well as research. It mainly focused on the classification of routing protocol, considerations of designing routing, and performance evaluation of routing protocols. Meanwhile it made detail analysis of the scheme of the famous routing. This article based on the routings which based on the virtual grid, and improved the method of virtual grid establishment. It made use of random reference point to dynamically establish virtual grid, the nodes automatically formed cluster structures. In order to reduce the energy consumption of virtual grid establishment, It introduced the mechanism to maintain the virtual grid temporarily. It applied the maximum residual energy criterion and minimum energy consumption criterion to choose cluster heads in order to balance the energy expenditure of nodes.
     The paper used idealized network for mathematical analysis and MATLAB simulation analysis at the same time. Mathematical analysis and simulation came to the same optimal radius of virtual grid. Meantime the analysis proved that the proposed routing protocols balanced energy consumption of nodes, prolonged the survival time of network, and had good scalability.
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