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With China's rapid economic growth, there is the bottleneck of factor in which infrastructure of highway limited chinese economic' growth, a large number of highway construction infrastructure network as the central government and the local governments at various levels of economic growth means necessary and important measures.Over the past 20 years, large amounts of money are invested into the tide of highway construction. Such as survey and design firms, construction firms and supervision firms, most highway construction enterprises are full of orders and business.With these, all kinds of highway construction enterprises included of the owners only emphasize the scales, but neglect the benefits of constuctions, which results in that the relationships among the participations of highway construction seem to be adversarial and short-term all the time in the highway construction market and the specific environment of highway projects.Besides, in all phases of project execution and process, with the separation and disjunction of plan, implementation and management operation from each other, the coordination and communication are difficult on the tissue interface and process interface. But fortunately, the successful applications of the supply chain management in manufacturing provide new thinkings and solutions for highway construction enterprises in improving their management efficiency and core competitiveness.
     Make to order is one typical supply chain represented to highway construction project, featuring that is concerntrated, provisional and complicated by its aspect of structure and function.Involved in the supply chain relationships and behavior are considered, highway construction projects with three attributes:network, attitude and cooperation.Highway construction projects based on supply chain management is a kind of supply management. Suppliers, subcontractors, the designers, the owners formed as a supply and demand relation with the construction of the whole construction chain, the supply and demand relationship among the longitudinal and transverse integrated management, and the traditional management mode of highway construction are fundamentally different.This paper mainly studies the highway construction projects of supply chain management, cost, quality, schedule control strategy, and performance evaluation of highway construction example verified, Specific content as follows:
     (1)Quality is the fundament of highway construction projects.This paper builds the quality control matrix based on the supply chain in highway construction projects.In general, the quality of highway construction influenced by costs is nonlinear. Along with the increase of the input, the quality level to the sensitive degree of input costs will drop off. And along with this change, according to the different preferences, there is a reasonable optimal solution.In this paper, genetic algorithm is used to manage and optimize the quality cost of highway construction projects. In the coding process, we transform the optimal level into a binary string, compute the probability of each individual choice in group, and use the roulette selection method rounds.Then cross and use mutation arithmetic until it reaches the preset termination algorithm conditions. This paper takes a highway construction project as an example and uses the genetic algorithm for the optimization of quality cost proposed by this paper to verify its feasibility and rationality.
     (2)Cost has been one of the important competitive weapons among the competition of the highway construction company. This paper defines the cost of the highway construction projects of supply chain, analysising the categories of the cost of highway construction projects of supply chain, launched a study of transaction costs with emphasis on highway construction projects of supply chain. Papers on highway construction projects of supply chain efficiency, transaction cost characteristic dimension and the influence factors on the detailed analysis, has established the transaction cost evaluating indicator system, and selected samples of the 30 highway construction projects to determine the target weight using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), and established the transaction cost evaluation model for the highway construction projects of supply chain based on TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) law.
     (3)Whether does the road project progress smoothly in the anticipated time and is available, direct relation investment benefit display.This article has studied the highway construction project supply chain total progress characteristic and the influencing factor, has discussed the supply chain progress and the cost mutual influence mechanism emphatically.Supply chain management for highway construction projects of progress control focuses on highway construction projects from the whole life cycle, is coordinated each stage the construction time, serves the benefit most superior purpose by the time.This article proposed based on the relocation-construction-operation's progress cost optimization principle, using matlab software software simulation system constructed and road construction projects with specific examples demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness.
     (4)Performance evaluation to supply chain efficiency, this paper on Supply Chain Performance Evaluation Based on the theory, from supply chain quality, cost and schedule control construct three road construction projects supply chain performance evaluation system chosenapply to highway construction project supply chain performance evaluation method-data envelopment analysis to explain the data envelopment analysis the basic principles. According to the theoretical analysis above, we use the measures of data envelopment analysis to evaluate the performace of the supply chain of hunan CZ highway construction project and another three highway construction projects, and in-depth analysis their evaluation results.
     In summary, this article is committed to using research findings to solve the prominent problems which the highway construction project management now faces.Based on the supply chain of China's highway construction projects, we build the related model of quality, cost and schedule control, providing new research methods and management thinkings for optimizing the costs of transaction, quality and schedule.These continuously improve the management standards of performace on the supply chain of highway construction project and promote the benefits of highway constructions.
    ③ KERZNERH, Strategic planning for a project management[J]. Project Management,2003(2):13-25
    ⑤ Ruben Vrijhoef,Lauri Koskela, The Four Roles of Supply Chain Management in Construction[J].European Journal of Purchasing&Supply Management,2000(6):169-178
    ⑦ Dayana B.Costa,Carlos T.Formoso, Performance Measurment Systems for Benchmarking in the Construction Industry[C].Proceedings IGLC-13,Sydney, Australia,2005:23-31
    ⑨ Hau L.Lee,Corey Billington, Management Supply Chain Inventory:Pitfall and Opportunities[J]. Sloan Management Review/Spring,1992:65-73
    ①Mireille G. Battika, Qualicon:Computer-Based system for construction quality management [J]. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,2002,128(2):164-173.
    ③Stanley B,Paul E,Madhav V, Performance measurement and design in supply chains [J]. Management science. 2001,47(1):173-188
    ④Starbird S, Penalties,rewards,and inspection:provisions for quality in supply chain contracts[J].Journal of the Operational Research Society,2001,52(1):109-115
    ⑥SADEHN,SMITH S F, SWAMINATHAN J, Supply chain modeling and analysis [EB/OL]. http://www. cs. cmu. edu/afs/cs. cmu.edu/project/ozone/www/supply-chain/supply-chain.html,1995-5-11.
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    ②Stefan Seuring, Oportunities through cost management-the example of the supply chain for eco-products in the apparel industry[J]. Umweltwirtschaftsforum.Vol.7, No.4,1999:18-23
    ① MA shihua,Wang Wei,Liu Liming, Commonality and postponement in multi-stage assembly systems[J].European Journal of Operations Research,2002(142).
    ⑤Thomas D J, Griffin PM, Coordinated supply chain management[J]. European Journal of Operations Research, 1996,94:1-15
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    ③EI-Rayes Khaled,Kandil Amr, Time-Cost-Quality trade-off analysis for highway construction[J]. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,2005,131(4):477-486
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    ⑥ Cachon G, Lariviere M. Contracting to assure supply:How to share demand forecasts in a supply chain[J].Management Science,2001,46(5):629-646.
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    ⑥ Naylor,J.B.,Naim,M.M.,Berry,D.Leagility:Integrating the lean and agile manufacturing paradigms in the total supply chain[J].International Journal of Operations and Production Management,1999,62:107-118.
    ⑦ Dehning,B.,Richardson,Vernon.J.,Zmud,R.W.The financial performance effects of IT-based supply chain management systems in manufacturing firms[J].Journal of Operations Management,2007,25(4):806-824
    ⑤ Blackburn J D, The Quick Response Movement in the Apparel Industry:A Case Study in Time-Compressing Supply Chain[J], Tome-based Competition,1991,pp246-269
    ⑥ Dove R., Measuring Agility, The Toll of Turmoil[J], Production,1995,107(1):16-18
    ① Kevin Mansfield, Supply-Chain Operations Reference model 8.0.United States and Canada:Supply-Chain Council,2006:448-460
    ④ SLACK N, The Flexibility ofManufacturingSystems [J]. International Journal of Operations and Production Management,1987,7(4):35-45
    ⑤ VOUDOURIS V, Mathematical programming techniques to debottle-neck the supply chain of the chemical industries [J]. Computers andChemicalEngineering,1999,20 (6):1269-1274
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    ① Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, Raymond A Patterson, Erik Rolland, The Design of Reverse Distribution Networks: Models and Solution Procedures[J]. European Journal of Operational Research,2003,150:128-149
    ② DennisW Krumwiede, Chwen Sheu, AModel forReverse Logistics Entry by Third-Party providers[J].Omega, 2002,30(5):325-333
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    ⑦ Ekambaram Palaneeswaran,Mohan Kumaraswamy,Motiar Rahman,Thomas Ng, Curing congenital construction industry disorders through relationally integrated supply chains[J].Building and Environment,2003,(38):571-582
    ⑨ K.T.Yeo,J.H.Ning, Integrating supply chain and critical chain concepts in engineer-procure-construct(EPC)projects[J].International Journal of Project Management,2000,(20):253-262
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    [1]Chen F, Echelon. Reorder points, Installation reorder points, and the value of centralized demand information[J].Management Science,1996,44(12):221-234.
    [2]Chu WJ. Messenger, Information and channel profits[J]. Journal of Retailing, 1997,73(4):487-499.
    [3]Gavirneni S, Kapuscinski R, Taur S. Value of information in capacitated supply chains[J]. Management Science,1999,45(7):16-24.
    [4]Cachon G, Lariviere M. Contracting to assure supply:How to share demand forecasts in a supply chain[J].Management Science,2001,46(5):629-646.
    [5]LeeHL, C Belington. The Evolution of Supply Chain Management models and practice at Hewlett Packard [J]. Interfaces,1995,(25):42-63.
    [6]TayurS, MagazineM, GaneshanR, Quantitative Models for SupplyChainManagement [M]. Massachusette:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1998. 131-190.
    [7]Cachon G P. Supply Chain Coordinationwith Contracts [M]. Amsterdam, Hollan:ElsevierScience Publishers,2004.
    [8]Heikkilla,J.From supply to demand chain management:efficiency and customer satisfaction[J].Journal of Operations Management,2002,20(6):747-767
    [9]Caputo,A.C.,Cucchiella,F.,Fratocchi,L.,et al.Analysis and evaluation of e-supply chain performances [J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems,2004,104(7):546-557
    [10]Naylor,J.B.,Naim,M.M.,Berry,D.Leagility:Integrating the lean and agile manufacturing paradigms in the total supply chain[J].International Journal of Operations and Production Management,1999,62:107-118
    [11]Dehning,B.,Richardson,Vernon.J.,Zmud,R.W.The financial performance effects of IT-based supply chain management systems in manufacturing firms[J].Journal of Operations Management,2007,25(4):806-824
    [12]Blackburn J D, The Quick Response Movement in the Apparel Industry:A Case Study in Time-Compressing Supply Chain[J], Tome-based Competition,1991,pp246-269
    [13]Dove R., Measuring Agility, The Toll of Turmoil[J], Production,1995, 107(1):16-18
    [14]Kevin Mansfield, Supply-Chain Operations Reference model 8.0.United States and Canada:Supply-Chain Council,2006:448-460
    [15]SLACK N, The Flexibility ofManufacturingSystems [J]. International Journal of Operations and Production Management,1987,7(4):35-45
    [16]VOUDOURIS V, Mathematical programming techniques to debottle-neck the supply chain of the chemical industries [J]. Computers andChemicalEngineering, 1999,20(6):1269-1274
    [17]BEAMON BM, Measuring Supply China Performance [J]. International Journal of Operations of Production Management,1999,19(3):275-292
    [18]Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, Raymond A Patterson, Erik Rolland, The Design of Reverse Distribution Networks:Models and Solution Procedures [J]. European Journal of Operational Research,2003,150:128-149
    [19]DennisW Krumwiede, Chwen Sheu, AModel forReverse Logistics Entry by Third-Party providers[J].Omega,2002,30(5):325-333
    [20]R Canan Savaskan, Luk N Van Wassenhove, Reverse ChannelDesign:The Case of Competing Retailers[J]. Management Science,2006,52(1):1-14
    [21]Lee E, R Staelin, Vertical Strategic Interaction:Implications for ChannelPricing[J]. Marketing Sc,i 1997,16:185-207
    [22]Fleischmann M, Krikke H R, Dekker R, Flapper S D P., A Characterisation of Logistics Networks for Product Recovery[J].Omega,2000,28 (6):653-666
    [23]CarterC R,Ellram LM, Reverse Logistics:a Review of the Literature and Framework for Future Investigation[J]. Journal of Business Logistics,1998,19 (1):85-102
    [24]RogersD S, Tibben-Lembke R S, Going Backwards:Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices[Z]. The University of Nevada,Reno, Center for Logistics Management, Reverse Logistics Council,1998
    [25]Tung-LaiHu, Jiuh-Biing Sheu, Kuan-HsiungHuang, A Reverse Logistics Cost Minimization Model for the Treatment of Hazardous wastes [J]. Transportation Research Part E2000,38:457-473
    [26]DowlatshahiS, Developing a Theory of Reverse Logistics[J]. Interfaces, 2000,30(3):143-155
    [27]BRIENW J, LONDON K, VRIJHOEF R, Construction Supply Chain Modeling:A Research Review and Interdisciplinary Research Agenda [G] //Proceedings 10thAnnual Conference International Group for Lean Construction. Brazi,l 2002
    [28]Ekambaram Palaneeswaran,Mohan Kumaraswamy,Motiar Rahman,Thomas Ng, Curing congenital construction industry disorders through relationally integrated supply chains[J].Building and Environment,2003,(38):571-582
    [29]K.T.Yeo,J.H.Ning, Integrating supply chain and critical chain concepts in engineer-procure-construct(EPC)projects[J].International Journal of Project Management,2000,(20):253-262
    [30]MEGAN J. Rethinking construction[M], Department of the environment,Transpon and Region,1998
    [31]KOSKELA L,Application of the New Production Philosophy to construction [R]. California:Stanford University,1992
    [32]Glenn Ballard, Gregory Howell,Toward construction JIT[J].http://www.leanconstruction.org/pdf/Towards JIT.PDF
    [33]Koskela L, Application of the New Production Philosophy to Construction(Tech Report 72) [R]. California:Stanford University,1992
    [34]Jung Ung Min, Bjornsson Hans C, Agent-based Supply Chain Management Automation[A]. The 2nd Worldwide European Council of Civil Engineering Symposium[C]. Finland:Espoo,2001.6-8
    [35]Supply Chain Council. Supply-chain Operations Reference Model: Overview of SCOR Version 5.0[EB/OL]. http://www.supply-chain.org.2003-01-24
    [36]LeonardD.A, GuilennoF.S, Project-based course for integration of design and construction at WPI[J].Journal of Porfessional issues in Engineering Education and Practice,1998,124(4):97-104
    [37]DavidC.Brown,MelanieJ.A shleigh,Michael J.Riley, New project procurement process[J].Jounral of Management in Engineering,2001,17(4):192-201
    [38]Stevens.G.C,Integrating the Supply Chain [J]. International Jounral of Physical Distribuiton and Material Management,1989,19(8):3-8
    [39]Cooper M.C, Ellram.L.M,Characteistics of supply chain management and the implications for purchasing and logistics strategy [J].International Journal of Logisitcs Management,1993,4(2); 13-24
    [40]F Jolivert and C Navarre,Large-scale projects,self-organizing and metarules:towards new forms of management[J].International Journal of Project Management. Vol.14,No.5,1996:265-271
    [41]S.Anavi-Isakow and B.Golany,Management multi-project environments through constant work-in-process[J].International Journal of Project Management,2003(21):9-18
    [42]David G.Woodward,Life cycle costing-theory,information acquisition and application [J].International Journal of Project Management. Vol.15,No.6,1997:335-344
    [43]KERZNERH, Strategic planning for a project management[J]. Project Management,2003(2):13-25
    [44]Ruben Vrijhoef,Lauri Koskela, The Four Roles of Supply Chain Management in Construction[J].European Journal of Purchasing&Supply Management,2000(6):169-178
    [45]Dayana B.Costa,Carlos T.Formoso, Performance Measurment Systems for Benchmarking in the Construction Industry[C].Proceedings IGLC-13,Sydney, Australia,2005:23-31
    [46]Hau L.Lee,Corey Billington, Management Supply Chain Inventory:Pitfall and Opportunities[J]. Sloan Management Review/Spring,1992:65-73
    [47]Stanley B,Paul E,Madhav V, Performance measurement and design in supply chains [J]. Management science.2001,47(1):173-188
    [48]Starbird S, Penalties,rewards,and inspection:provisions for quality in supply chain contracts [J].Journal of the Operational Research Society,2001,52(1):109-115
    [49]SADEHN,SMITH S F, SWAMINATHAN J, Supply chain modeling and analysis [EB/OL]. http://www. cs. cmu. edu/afs/cs. cmu.edu/project/ozone/www/supply-chain/supply-chain.html,1995-5-11.
    [50]HARLAND C, Supply chain operational performance role [J]. Integrated Manufacturing Systems,1997,18 (2):70-78
    [51]JamesL.BuratiJr., JodioJ.Farington and William B.Ledbetter, Cause of quality deviation in design and construction[J], J.Constr.Engrg.And Mgmt, vol.18, No.1, March,1992, p34-49
    [52]Wong, K, Gand so, A.T.P., A fuzzy expert system for contract decision making[J], constr.Engrg and Eenmcs., Vol.13, No.2, March 1995, p95-103
    [53]KentDavis, W, B.Ledbetter and James L.Burati, Measuring design and Construction quality costs[J].J.Constr. Engrg.and Mgmt, ASCE, Vol.115,No.3, Sept., 1989,385-399
    [54]Trefor P.williames(1994),Prediting Change in construction cost index Using neural network[J].J.Constr. Engrg.and Mgmt, ASCE, vol.120, No.2:306-320
    [55]Mireille G. Battika, Qualicon:Computer—Based system for construction quality management [J]. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2002,128(2):164-173.
    [56]Stefan Seuring, Oportunities through cost management - the example of the supply chain for eco-products in the apparel industry [J]. Umweltwirtschaftsforum.Vol.7, No.4,1999:18-23
    [57]MA shihua,Wang Wei,Liu Liming, Commonality and postponement in multi-stage assembly systems[J].European Journal of Operations Research,2002(142).
    [58]Do Ba Khang,Yin Mon Myint,Time cost and quality trade-off in project management:a case study [J].International Journal of Project Management,1999,17(4):249-256
    [59]Shih-Wen Hsiao,Fuzzy Logic based decision models for product design[J]. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics,1998,21,103-116
    [60]Thomas D J, Griffin PM, Coordinated supply chain management[J]. European Journal of Operations Research,1996,94:1-15
    [61]Xu K, Yan D, Philip T E, Towards better coordination of the supply chain[J]. Transportation Research Part E,2001,37(1):35-54
    [62]Zimmer K, Supply chain coordination with uncertain just_in_time delivery[J]. International Journal of Production Economics,2002,77(1):1-15
    [63]Babu A J, GSuresh Nalina, Project management with time,cost,and quality considerations [J]. European Journal of operational Research,1996,88(2):320-327
    [64]EI-Rayes Khaled,Kandil Amr,Time-Cost-Quality trade-off analysis for highway construction[J]. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2005,131(4):477-486
    [65]Moore L J,Taylor B, Analysis of a Multi-Criteria Project Crashing Model[M].American Institute of Industrial Engineering Transactions.1978
    [66]Fulkerson D R, A Network Flow Computation for Project Cost Curves[J].Management Science,1996,33(1)
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