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     3.通过3年密度试验,得出超优一号沙地衬膜栽培的最佳密度是26.4×13cm,平均单产为8508kg/hm2;辽粳294的最佳密度是26.4×13cm,平均单产为7813.5 kg/hm2;铁粳5号的最佳密度是23.1×13cm,平均单产为7488 kg/hm2。
     5.通过测土配方,分别确定了适合在沙区中高产田和低产田科学施肥管理的方法,改以往习惯施肥法为看苗看地的“诊断施肥法”,即全层施肥法、分期追肥既保证了秧苗的正常需求,同时还提出了夏季水稻生产所需养分的平衡供应种类及数量,彻底改变了以前因施肥不当引发的脱肥早衰、贪青晚熟及稻瘟病的发生现象。沙地水稻土普遍缺氮、缺磷。沙区衬膜水稻单产8250 kg/hm2时,其最佳化肥施用量为:施N357 kg/hm2,P2O5180 kg/hm2。
     6.沙地衬膜水稻能够有效地拦截耕层水分的渗漏,衬膜水稻仅用水为12000m3/hm2,较常规用水量21000 m3/hm2节水9000 m3/hm2,节水率42%。
The cultivation of paddy rice in film-bottomed sandy land was a technology in which,according to the natural characteristic of sand and paddy rice's growth habit, membrane capable of guarding against infiltration was formed on the flowing and half-moving dune featured by water and fertilizer leakage,poor nutrition ,intensive wind and sandstorm ,then saving-water irrigation and formula fertilizer were employed to reach high yield . This technology not only fundamentally eased the effect of sandstorm and water and fertilizer leakage, and simultaneously served as a new way of taping the natural resource. The development of saving-water agriculture and lining membrane saving-water cultivation technology for the paddy rice could serve the purpose of expanding the paddy rice production, using water resources reasonably, alleviating the scarce of water resources, improving the efficiency of its use ,prompting the management and exploitation of sand land . Land prone to dissertation in Yulin accounts for 56.8% of the total area, 11.9% of the whole area of the province , 48.6% of entire sand land of Mao Wusu. So Yulin was a typical sandy land in the north of China .
     Because of the arid climate and serious sandstorm disasters, the animal husbandry production was low and unstable for a long time .The grain became the principal contradiction for the local economy development The paper studied the technology of membrane paddy rice cultivation through field investigation, field test, room plants tests and statistical analysis.
     In view of the particularity of the technology, the variety observation experiment, premium sowing quantity experiment, cultivation density experiment, nitrogen phosphorus formula fertilizer experiment, saves- water irrigation experiment were carried on. The main conclusions were following:
     1. Through 3-year variety comparison test and region demonstration, several good varieties suitable for planting in Mao Wusu were screened,such as : superior rice 1,Liao japonica rice 294, hard japonica rice 5 and so on, and then they , as major and complimentary varieties, were applied and expanded successively.
     2. The test result indicated that, the suitable sowing time for Yulin membrane paddy rice was the beginning of April ,and the transplanting time was the beginning of May which could guarantee ears to emerge chorally before August 5.
     3. Through 3-year density experiment, the premium density was 26.4×13cm for the superior rice 1,and its average yield per unit area was 8508kg/hm2; 26.4×13cm for the density of Liao japonica rice 294, 7813.5 kg/hm2 for its average yield; 23.1×13cm for the density of hard japonica rice 5, 7,488 kg/hm2 for its average yield .
     4.According to the characteristic of transplant of plants cultivated in film-bottomed sandy land of Yulin and synthesis judgment order as well as shoot bed use efficiency in Yulin , the premium sowing quantity per square meter was 0.4kg .
     5.The method of scientific fertilizer and management suitable for the high-yield field and the low-yield field in sandy land . The diagnosis fertilizer method, as a good substitute for the habitual fertilizer method ,including entire level fertilizer method and stages topdressing method was raised and could satisfy the normal demand of seedling . The method of balance supply type and quantity of needed nutrients for paddy rice production were also proposed. Both of the methods could serve the purpose of entirely changing the occurrence of early-decrepitude caused by scarcity of fertilizer and late-mature caused by abundance of fertilizer and rice blast. The sandy soil generally lacks the nitrogen and phosphorus. When the yield of paddy rice per unit area obtained 8,250 kg/hm2, the best chemical fertilizer was : N357 kg/hm2, P2O5180 kg/hm2.
     6. The paddy rice cultivated in film-bottomed sandy land could effectively intercept the leakage of the topsoil moisture content .the water used for lining membrane paddy rice was only 12000m3/hm2, 9000 m3/hm2 as against of the conventional water use,saving water volume 21,000 m3/hm2.the rate of saving-water could reach 42%.
     In brief, the technology of cultivation of paddy rice in film-bottomed sandy land was simple and suitable for the peasant household to carry on a small scale, and its future was promising .The sand lining membrane paddy rice not only increased the grain, moreover may provide more feeds for the animal husbandry ,capable for the combination and supplementary of agriculture and stock farm .
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