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Financial structure refers to the existence, relative size and interaction state and results of a country's internal core elements, including financial institutions (industry) structure, financial market structure, financial instruments (assets) structure and financial price structure and other components. If the scale of financial assets determines the quantity part feature of a financial system, then the financial structure determines the quality part feature of a financial system.Different financial structure has different financial function.
     In modern market economy, finance is in the core position of allocation of resources, and with the increasing of the economic monetization and financial industrialization degree, the financial system's function of allocate resources continues to be strengthened, which plays a significant role in guiding and promoting a country's economic development mode and industrial structure adjustment. Both theory analysis and economic development practice of all countries show that, total volume growth and structure coordination with equal importance in the process of finance development, especially when the total volume growth to a certain extent, the play of its function and efficiency are often subject to structural constraints problem. Therefore, our country should make strategic planning and arrangement on financial structure adjustment and optimization as soon as possible.
     Currently, our country is in the critical phase of transformation to the development and upgrading of the industrial structure, the financial structure is not completely adapt to the needs for economic development, the main aspect is:(1) the financial structure and economic structure do not match, causing the financing needs of part economic sectors cannot be met;(2) financial market ratio is relative low, causing the innovation ability of the entire financial system is limited, cannot meet the urgent requirements of industrial structure transformation and upgrading;(3) the commercialize degree of financial price is relative low, causing the resources allocation of the financial system is inefficient;(4) financial structure imbalance, leading to a series of financial risks such as high concentration risks, hidden danger of financed financial risk,shadow bank scale expansion and so on.
     The root of the above problem lies in the constraint tinancial structure arrangement of our country's transitional period. The transitional financial structure used to play its positive function on strongly support our country's transition from planned economy to market economy; but when the market economy system was set up, its negative effect appears, financial development lags behind the economic development, and the institutional cost is larger than its benefits. In the market economy system, the financial industry should be the leading industry, but its guiding and promoting function has not fully playing now.Therefore, in the crucial period of our country's economic structure strategic adjustment, our financial structure must be optimized to adapt and promote the economic development. This is the significant theoretical and practical meaning of China financial structure optimization research during the transitional period.
     This paper adopts the analysis method of the combination of theory and practice, empirical and normative analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, to research the financial structure optimization issue during our country's transitional period. The main idea of this study is to grasp the universality and particularity of contradiction, insist the principle of the combination of generality and specialty in research and problem solving. Specific to the financial structure optimization, on the one hand, study the external evolution rule of a country's financial structure; on the other hand, give full consideration to the demands of our country economy and social development during the transitional period. Choose a optimizing path that minimum the adjustment cost, fully release the potential function, make the contribution to the entity economy largest, and most effectively control the risk. This also makes the integrated analysis perspective become this paper's research characteristics. Mostly, present domestic and foreign research confined to a single field on the study of financial structure optimizing, such as the general rule and trend of financial development, or economic and industrial structure adjustment, or the prevention of financial risks. In fact, these fields are the same issues in different aspects, and the economic policy in reality often has the feature of multiple target. So the study on China financial structure optimization problem, only making overall plans and keeping comprehensive balance can design a policy arrangement that cost benefit the highest.
     This paper argues that our country's financial structure optimization should abide by the following principles during the transformation period:
     1. The principle of adapt the need of entity economy development.(1) Optimization of finance structure must meet the need of entity economy development and transformation,end the financial restraint, and accelerate the process of financial system marketization reform;(2) Optimization of financial structure must adhere to market-oriented, through the adequate work of market mechanism, enhance the function and the ability of resources allocation of the financial system, and provide support and protection for the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure.
     2. The principle of adapt the starting point for development and the situation.(1)Optimization of financial structure must adapt to the starting development point, the highly entralized banking-based financial structure in our country will not change significantly, we should pursue a relatively balanced development between financial institution and financial market through the optimization of financial structure;(2) Optimization of financial structure must adapt to the development stage, do not pursue the financial deepening blindly regardless of their stage of economic development, and take the profound lessons that the unlimited development of American derivatives market, resulting in excessive expansion of virtual economy.
     This paper presents the goal of our country financial structure optimization during the transformation period is:
     (1)To match the economic structure and to meet the diversified financing demand. Ensure that each economy unit can obtain corresponding financial services through the expand of financial service coverage, the increase of financial support to the weak areas and aspects during the financial structure optimizing.
     (2)To improve the share of financial market, enhance the ability of financial system to support innovation. We need to vigorously develop the capital market, build a complete equity investment chain, enhance the scale of equity investment institution, then greatly improve the financing opportunity and possibility of the small and medium-sized enterprises and high-tech enterprises.
     (3)To improve the market formation mechanism of financial prices, and enhance the efficiency of resource allocation by the financial system. Improve the commercialize degree of financial structure element, speed up the marketization of interest rates, improve the marketing formation mechanism of financial price, fully enhance the efficiency of resource allocation.
     (4)To construct a relatively balanced financial structure, and guard against and defuse financial risks. There are a series of risks and hidden worries in our current financial structure, it's root lies in the constraint financial structure arrangement during the transitional period. We must dissolve the financial risks through the equalization adjustment and optimization of financial structure.
     This paper puts forward policy advice to optimize the financial structure during the transition period as follows:
     (1) To optimize the entire financial structure. Vigorously support the development of the financial market, increase the proportion of direct financing; at the same time, encourage the development of medium and small banks and non-bank financial institutions, control the share of large state-owned banks at a reasonable level interval. Through the balanced development of financial structure, on the one hand, improve the financial system ability to support innovation; on the other hand, reduce the systematic financial risk.
     (2)To optimize the structure of financial institutions. Optimizing banking financial institution structure through the balanced development of policy bank and commercial bank; optimizing commercial bank organization structure through the diversified development of ownership and scale, and solve the problem that financial system and the enterprise system mismatch; developing securities, trust, insurance, rent and other non-bank financial institutions, constructing a balanced financial institution structure, improving the resource allocation efficiency of the financial intermediary system.
     (3)To optimize the structure of financial markets.Optimizing the structure of stock market, enhance the proportion of small and medium-sized board and gem; optimizing the structure of bond market, enhance the proportion of corporate bonds and corporate debt; appropriately promoting the derivatives market construction on the basis of take the lessons of the over-development of America derivatives market; optimizing primary and derivative market structure, speed up the construction of commodity futures market particularly, provide the resource pricing right for the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure; optimizing market function structure, accelerate the development of risk investment, complete the development of equity investment chain. Through the above adjustment and optimization, improve the support and elastic of China's financial system to the new technology, new products and new industry, enhance the creativity and vitality of economic system, reserve long-term competitiveness for China's sustainable economic development.
     (4)To improving the resources allocation efficiency of financial system on the basis of structural optimization. Continue the market-oriented interest rate reform on the basis of the financial structure optimization, improve the marketing formation mechanism of financial price, better play the the basic role of market in resources allocation. Through the improvement of resource allocation efficiency, better promote the development mode transformation and industrial structure adjustment.
     (5) To strengthen the support and cooperation of the fiscal policy on financial structure optimization. Improving the mechanism that public finance to support the development of policy finance, optimizing the structure proportion of policy and commercial finance; increasing the investment in special areas, enhance the financial service proportion in weak links; promoting the equalization adjustment of financial structure through the implement of structural tax cut; constructing the public financial mechanism to maintaining financial stability.
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