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白花蛇舌草[Oldenlandia diffusa(Willd.)Roxb.]始载于《广西中药志》,为茜草科植物的带根全草。其味苦、甘、寒,入心、肝、脾三经,功效清热解毒,清热利湿。民间常用此药治疗咽喉肿痛、癌肿等。现代药理表明白花蛇舌草具有抗菌、消炎和抗肿瘤作用,其中β-谷甾醇为白花蛇舌草中抗肿瘤有效成分之一。
     提取 将白花蛇舌草粉碎成粗粉,加氯仿,加热回流提取三次,滤过;合并氯仿提取液,减压回收氯仿,浓缩至稠膏状,置冰箱,备用。
     分离 将白花蛇舌草提取物加少量氯仿溶解,用适量的硅胶粉制样。样品与吸附剂按1:80的比例上硅胶柱,用石油醚-丙酮为洗脱剂,进行梯度洗脱,分段收集,浓缩、结晶 分别得到化合物A和B。
     鉴定 化合物A、B分别经熔点、红外、核磁共振、质谱等鉴定,证明为豆甾醇和β-谷甾醇。
     含量测定 精密称取干燥至恒重的白花蛇舌草5克,置索氏提取器中,加适量氯仿加热回流提取6小时,至回流液中无β-谷甾醇(薄层检测)。加1%氢氧化钠溶液150ml洗涤二次,以除去酸性杂质;再用0.5%盐酸溶液150ml洗涤一次,除去碱性杂质;最后用蒸馏水洗去残留盐酸。合并洗涤液,用适量氯仿萃取。将氯仿萃取液与氯仿提取液合并,减压回收氯仿,浓缩至适量,再用氯仿定容至10ml,以β-谷甾醇作为对照品,用薄层扫描法测定白花蛇舌草中β-谷甾醇的含量。
Oldenlandia diffusa( Willd.)Roxb. is recorded in the <> for the first time .The herbal is a whole grass plant of Rubiaceae.
    Property,flavour and channel tropism:bitter and sweet in flavour,cool and cold in property,acting on the heart,liver,spleen channel.
    Effects:heat-clearing and detoxicating,heat-clearing and inducing dampness.
    In folks,this medicine can be used to treat commonly swollen and sore throat,cancer ... etc..The modern pharmacology expresses that the herbal medicine can be antibiosis,eliminate inflamation and anticarcinogenic,and P-Sitosterol is one of active constituents of Oldenlandia diffusa( Willd.)Roxb.. Objective:to study on extraction and separation and identified of the steroidal chemical constituents,and to establish the method of quantitative determination of P-Sitosterol in Oldenlandia diffusa(Willd.) Roxb.
    Methods:the constituents were gained by refluxed with CHC13 for three times,then were separated and puried by column chromatography with silica gel.The strutures were identified by mp. IR. NMR. MS. Quantitaty of P-Sitosterol in Oldenlandia diffusa(Willd. ) Roxb. was determined by TLC-scanning for the first time.
    Results:Two compounds were obtained from Oldenlandia diffusa(Willd. ) Roxb extraction and identified as Stigmasterol (A),P -Sitosterol (B). Quantitaties of P-Sitosterol in Oldenlandia diffusa(Willd.) Roxb. were 0.09-0.20% respectively.
    Conclusion:The method was highly sensitive reproducible for quantitative determination of P-Sitosterol. The method can be used for the quality control of Oldenlandia diffusa(Willd.) Roxb.. Two compounds can be gained from Oldenlandia diffusa(Willd.) Roxb and identified as Stigmasterol (A),0 -Sitosterol (B).
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