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     随着“服务化”逐渐成为计算机软件领域的主流思想,人们从以往更多地关注服务系统的功能和质量,转向更多地关注服务系统的价值。但是目前的服务工程方法对服务价值这一服务系统的重要特征关注不够。而服务工程方法与传统的软件工程方法最大的不同是它应该更加关注服务价值以及创造服务价值的协同交互过程。为了解决这一问题,本课题组提出了价值知觉的服务工程方法论(Value-Aware Service Engineering and Methodology, VASEM)。价值知觉是指在服务全生命周期内的每个阶段均将价值作为设计决策的核心依据,在进入下一阶段之前进行面向价值的评价分析,确保所有价值均得到折中性的满足。VASEM通过在全生命周期执行各种价值知觉活动(例如,价值声明、价值保持、价值分析与优化等),以保证最终实现的IT使能的服务系统能够最大化的向服务参与者交付服务价值。
     4)面向价值的服务模型分析与优化。将初步设计完成的服务模型作为分析对象,从功能和性能两个角度对价值期望约束被服务模型满足的情况进行分析,提出了基于扩展Pi演算的服务价值分析方法。为了提高面向价值的服务模型优化的效率,对服务要素的面向价值的优先级(Value Oriented Priority, VOP)进行了量化分析,提出了基于关系树的服务要素VOP分析方法。针对初步设计完成的服务模型没有能够满足价值期望约束的情况,研究如何通过修改服务要素质量参数的方式来实现对服务模型的优化,提出了基于VOP的服务价值优化方法,并通过仿真实验验证了方法的有效性。
Modern service industry is growing rapidly in recent years. It has become themost dynamic and remarkable modern high technology industry within all servicerelated industires, and is paid great attention from all around the world. It is animportant task to research on how to design, develop and manage service systems soas to support the sustainable development of modern service industry. Therefore,service engineering has become a key research area in serviceology. Serviceengineering can be regarded as an extension to software engineering. But traditionalsoftware engineering lacks effective methods in face of service systems withsocialized technological features. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a separateservice engineering method.
     As servitization gradually grows into the mainstream ideology of computersoftware field, more and more people shift their attentions from the function andquality of service systems towards value aspects. However, traditional serviceengineering methods do not pay enough attention on service value. In fact, thebiggest difference between service engineering methods and software engineeringmethods is that service engineering methods should pay more attentions on servicevalue and the collaborative interactions that create value. To solve this problem, ourresearch group proposes a Value-Aware Service Engineering and Methodology(VASEM). VASEM is used to support realizing all kinds of value-aware activities(e.g., value measurement, value annotation, value analysis and optimation, etc.)throughout the service system life cycle, so as to ensure that the resulting servicesystems can deliver maximal values to service participants.
     The research content of this paper forms the main body of VASEM. It focuseson the design phase of service systems, and presents a value-aware design andoptimation method of service systems. In particular, this paper studies VASEM andservice value-related concepts, service value model and its mathematical properties,VASEM modeling-oriented value annotation and measurement methods, andvalue-oritend service model analysis and optimization. The detailed researchcontents are:
     1) Value-Aware Service Engineering Methodology and service value-relatedconcepts. After the scope of service that this paper focuses on is introduced,Value-Aware Service Engineering Methodology is presented, as a response to thelack of consideration for service value in traditional service engineering methods,and then the background, framework and main research contents of VASEM aregiven. Service value is defined, classified, and the representation and characteristics of service value are discussed. Besides, the semantics that should be included inservice models of VASEM and the relationship between service model and valuemodel are researched.
     2) Service value model and its mathematical properties. In order to support therealization of various value-aware activities in service system design, it is necessaryto research on various properties of service value, especially the dependencyrelevance property. This paper researches on the formal representation andmeasuremet methods of various value dependencies. On the basis, the paperpresents four kinfs of value model from different perspectives, i.e., valueproposition model, participant-oriented value network, value dependency model andvalue annotation model.
     3) VASEM modeling-oriented value annotation and measurement methods.After the general modeling process of VASEM is given, the optimal design ofservice elements’ quality parameters in service models is presented by means of therational iterative modeling process, and a value-aware iterative service modelingprocess is proposed. For the two value awareness activities “value annotation” and“value measurement” in this iterative modeling process, a semi-automatic valueannotation method and a service semantics-based value measurement method isgiven respectively.
     4) Value oriented service model analysis and optimization. Taking thepreliminary designed service model as analysis object, a service value analysismethod based on an extended Pi calculation is presented, which analyse the degreeof value expectations satisfied by service model from functional and non-functionalaspects. In order to improve the efficiency of model optimization, the value orientedpriority (VOP) of service elements is quantitively analysed, and a relationaltree-based VOP analysis method for service elements is peresneted. To solve theproblem that the expected constraints of some values are not satisfied by thedesigned of service model, a VOP-based service value optimization method ispresented, and its validity is proved through simulation experiments.
     At last, in order to verify the above theoretical research results, a VASEMmodeling tool was designed and implemented. Combined with real case of WeiHaiocean logistics export service, the theories and methods presented in this paper areverified, and the validation results are analyzed.
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