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Chrome shaving is one of the wastes generated largely in leather industry. In this thesis, acid protease 3350, alkaline protease 2709, neutral protease AS 1.398, Protamex, Flavourzyme were used to extract protein hydrolysate from chrome shaving. The pre-process method and the factors involved in hydrolysis were discussed on the basis of experiments. The result was obtained as follows: CaO was chose as the pre-process reagent, the combined effect of alkaline protease 2709 and neutral protease AS 1.398 was used to enzymatic hydrolysis. After de-chroming, concentrating and drying, the protein hydrolysate was obtained. The chrome content of the hydrolysate is 10.1 ppm, the crude protein of the hydrolysate is about 82.1%, and the protein recovery of chrome shaving is 59%.
    Protein hydrolysate was used to synthesize copper amino acid compound chelate. The effects of pH value, reaction temperature, reaction time on the chelation were investigated. The optimum condition was obtained as follows: pH=ll, ordinary temperature, 20 minutes. The product was testified by IR.
    DU Jianqiang (Biochemical engineering) Directed by associate professor ZHANG Xiaoyan
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