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     针对上述问题,本文基于Petri网、Agents、 Web Services等理论与技术,重点研究了网格服务工作流模型、网格服务发现及网格服务组合等问题,主要研究成果如下:
     3)在网格服务工作流方面,基于颜色Petri网、Web Services和Agent技术设计了一个网格服务工作流系统框架。讨论了如何定位Web服务、如何调用它们提供的服务以及如何使Web Services和Agent协作以创建高度灵活、动态的网格服务工作流系统,并从过程、资源和任务的角度说明了系统的可适应性。
     5)在网格服务组合方面,提出了一个基于颜色Petri网的网格服务组合模型。先利用颜色Petri网对网格服务提供的操作(活动)进行形式化建模,然后给出操作间的4种最基本的组合方式(顺序、并发、选择、迭代)的颜色Petri网描述,接着给出了网格服务组合的构造算法。该颜色Petri网模型可清晰地表达组合服务的组成逻辑及明确描述服务之间的相互关系。利用CPN Tools可完成系统行为的模拟以及对系统有界性、活性、可达性等重要性质的分析。
Grid Services Workflow has become a hotspot in Grid research field, up to now, there hasnot been complete system framework, and hence can’t analyze safety and flexibility ofworkflow exactly and make an effective judgment for design and verification of Grid ServicesWorkflow. There exists massive Grid services of all kinds in Wide-area distributed Gridenvironment, for a Grid application, how to find Grid service satisfying its requirement, i.e.service discovery, is a very important research issue. In addition, a single Grid servicesometimes can’t fulfill a Grid application all by itself; therefore, it is required to studycomposition mode and cooperation mechanism among Grid services.
     This dissertation focuses on the key problems described above such as Grid ServicesWorkflow model, Grid services discovery, Grid services composition, etc. based on Petri nets,Agent and Web Services. The main contributions are listed as follows.
     1) As for the modeling power of time Petri net (TPN), this dissertation gives a proof thatshows that TPN has the same modeling power as the Turing Machine for the first time. Inaddition, it presents a method of transforming a timed Petri net, another Petri net which has timefactors, to a TPN; this indicates that TPN is not inferior to other Petri net with time factorsdespite its simple structure and also presents another efficient method of studying timed Petrinet as well.
     2) As for the liveness and boundedness of TPN, this dissertation shows that TPN’sliveness and boundedness behavior has no relation with its corresponding classic Petri Netthrough some examples, then presents two sufficient and necessary conditions in time intervalof TPN preserving liveness and boundedness. It is easy to judge a TPN’s liveness andboundedness according to the result.
     3) As for Grid Services Workflow, this dissertation presents a Grid Services WorkflowSystem framework based on Colored Petri nets (CPN), Web Services and Agent technologies.How Web services can be located dynamically and the services provided by them can beinvoked are discussed. It also shows how the Agents and Web Services can coordinate to createhighly flexible and dynamic Grid Services Workflow System and how the framework can beused to achieve adaptability from a process, resource and task perspectives.
     4) As for Grid Services discovery, this dissertation presents a multi-agent-based Gridservice discovery framework. A Fuzzy Petri nets-based service description language isproposed as a specification to publish or request for a service. Meanwhile, through ontology’sclass hierarchy, we put forward a semantic-based service matchmaking algorithm that can findan appropriate service for a request. Possibility and necessity measures are used to quantify theconfidence levels that the service can satisfy a request, that is, this algorithm supports partialmatching.
     5) As for Grid Services composition, this dissertation proposes a CPN-based Grid Servicescomposition model. Firstly, CPN is used to model the operations/activities provided by Gridservice. Then the CPN models for4basic combination styles (sequence, concurrence, choiceand iteration) among operations are given. Finally, a construction algorithm of Grid servicecomposition is presented. The proposed CPN model can express the logic of composite serviceand describe the relationship among services clearly. System’s behavior can be modeled and theproperties--boundedness, liveness, reachability, etc. can be analyzed through CPN Tools.
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