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This dissertation is to expose the intrinsic mechanisms of allocating agriculture water resources effectively from the economic view. The water-control history of China is as long as Chinese civilization, and reasonable disposition of agricultural water resource is always the most critical aspect in general affairs of water control. Since the 1950s, continued increase in population and fast industrialization process have aggravated the environment of water and the competitiveness of water resource, making the shortage of water resource an increasingly noticeable problem. Agriculture is the major industry to use water, so to raise its resource disposition efficiency has become the first business to make Chinese water resource use continuously. Along with China's fast transition to market economy, introducing market mechanism and innovating disposition to optimize water resource to get the extensive identification of theoretical circle and practical circle.
     Water rights institution is one of important factors that affect agricultural water resource disposition efficiency by nature. But there are some problems, the complex property of natural mobility, life resource, economic resource and ecological resource that agricultural water resource has. They decide high cost of water resources evaluation and discovery, and always have the right that is hard to make boundary to stay in "public field". Therefore the only realistic method that water resource value realizes fully is through coordinative mechanism of certain organization and collective action and internalizes the resource value within surplus right to organizational rent, with minimum transaction costs which is the only practical way of achieving the optimization of water resource disposition. Obviously, proper disposition organization structure has possibly become the most crucial factor that affects agricultural water resource disposition efficiency. Just thinking deeply for above-mentioned problem, this paper construct the frame of agricultural water resource disposition analysis with the center of transaction costs, spread out economic analysis of agricultural water resource effective disposition seeking the source of inefficient agricultural water resource disposition, based on looking back and reviewing research literature, associating theory analysis with demonstration analysis, using the transaction costs theory, property right theory, collective option theory, welfare economics theory. The structural arrangement of this paper is as follows:
     The first chapter aims to put forward problems and introduce research thoughts. This chapter introduces the background of the paper, and points out that at present China faces water resource crisis directly and uses water inefficiently. Based on the comments and review related research literature, this chapter points out that lacking of organization condition knowledge of agricultural water resource disposition restricts people to understand primary low collocation of agricultural water resource and develops to breach scrape thoughts. Then this chapter has explained research thoughts, assumptions, methods and contents, as well as possible innovation.
     The second chapter has constructed the theoretical analysis frame of agricultural water resource effective allocation. This chapter has adopted transaction costs analysis method, selected theories such as right theory, transaction costs theory, collectivity choose theory and welfare economics theory, put forward the concept of agricultural water resource trade property, and pointed out that agricultural water resource disposition is that related benefit parts using the trade contract of right to select agricultural water resource behavior on essence, and use it as logic starting point, constructs the theoretical analysis frame of agricultural water resource effective disposition, explains agricultural water resource trade property, water rights system, organization structure and cause and effect connection among organization performance.
     The third chapter has studied inner mechanism of agricultural water rights system validity decision. This chapter has looked back the modern theory about inner mechanism of property right that affects resource disposition efficiency, discussed the water rights system restraint condition that affects water resource disposition efficiency and how agricultural water resource trade property affect the resource disposition efficiency of agricultural water rights system. And then, it has constructed agricultural water rights system validity analysis model, expounded and proved the inner mechanism that agricultural water rights system validity deciding: Effectively reflecting water resource trade property and the change of relatively worth and encourage disposition policymakers deploy agricultural water resource efficiently if water rights system is possibly well conducted; According to present situation of agricultural water rights system in district China, using model to explain agricultural water rights system is not the cause of inefficiency. Finally, this chapter has put forward to the suggestion of constructing an agricultural water rights system and flat water rights structure.
     The forth chapter has studied the option of agricultural water resource disposition organization theory. This paper has started from the trade nature of agricultural water resource disposition organization, discussed the decision of effective boundary problem of disposition organization. According to the organization administration structure and minimum transaction costs efficiency principle matching trade property, this chapter has put forward in transaction costs generally existent realistic world, the minimum transaction costs of resource disposition decision organization structure will be relatively effective, so it can reach the biggest social welfare of agricultural water resource disposition. Accordingly this paper has constructed agricultural water resource disposition organization validity analysis model, and used this model to analyze the current inefficient cause of defect and operation of agricultural water resource disposition organization form. And then, this chapter has put forward to found the central cooperative administering agricultural water resource disposition organization structure.
     The fifth chapter is the agricultural theory analysis and experience investigation of water resource disposition mechanism validity. On the foundation of comparing different disposition mechanism characteristics, it has constructed agricultural water resource disposition mechanism validity analysis model, expounded and proved any unitary disposition mechanism can impossible to realize the effective agricultural water resource disposition, and suggested that the market disposition mechanism of government control is possible and efficient; And through experience demonstration agricultural water price decision mechanism is inefficiency. Therefore this chapter has put forward to found the agricultural water resource operation of special permission based on contract disposition mechanism, mold the agricultural water resource manager of special permission, promote the realization of agricultural water resource effective disposition.
     The sixth chapter is the demonstration analysis of agricultural water resource disposition organization condition. This chapter has begun from the present situation of peasant use water household organization, mainly adopted transaction costs theory and collective action theory, parsed peasants' using water household organization which is the perfect agricultural water resource disposition organization system, large-scale economize the system demand of transaction costs. Based on the demonstration analysis of district peasant use water association difficult condition, it has pointed out that organization position, the system supply and finance and clearly ownership levels, institutional supply and finance autogenic ability important factors to restrict using water peasant household organization survival and the developing ability. Based on this, it has suggested that the countermeasure of Chinese peasant organization to develop effectively.
     The seventh chapter is the empirical research based on the water resource disposition behavior of peasant household. Based on the microcosmic data of district irrigation water use of peasant household, This chapter has demonstrated influencing factor of agricultural water resource disposition behavior. On the condition of water rights loses, collective action system shortages and organization inefficiency of water supply, the economic rational peasant household can only cooperate in narrow scope to deploy water resource. But peasant household from organization behavior has not yet risen the water efficiency and benefit. So this chapter suggested that, cultivating rural water trade market, raising the collective action of peasant ability, joining the network that realizes scale water conservancy are the inevitable routes of optimizing agricultural water resource disposition behavior.
     The eighth chapter has put forward the policy suggestions and the research conclusions of paper. This chapter has concluded the viewpoints and the important view of research. It has suggested that the specific policy to raise the validity of Chinese agricultural water resource allocation, including founding flat agricultural water rights structure, accelerating the water trade right system construction, founding agricultural water resource central cooperation to administer structure, implementing the agricultural water resource operation of special permission. And also it important to reinforce the government's power, such as the basic project, water rights system and trade organization construction of irrigation and water conservancy. Lastly, paper showed the some advices for the future study.
     The research explored the system condition and organizational basis for agricultural water resource by referring to the already-made research results. The following aspects are presumably new in history in this article: first, based on defining the trading characteristics of agricultural water resource, it constructed the theoretical analysis framework of effective allocation for agricultural water resource; second, it initially analyzed that appropriate organizational structure is the key to the effective allocation of agricultural water resource; third, it firstly used related theories to prove the mechanism of effective agricultural resource allocation; fourth, it suggested and proved the effectiveness of franchising mechanism of agricultural water resource.
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