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土壤有机质(土壤有机碳, SOC)是土壤肥力的主要指标,是作物稳产高产的基础。然而,我国农田土壤有机碳含量远低于世界同类土壤仅为世界同类型土壤的1/3到1/2,提升的空间和潜力大。土壤有机碳含量受多种因素影响,其中施肥是农业生产中提高土壤有机碳含量最直接有效的措施。由于我国地域辽阔,横跨多个气候带、土壤类型且农田管理措施多样,这些因素都将影响土壤有机碳含量的变化。那么在我国多样的农田环境中,不同区域不同施肥措施下土壤有机碳呈现什么样的变化特征?其不同施肥下的固碳潜力有多大?人们尚不十分清楚。土壤有机碳的演变是个长期缓慢的过程,利用长期试验回答这些问题具有明显的优越性。同时利用模型模拟研究土壤有机碳周转已经成为一个重要的手段。然而目前关于农田土壤固碳潜力的研究多为单点位,对区域研究较少;且大多数是用数理统计方法,用模型分析的较少。因此,本论文选择中国典型农田的14个长期定位肥料试验,采用世界上广泛应用且参数简单易调整的RothC26.3模型系统阐明不同施肥下的农田土壤固碳特征与潜力。研究的具体目标是:(1)对RothC26.3模型的适宜性进行评价,通过修改参数和验证,阐明模型的适用性;(2)采用验证后的适宜模型分析中国农田土壤固碳潜力的区域特征;(3)通过对模型的敏感性和情景分析,阐明中国典型农田不同有机肥投入下的土壤碳库演变趋势及主要影响因素。
     RothC26.3经过参数修改(RothC26.3_p模型),在水旱轮作农田也可以适用。在重庆、遂宁和武昌三个水旱轮作试验点,模拟值与实测值的RMSE在3.62~15.00%,R2值0.62~0.77(除武昌点为0.44外,主要是由于其实测数据年际间浮动较大),均符合模拟的误差要求。但该模型在南方水田即双季稻农田中,仅适用于不施肥和单施化肥低于2.6t C ha~(-1)yr~(-1)碳投入下的SOC的模拟(RMSE在4.92~8.94%),高于此投入量时,模型高估土壤有机碳含量(RMSE值14.15~54.73%),需要进一步修改。
     在现有施肥基础上,北方旱地土壤的固碳潜力在-4.9~57.0t C ha~(-1)。在不施肥和单施氮肥下,中国东北、西北和华北地区土壤固碳潜力为-7.5~~(-1)4.1t C ha~(-1),(除平凉和昌平试验点外),整体平均为-4.9t C ha~(-1),相对试验初始没有固碳潜力。氮磷配施措施下,除乌鲁木齐、张掖和郑州(-2.1~-5.8t C ha~(-1))外,其他试验点固碳潜力为0.4~32.7t C ha~(-1),且东北和西北(9.9~32.7t C ha~(-1))高于华北地区(0.4~7.0t C ha~(-1)),整体平均固碳潜力为8.1t Cha~(-1)。氮磷钾配施下,除西北地区乌鲁木齐和张掖外,西北平凉和杨凌以及东北和华北地区,土壤均处于持续固碳状态,整体固碳潜力平均为12.4t C ha~(-1)。施用有机肥或秸秆还田,所有农田均有固碳潜力(30.8~57.0t C ha~(-1))。
     在水旱轮作系统中,不施肥下,土壤固碳潜力-7.6~~(-1)6.1t C ha~(-1)。NPK措施下,除重庆外,遂宁和武昌基本维持试验初始SOC水平。施用有机肥,固碳潜力在3.6~35.6t C ha~(-1)。水田(双季稻)系统中,在南昌和进贤试验点,即使是不施肥情况下,土壤可以维持初始有机碳水平(固碳潜力为0.1~2.1t C ha~(-1))。但在望城点,不施肥情况下,土壤有机碳水平在持续下降,其固碳潜力为-7.1t C ha~(-1)。在NPK措施下,三个试验点固碳潜力为10.0~15.9tC ha~(-1)。
     不同有机肥投入情景预测(2011~2100年)结果显示,在旱地地区,增施相当于NPK+M中有机肥施用量一半时,不施肥措施下,农田土壤基本由碳源转为碳汇,有2.8~6.8t Cha~(-1)的固碳空间;NPK施肥下,所有农田SOC含量均呈积累状态。而在NPK+M施肥下,有机肥施用量减半后,土壤基本能维持试验初始有机碳含量水平。若要维持试验初始土壤有机碳水平,在不施肥和NPK施肥下,至少要增施相当于NPK+M措施下半量的有机肥碳。在南方水旱轮作和双季稻区,不施肥和施用NPK,增施半量有机肥碳投入量,农田土壤由碳源转化为碳汇,SOC含量会明显提升。施用NPK+M下,三个水旱轮作点,即使停止有机肥碳投入,仍能维持试验初始时水平。
     在施用NPK措施下,增施1t C ha~(-1)有机肥碳,到本世纪末(2100年),中国北方旱地一年一熟地区土壤固碳潜力平均比NPK增加43.9%(31.0%~56.7%),一年两熟地区增加29.8%(28.0%~33.3%),水旱轮作地区增加31.3%(29.1%~33.1%),双季稻地区则增加28.5%(26.9%~30.3%)。
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the important index as the foundation of crop productivityfor soil fertility. The SOC content is only1/3~1/2of the similar soil type of the world, with largeimprovement potential. SOC is affected by many factors, and fertilization affect the SOC changedirectly. China is a large country with a diverse range of climatic factors and managementpractices. The SOC change and its sequestration potential under different fertilizations in thediversity agro-ecosystem environment in China is still unclear. SOC change is a long, slow andcomplex process, therefore the long-term experiment combine with SOC process model has theadvantage. Forthermore, most of previous studies on SOC potential focus on single site by thestatistics analysis, and lack of the regional study. Therefore we chose14long-term fertilizationexperimental sites combine with the Rothamsted Carbon Model (RothC) to find the SOCsequestration potential under different fertilization management. The objectives were (1) evaluateand select the suitable RothC26.3model for Chinese arable land;(2)explore the SOCsequestration potential regional characteristics in Chinese arable land;(3) set manure carbon inputscenarios, to disinter the SOC evolution and the main effect factors under different fertilization inChinese arable land.
     The14long-term fertilization experimental sites represent three typical agro-ecosystem,upland, paddy-upland rotation, and double-rice. Seven kinds of fertilization treatments waschosen:(1) no fertilizer (Control),(2)nitrogen (N) only,(3) N and phosphorus (NP),(4)N,P andpotassium (NPK),(5) manure only (M),(6) inorganic fertilizer+manure (N+M/NP+M/NPK+M/hNPK+M),(7) inorganic fertilizer+straw (NP+S/NPK+S). The main results and conclusions arefollowed.
     1. Suitable RothC model evaluation and selection
     Original RothC26.3model can be used in upland soil in northern China. The root meansquare error (RMSE) ranged5.29~14.57%(<15%) under in all the upland sites. The R2varied0.71~0.93(except0.64in Pingliang and0.54in Changping).
     The modified RothC26.3model for paddy soil (RothC26.3_p) was suitable in paddy-uplandrotation sites and the plot with lower than2.6t C ha~(-1)yr~(-1)carbon input in double-rice site but thehigher carbon input plots. Although the R2value was not high (0.62~0.77), the RMSE ranged3.62~15.00%in paddy-upland rotation site. The RMSE value was relative lower (4.92~8.94%)inplots with lower carbon input but higher (14.15~54.73%) in plots with higher carbon input indouble-rice site. The model need further modification in double-rice site.
     2.charateristics of regional SOC sequestration potential in Chinese arable land
     Under the current fertilization management, the SOC sequestration potential was-4.9~57.0tC ha~(-1)in northern China. Under Control and N plots, the potential ranged-7.5~~(-1)4.1t C ha~(-1)in all sites except Pingliang and Changping with the total average of-4.9t C ha~(-1). Under NP plot,there was no SOC potential in Urumqi, Zhangye and Zhengzhou (-2.1~-5.8t C ha~(-1)), and0.4~32.7t C ha~(-1)in other five sites. The SOC potential in NP plot in northeast and northwest China(9.9~32.7) was higher than that in north China(0.4~7.0t C ha~(-1)), and the average one was8.1tC ha~(-1). Under NPK plot, the SOC potential was12.4t C ha~(-1), showed SOC maintained the initiallevel in all sites except Urumqi and Zhangye. There was higher SOC potential ranged30.8~57.0t C ha~(-1)under plots with organic materials application.
     In paddy-upland rotation system, there was no potential under Control plots (-7.6~~(-1)6.1t Cha~(-1)). Under NPK plot, the SOC keep the initial level in Suining and Wuchang. The SOC potentialunder plots with organic materials application ranged3.6~35.6t C ha~(-1). In double-rice soil, evenunder Control plot, the SOC maintain the initial level in Nanchang and Jinxian but Wangcheng.Under NPK plot, the SOC potential ranged10.0~15.9t C ha~(-1).
     3. the SOC change under different manure carbon input scenarios
     The manure carbon scenario prediction (2011~2100) results showed, when the additional halfamount of manure carbon input of relevant NPK+M plot, the SOC potential will be turned fromnegetive into positive under Control plot in all sites except Zhangye and Zhengzhou, ranged2.8~6.8t Cha~(-1). Under NPK plot, the additional half amount manure carbon input made Urumqi andZhangye site from negative SOC potential into positive. Under NPK+M plot,50%-reducedmanure carbon input, the SOC level can still keep the initial SOC level in all the site but Zhangye.All in all, to maintain the initial SOC level, additional half amount of manure carbon input of therelevant NPK+M should be needed under Control, NPK, and NPK+M. In paddy-upland rotationand double-rice soil system, additional half amount of manure carbon input of the relevantNPK+M will turn soil from negetive into positive in all sites except Chongqing. Under NPK+Mplot, even stop the manure carbon input, it still can keep the initial SOC level.
     Under NPK plot,1t C ha~(-1)yr~(-1)manure carbon input will increase43.9%(31.0%~56.7%)SOC sequestration potential in single-crop region and29.8%(28.0%~33.3%)in double-cropregion in northern China,31.3%(29.1%~33.1%)in paddy-upland rotation, and28.5%(26.9%~30.3%)in double-rice soil.
     In conclusion, we quantified the regional discrepancy of SOC sequestration potential inupland, paddy-upland rotation, and double-rice systems in China based on database in long-termfertilization sites and RothC model. These results provided the technology support to maintain andimprove soil fertility in different region. Forthurmore, we predicted the SOC change underdifferent fertilization management in typical region in China in future, and proposed thefertilization practices to maintain and elevate SOC.
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