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Construction supervision enterprise is a kind of special social intermediary organization, also a knowledge-intensive, technology-intensive and personnel-intensive enterprise and bears special social responsibilities and functions. Pressure management is a weak link of the routine operation of construction supervision enterprise and easy to be ignored, therefore, the reinforcement of pressure management is of much practical significance for the enterprise development and growth.
     This paper analyzes various pressures faced by construction supervision enterprise, combined with the characteristics of enterprise supervision, and accordingly developes a questionnaire to study the pressure on staff supervision based on 16 factors. The establishment of supervisory staff as well as the pressure on the index Table pressure evaluation index system and application-level analysis of the supervision of the staff size of the pressure on the assessment of the pressure. This article from the business point of view of supervision, supervision enterprises should study how to manage pressure on the staff. Through business-to-business enterprises as well as stress management and staff of the characteristics of the supervision of enterprises to take the pressure of game management, promote the enterprise supervision of the management of pressure from the start with the reasons put forward pressure on management. The FTA introduction of stress management, a more comprehensive description of the analysis of the impact of stress factors and the relationship between logic and intuitive, the system could lead to show all the pressure arising from a variety of factors (natural or potential) and The relationship Through the FTA, to determine the source of stress, visual description of the pressure on staff supervision, and for the supervision of the business management of the corresponding pressure on the constructive recommendations.
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