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     3)首次在同一单晶体中发现了开链四元水簇的异构化现象,由氧原子桥联的开链四元水簇的二聚体组成了新颖的假八元、十元水簇并呈现椅式构象,分析它们在桥联金属—有机配合物单元成超分子框架中的作用。采用“Water+4A MS”的策略,在温和条件下,成功的实现了对上述水簇配合物的结构调整,得到了含多元配体的、完全去水的MOFs。利用成熟的晶体结构模型,设计合成了含四重游离羟胺酸官能团的双核水轮型配合物,探讨此类新型游离羟胺酸金属化合物(Free
     hydroxamic acid metal complexes:FHAMCs)的细胞毒性。
In recent years, the most important subjects of intensively current research in coordination chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and crystal engineering have focused on building novel metal-organic supramolecular compounds through metal-ligand coordination and intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bonds, π-π stacking, etc.) between ligands. Design and synthesis of polynuclear, 3d-4f heterometallic and helical metal-organic supramolecular complexes with novel topological structures or special properties are of great interest at present, due to their ability to impart nonlinear optical, electro-chemicals, magnetics, catalysts, molecular devices, highly selective and specific molecular transformations, transport, and storage and polymorphism.
    However, based on the principles of crystal engineering and supramolecular self-assembly, control of molecular self-assembly to form novel metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) through reacting special ligand with some metal ions and structural adjustment of them by chemical and physical technique have been encountering considerable challenges and opportunities for chemists. With these aims, several carboxylate ligands with N atom are selectively used as building units reacting with 3d or 4f metal ions, and a series of complexes with novel structure have been prepared. Based on crystal diffraction analysis, novel hydrogen bonds (HBs), π-π stacking interactions and their role in building 0-3 D MOFs and supramolecular isomerism have been studied. The primary investigations on polymorphism, fluorescence properties and cytotoxicity of some complexes have been performed.
    This thesis covers following five parts:
    1) In this part the concepts of coordination chemistry, metal organic supramolecular, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), polymorphism and crystal engineering were simply introduced. The structural research approaches, single crystal growth technology, along with the significance and application of the study, were also discussed. Systematical review on the research background and significances of water cluster, 3d-4f heterometallic and helical metal-organic supramolecular complexes which are related with this thesis were made.
    2) Boat conformational isomer cis-1 sustained by novel C-H…π(NO_3~-) (delocalized π-electron system) HBs was first obtained within an I-shape tube at low-temperature and transformation of cis-1 to chair conformational isomer trans-2 assembled via multiple C-H … O(NO_3~-) HBs was realized by solvothermal process. The Ag~+ can enhance the fluorescence of the Tb(III) complex.
    3) Novel twin chair-like pseudo-decameric water clusters, namely, the dimer of metal bound acyclic water tetramers conformational isomers linked with two O_(carboxylate) atoms have been observed in complex for the first time. The metal bound acyclic water
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