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On July 21st, 2005, The people' s bank of China declared that RMB exchange rate aginst US dollar appreciated 2%, and RMB exchange rate regime was turned from pegging against US dollar to managed floating exchange rate regime based on market demand and supply and adjusted to a basket of foreign curreicies. From then on RMB exchange rate said good bye to more than ten years long fixed exchange rate regime and entered the era of managed floating exchange rate regime. In the past two years fluctuations of exchange rates have become a indispensable part of economy. With the increased expansion of exchange rate fluctuations, whether this will affect the stability of domestic prices, and what monetary policies the central bank should take to deal with the unexpected impact of exchange rate fluctuations on policy aims, have attracted the attention of domestic economists to study the relationship between RMB exchange rates and prices at different levels.
     Based on summation on relevant theories, using data from Janruary 2000 to March 2007, this paper focuses on empirically study the effect of RMB exchange rate movement on domestic prices. Comparative analysis method is used to analyze the effect Of RMB exchange rate reform on RMB exchange rate pass through effects. The empirical results reveal that, import prices are most sensitive to movement of RMB exchange rate, next is corporate goods prices, and consumer prices are least sensitive to RMB exchange rate movement. After RMB exchange rate reform, the pass through effect of RMB exchange rate to import prices and coporate goods prices is less, while the pass through effect of RMB exchange rate to consumer prices is more. The structure of this article is organized as the following:
     The first chapter is an introduction. It is undoubted that exchange rate fluctuations will affect prices and cause different price indices to change correspondently to different extents. However, whether the exchange rate pass-through effect is complete or incomplete is indeterminate. To grasp the pass-through effects, the determinant factors and future movements has important economic and policy implications for the central bank which is responsible to control exchange rates and take appropriate monetary policies to offset the disturbation of exchange rate fluctuations on prices stability. This article aims to pin down the pass-through mechanism and effects of RMB exchange rates on different price indices and their determinants. So, this part introduces the concepts and mechanisms of exchange rate pass through and theories on incomplete exchange rate pass through. After pointing out the shortages and disadvantages in domestic relevant research, this paper proposes the innovations in this article.
     Chapter two is a summation on relevant research. Research interests in exchange rate pass through originated from the explanation for the invalidity of PPP theory in 1960s and 1970s. From 1980s the direction of research on exchange rate pass through turned to industrial organization, market segmentation and product differentiation. In 1990s many industrial countries experienced great depreciations of currencies, however their economic performances showed that the exchange rate pass through was in decline. This phenomenon promoted the economists to study the stability of exchange rate pass through and the reasons for the wide and persistent decline in the exchange rate pass through in these countries. Recent research focused on the relationship between exchange rate pass through and the validity of macroeconomic policies, and related the exchange rate pass through to the choice of optimal monetary policy and exchange rate regime. A great amount of empirical research on exchange rate pass through suggested the pass through of exchange rates to both import price and other general prices were incomplete, however the pass through effect to import price was larger than that to other general price indices. Economists tried to explain these conclusions from micro and macro aspects. Finanlly this chaper made a comment on domestic relevant research and pointed out the research focus and innovations in this article.
     Chapter three presents theoretical and empirical research on RMB exchange rate pass through to import prices. This part first analyzes the effect of change in RMB exchange rate on dometic import prices by virture of graphical analysis and mathematical deduction. Then econometric models are employed to further study the pass-through effect of RMB exchange rate to the general import price index and sub-group import prices by using relevant quarterly data from January 2000 to March 2007. The empirical tests reveal that the pass-through effects of RMB nominal effective exchange rate to the general import price are larger than one both in short term and in long term, which indicates that the exports abroad overreact to the fluctuations in RMB exchange rates. The reactions of sub-group import indices to exchange rate fluctuations have significant differences. The import prices of food, wheat and sugar are more sensitive to changes in RMB nominal effective exchange rate both in short term and in long term, and their price fluctuations are also more liable to exchange rate fluctuations. The import prices of raw materials, raw petroleum, rubber and log are less sensitive to exchange rate fluctuations and their price fluctuations are also less liable to exchange rate fluctuations.
     In chapter four this paper theoretically and empirically analyzes RMB exchange rate pass through to domestic general prices. This part first utilizes a classical model to delineate the effect of transportation costs, intermediate distribution costs and monetary policy on exchange rate pass through to general prices. Basd on theories this paper uses relevant quarterly date from January 2000 to March 2007 to test the pass-through effects of RMB nominal effective exchange rate to domestic general prices and further uses the sub-sample data to investigate the effect of RMB exchange rate formation reform on RMB exchange rate pass through. The empirical tests show that the change in RMB nominal effective exchange rate has significant negative effects on import price and corporate goods price both in short term and in long term, and furthermore the pass through of exchange rate fluctuations to import price is larger than that to corporate goods price. Nevertheless, after RMB exchange rate formation reform, both the pass-through effect of exchange rate to import price and that to corporate goods price have declined. The pass-through effect of RMB nominal effective exchange rate to consumer price is quite weak. The appreciation of RMB nominal effective exchange rate will first increase the consumer price and then decrease the consumer price. After the RMB exchanage rate formation reform, the reaction of consumer price to exchange rate fluctuations is lagged. However, in comparison to the effect before RMB exchange rate formation reform, the pass-through effect of exchange rate to the consumer price increases.
     Chapeter five is conclusions and policy recommendations. This part presents a summation on previous empirical results and recommends reliable explanations based on relevant theories and status quo in China. Relevant political implications are proposed toward those empirical conclusions.
1 数据来源:《国际金融统计》。人民币兑美元汇率是月平均值,而人民币名义有效汇率则是以2000为基期的指数。
    1 消费者价格指数来源与《中国宏观经济景气月报》,利用公布的同比和环比数据转换为以2000年1月为基期的定基数据。
    1 20世纪70年代主要工业国相继爆发两位数的通货膨胀,高通胀部分是由于石油冲击和为了应对此冲击各国政府采取的适应性政策。
    2 80年代,西方国家政策目标的优先次序发生了重要转变,控制通货膨胀率代替了失业率成为政府的首要目标,实际经济增长率的地位也下降了。在政策工具方面,一个明显的特点是许多国家相继放弃了通过冻结工资和物价来控制通货膨胀的收入政策,其中重要原因是收入政策的实施结果是不成功的。结构性的微观经济政策部分地替代了收入政策。由于财政政策的频繁使用,使债务占gdp的比重不断增长,80年代不少国家相继把减少赤字预算、平衡财政收支当作重要的经济目标。如日本的“巩固财政计划”,英国削减财政赤字和公共借款的中期战略。克林顿执政后,重要的政策目标是削减财政赤字,且成效显著。另外,经济结构的优化、世界市场竞争力的提升及有利的供给冲击等也有助于通货膨胀率的降低。
    3 这一思想初始由Krugman(1989)提出,Bettes和Devereux(1996)做了进一步研究。
    1 Obstfeld和Rogoff(2000)及其它众多研究者均证明,进口品价格对名义汇率变动的反应一般要比消费品价格更敏感。
    2 见Bachetta和Wincoop(2003),Campa和Goldberg(2005)。
    3 为阐述的方便,以下分析以本币升值为例。
    1 与此相对,Burstein,Nerves和Rebelo(2003)将本币贬值所引起的国内商品替代进口品的现象定义为“逃离质量”(flight from quality)。
    1 见Rogoff(1996)对购买力平价和一价定律检验文献的综述。
    2 汇率传导效果对最优货币政策的意义研究,可参阅Corsetti & Pesenti(2001),Obstfeld(2000),Devereux (2000),Deverux & Engel(2000)。
    1 该现象最早由Ricardo提出,Balassa和Samuelson(1964)将其理论化,即Balassa-Samuelson效应。
    2 这些机制的详细描述见Dombusch的宏观经济学(1980)。
    1 这一行为在美国进口市场中普遍存在,详细讨论见Krugman(1987)。
    1 该表达方法是采用的Hooper和Mann(1989)。
    1 见Goldberg&Knetter(1996) "Goods prices and exchange rates:what have we learned",NBER Paper No.5862。
    1 本文结合一般形式的回归方程,在实证模型中加入了影响进口品价格的国内需求压力指标,分别以国内宏观经济景气一致指标和工业增加值作为替代变量,但无论哪个指标,回归系数均不显著。因此,本文正文所报告的实证检验和结果仅以一价定律为基础。
    2 此类研究主要以产业组织理论为基础,侧重研究市场结构和外国企业定价行为对汇率传导效果的影响,如Yang(1998),Kardasz和Stollery(2001),Campa和Goldberg(2005)等。
    3 此类文献主要使用总体价格指标来研究宏观层面的汇率传导效果,如汇率对总体进口价格、生产者价格以及消费者价格的传导,以及宏观经济形势对汇率传导效果的影响,以便为宏观经济决策提供政策建议。如Kenny和McGettigan(1998)、McCarthy(2000)、Hahn(2003),Faruqee(2004)等。
    1 汇率传导效果应为汇率变动1%所引起的价格变化百分比。
    2 该方法见Leigh和Rossi(2002)以及Belaisch(2003)。
    3 依据包含五变量的向量误差修正模型计算的汇率对进口价格的传导效果与第三章依据购买力平价计算的
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