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     1、 GlZEP基因启动子序列-72bp和-84bp处有2个TATA-box;有6个对真核生物起到增强基因转录效率的CAAT-box;有较多的光调控顺式作用元件,包括:1个GT1元件、2个box I、3个G box、1个GAG元件、4个box4和1个chs-CMA2a元件;还发现几个与激素或逆境响应有关的顺式作用元件,包括1个乙烯响应元件ERE、2个CGTCA元件(对茉莉酸甲酯敏感)、2个涉及干旱胁迫的MYB结合位点、1个热激元件、3个真菌诱导响应的Box-W1和一个昼夜节律控制元件。
     2、 GlZEP、GlPDS、GlZDS、GlLYCB、GlBCH和GlLYCE基因启动子除核心启动子元件外,所有的启动子均包括三个顺式调控元件的共有元件:1)涉及MeJA-响应的CGTCA-元件;2)最近发现的在拟南芥PSY启动子上与RAP2.2有相互作用的ATCTA-元件;3)胚乳表达所必需的Skn-1元件。
     3、 GlZEP、GlPDS、GlZDS、GlLYCB、GlBCH和GlLYCE基因启动子序列中都发现至少一种类型的光响应元件,这些启动子可能根据日长和其他涉及花发育调控事件来进行类胡萝卜素表达调控。
     4、 GlZEP、GlPDS、GlZDS、GlLYCB、GlBCH和GlLYCE基因启动子序列中发现至少一种类型的MBS元件(涉及干旱诱导的MYB结合位点)。
     5、在GlPDS和GlLYCE基因启动子中存在乙烯响应元件ERE;GlLYCE和GlBCH基因启动子中存在ABRE(涉及脱落酸应答的顺式作用元件)和生长素响应元件(TGA-盒或TGA-元件); GlLYCB和GlLYCE基因启动子中存在对真菌感染起应答功能的Box-W1;GlZDS, GlLYCB和GlLYCE基因启动子中存在GCN4(涉及胚乳表达的顺式作用元件);GlLYCE和GlBCH基因启动子中还分别检测到了富TA区(烟草中的转录增强子)和ATGCAA-元件(水稻中与TGAGTCA元件(GCN4)相联系的结合位点)。
     (三)本研究中通过各启动子片段在番茄(Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom)果实中的瞬时表达及GlZEP基因启动子在转基因番茄中的稳定表达,得出如下结论:
Carotenoids are naturally tetraterpenoids. They are important in nutuition for human. Inaddition carotenoids function as attractants to pollinators and seed dispersal agents. Duringthe last two decades, significant advances have been made in cloning most of thecarotenogenic genes and the genetic engineering of plants with the intention of manipulationof carotenoid content. However, a major limitation is our poor knowledge of how endogenouscarotenogenic genes are regulated in higher plants. Poor knowledge of the regulation ofcarotenogenic gene expression has thus far limited the predictive carotenoid engineering ofplants for enhancing carotenoid content and composition.
     The investigation of promoter was one of means for attempts to overcome theseroadblocks in plants by breaking through them or going around them. So the promoter andtheir cis-elements were researched. During the development of Gentiana lutea petals, atemporal correlation among the accumulation of carotenoids, the formation of chromoplasts,and the coordinated up-regulation of carotenogenic gene expression is evident. In this report,in order to elucidate the molecular control mechanisms of the coordinated up-regulation ofcarotenogenic gene expression, six promoters (GlZEP, GlPDS, GlZDS, GlLYCB, GlBCH andGlLYCE) were isolated by inverse PCR from G. lutea. All of these promoters were able todrive developmentally regulated expression of the gusA reporter gene in transgenic tomato(Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom).
     We transformed tomato plants with the gusA gene encoding the reporter enzymeβ-glucuronidase (GUS) under the control of the GlZEP promoter, and investigated thereporter expression profile. We detected high levels of gusA expression and GUS activity inchromoplast containing flowers and fruits, but minimal levels in immature fruits containinggreen chloroplasts, in sepals, leaves, stems and roots. GlZEP-gusA expression was strictlyassociated with fruit development and chromoplast differentiation, suggesting anevolutionarily-conserved link between ZEP and the differentiation of organelles that storecarotenoid pigments.
     We transformed tomato plants with the gusA gene encoding the reporter enzymeβ-glucuronidase (GUS) under the control of the five genes(GlPDS, GlZDS, GlLYCB, GlBCHand GlLYCE) promoters respectively. High levels of gusA expression driven by thesepromoters were found in chromoplast-containing mature green (MG) fruits, but very lowlevels of expression, if any, were seen in chloroplast-containing immature green (IM) fruitsfor both GlLYCB and GlBCH promoters. The expression of these promoters is strictlyassociated with tomato fruit development and chromoplast differentiation. In addition to corepromoter elements (TATA box and CAAT box), three common cis-regulatory motifs involvedin methyl jasmonate (MeJA) responsiveness (CGTCA-motif), and binding an ethyleneresponse transcription factor (ATCTA-motif),required for endosperm expression Skn-1motif(GTCAT) were found in all the carotenogenic gene (GlPDS, GlZDS, GlLYCB, GlBCH, GlZEP and GlLYCE) promoters of G. lutea. Our present investigation provides new insights into theregulatory architecture of the coordinated up-regulation of carotenogenic gene expression inpetals of G. lutea. The impact of our results on current models for the regulation ofcarotenogenesis in plants is discussed.
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