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Objective To investigate tonifying kidney formula-ZuoGui Wan induct differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSC), it was identified that the cells differentiated into neuron-like cells by immunohistochemical method. So, the traditional theory "the kidney stores essence, marrow" was provided experimental evidence
     Methods (1) Rat BMSC were isolated by the whole bone marrow adherent method, which were amplified, purified in vitro and the morphology was observed under inverted microscope, then, the differentiation of cells were induced by ZuoGui Wan's liquid. Alcian blue, phosphatase modified Gomori phosphatase and neuron specific enolase staining were used to identify the cellularity (osteoblast, cartilage cell or neuron-like cells).(2) Rat BMSC were isolated by the whole bone marrow adherent method, the separated-liquid of Zuo Gui Wan was used to induct the cells in the different group, neuron specific enolase staining were used to calculate the positive expression cells.
     Results to the first experiment, The purified cells induced into osteoblast, cartilage cell and neuron-like cells under the inverted microscope, the cellular morphology accord with the BMSC. To the second experiment, the separated liquid of formula induced different group'cells, and it was showed the expression was significantly high by removing Shu Di, and the expression is lower after removed Gou Qi, then was Shan Zhu YU, Shan Yao, Niu Xi. The Tu Si Zi didn't effect the expression.
     Conclusion (1)the cells were Rat BMSC, which were gotten by the whole bone marrow adherent method; Zuo Gui Wan has multi-directional differentiation effect on inducting to BMSCs;(2) the expression of NSE is higher after removing Shu Di, it was identified the Shu Di has inhibition effect (or controlling effect) on inducting BMSCs into neuron-like cells; Gou Qi has strongest effect, then is Shan Zhu YU, Shan Yao, Niu Xi; Tu Si Zi has no effect on induction.
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