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With the development at full speed of the network technology and multimedia technology, the multimedia information becomes the important means that people obtain information gradually and has already become the important component of people's life. At present, in the technological application system of the multimedia computer, there are two major researches to the video process: one is the compression code of the image; the other is the real-time processing of the image and protection of image information.
    It is a need of solving the contradiction between the limited memory space and more and more abundant video information that the video image compresses the code, alleviate video communication between channel and communication contradiction between the channel width in recent years and meet need that transmit in real time of video too at the same time. The protection of the image information of the video is for preventing the stealing, distorts, duplicates and spreads illegally easily of sensitive information. The technology of image information includes information encryption and information hiding two parts. The video information encryption is mainly researched in this paper.
    In this paper, at first, the background and the state of the subject are introduced. We study the code model characteristic of videos, analyse the characteristic of MPEG data structure and similarities and differences of forms of AVI video. The method which compresses the information of an image and the differences of images is adopted to reach the high compression ratio. MPEG compresses algorithms as the international standard, is supported together by many computer platforms now, have better compatibility than AVI video. We design the realization scheme to MPEG-2 video of AVI video on this basis, and realize. Secondly, we have consulted the general data encryption method. An encryption method based on ECC is applied on the MPEG system directly. The encryption method isn't considered the characteristic of the video signal, regard the image data file as the general binary scale data file to encrypt. It is
    unsatisfactory to encrypt the result.
    At last, a new method based on chaos theory is considered. We test it and get a better result than the other methods we have discussed.
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