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Trade policy plays a very important role in American history. It nearly runs through the history of American foreign economic relations. This dissertation deals with the development of American protective trade policy which characterized by high duties at the end of nineteenth century. It has four parts:
     Chapter one is a brief introduction of American protective trade policy from 1789 to 1879. The policy can be divided into three periods, the first one is from 1789 to 1815, the main purpose of American trade policy was to make revenue, so duties were comparatively low. The second one is from 1816 to 1860, the North with protective ideas met the South with free trade ideas, and the duties were high at first, and then low under the influence of the South. The third one is from 1861 to 1879, the high duties during the Civil War was continued after the war.
     Chapter two describes the reform of the War Time Duty by the Democrats, and the establishment of high protective duties. The Democrats struggled for a low tariff, while the Republicans against it. The Tariff Act of 1883 was the first revision of the War Time Duty. After that, the Democrats proposed several bills to revise the high duty, but finally failed. With the Republicans won the election of 1888, they controlled the Congress to raise the rates. The McKinley Tariff Act of 1890 set the highest duty since 1789, and it marked the period of high duties come closer.
     Chapter three presents the continuation of high protective duties. The Democrats won the election of 1892. With the control of the Congress, they reduced the tariff rates in the Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894. But soon, the Republicans won the election of 1896; they made a duty of 57% on dutiable goods, which is the highest duty in the nineteenth century. The protective trade policy was continued in the 20th century.
     The reason why the high protective trade policy was established in the nineteenth century is analyzed in the last chapter. The domestic factors as well as international factors contributed to the establishment. Some influences of American protective trade policy were also discussed in this chapter.
    1 Robert A.Rosenbaum,The Penguin Encyclopedia of American History,(New York:Penguin Reference,2003),p.224,p.106.
    2 李剑鸣:“1989年以来中国的美国史研究”,胡国成:《透视美国:近年来中国的美国研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2002年版,第19页。
    3 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.8.
    1 陈岩:《国际贸易理论与实务》,北京:清华大学出版社,2007年版,第3页。
    2 同上。
    3 李坤望主编:《国际经济学》,北京:高等教育出版社,2005年第2版,第112页。
    4 Benjamin J.Cohen,American Foreign Economic Policy:Essays and Comments,(New York:Harper and Row,1968),p.1.
    1 Robert A.Pastor,Congress and the Politics of US Foreign Economic Policy,1929-1976,(Berkeley:University of California Press,1980),pp.7-9.
    2 Stephen D.Cohen,The Making of United States International Economic Policy:Principles,Problems,and Proposals for Reform,(New York:Greenwood Press,Inc.,1988),p.3.
    3 Ibid,p.146.
    4 华民:《国际经济学》,上海:复旦大学出版社,1998年版,第69页。
    5 《中国大百科全书》(简明版),北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1998年版,第.3278页。
    6 华民:《国际经济学》,上海:复旦大学出版社,1998年版,第69-70页。
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.5.
    2 《不列颠百科全书》(国际中文版),北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1999年版,第16卷,第455页。
    3 Ibid,p.6.
    4 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.6.
    5 Paul S.Boyer,The Oxford Companion to United States History,(New York:Oxford University Press,2001),p.761.
    6 Joel Mokyr,The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History,(Oxford University Press,2003),p.484.
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898).
    2 The Tariff Act of 1890,Compared with the Tariff Act of 1883 and the Mills Bill.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1891).
    3 The Tariff and Administrative Customs Acts of 1890.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1894).
    4 Erastus B.Bigelow,The Tariff Policy of England and of the United States Contrasted.(Boston:Little,Brown,and Company,1877).
    5 W.D.Bynum,Tariff:A Revenue V.S.A Protective Tariff.(Indianapolis,IND.,1884).
    6 D.G.Harriman,American Tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley:A Complete and Impartial History of Our Tariff Systems,1620-1891.(New York:The American Protective Tariff League,1892)
    7 Edward Stanwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century,(Boston:Hougton,Mifflin,1903).
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931).
    2 Sidney Rather,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972).
    3 Edward S.Kaplan,Thomas W.Ryley,Prelude to Trade Wars:American Tariff Policy,1890-1922.(Westport:Greenwood Press,1994).
    4 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(New York:Cornell University Press,1993).
    5 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Free Trade:International Sources of US Commercial Strategy,1887—1939.(New York:Cornell University Press,1988).
    6 Paul Wolman,Most Favored Nation:The Republican Revisionists and U.S.Tariff Policy,1897-1912.(The University of North Carolina Press,1992).
    1 Harold U.Faulkner,Politics,Reform,and Expansion,1890-1900.(New York:Harper Torchbooks,1959).Edward S.Kaplan,American Trade Policy,1923-1995.(Westport:Greenwood Press,1996).
    2 Lars Magnusson,Free Trade and Protectionism in America:1822-1890.(New York:Routledge,2000).
    3 张友伦:“美国历史研究百年回顾”,《历史研究》1997年第3期,第153页.
    4 邓峰:“美国关税百年之争”,《烟台大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),2007年第2期,第100-106页。
    5 邓峰:“筹措战争经费的成功运作——美国内战时期联邦政府财税政策研究”,《北方论丛》,2007年第1期,第101-104页。
    6 邓峰:“论美国关税法的演变”,《东北亚论坛》,2005年第1期,第72-75页。
    7 王书丽:“19世纪末20世纪初美国的关税保护主义及其终结”,《史学月刊》,200年第3期,第73-76页。
    8 黄贵荣:“工业化、民族主义和利益整合——美国南北战争前的关税立法”,《法治论丛》,2006年第3期,第130-135页。
    9 许国林:“论自由放任与国家主义对镀金时代美国经济的影响”,《河南师范大学学报》(哲社版),2001年第2期。
    10 许国林:“论高关税政策与近代美国的崛起”,《北京商学院学报》(社会科学版),2001年第3期,第69-72页。
    1 王晓德:“美国开国先辈们的自由贸易思想探析”,《世界历史》,2003年第2期,第24-33页。
    2 王晓德:“美国早期历史上的经济民族主义及其影响”,《南开学报》(哲学社会科学版),2006年第1期,第18-26页。
    3 李连广:“试论美国内战前南北方在关税问题上的斗争”《济宁师专学报》,2000年第2期,第36-38页。
    4 韩德强:“崛起之路——美国历史上贸易保护和自由贸易之争的启示”,《高校理论战线》,1999年第7期,第57-60页。
    5 李育良,修月祯:“美国关税及贸易政策点评”,《国际商务》,1997年第3期。
    6 黄兆群:“杰克逊反对保护关税法吗——与邓蜀生先生商榷”,《世界历史》,1989年第6期。
    7 曾俊伟:《美国的贸易保护主义》,北京:人民法院出版社,1995年版。
    1 进口关税(Import Duties)是由进口国海关根据海关税则在外国商品输入时对本国进口商所征收的税收。
    2 出口关税(Export Duties)是由出口国海关根据海关税则在本国商品输出时对本国出口商所征收的关税,以增加财政收入为目的的出口关税,其税率一般不高。以保护本国生产为目的的出口关税,通常是对出口的原料征税。
    3 Sidney Ratner,The Tariffin American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.9.
    5 1781年3月1日—1789年3月4日为美国历史上的邦联时期。
    6 从量税(Specific Duties)是按商品实物计量单位如重量、数量、长度、容量、面积来计征的关税。从量税额=商品数量×每单位商品从量税。
    7 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.10.
    8 张少华:《美国早期现代化的两条道路之争》,北京:北京大学出版社,1996年版,第35-36页。
    2 Sidney Rather,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.10.
    4 Paul Studenski and Herman E.Krooss,Financial History of the United States,(New York:),pp.50-53.
    5 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),pp.10-11.
    6 保护关税(Protective Tariff)指旨在保护本国产业发展而征收的关税。保护关税的直接作用是抵御外来竞争,税率一般较高。当税率高至使国内价格与世界市场价格之差消失甚至进口品价格高于本国同种产品价格时,可以使得进口行为无利可图而停止,这种关税称为禁止性关税(Prohibitive Duties)。
    7 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.15.
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariffin American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.11.
    2 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.13.
    3 Ibid,pp.13-15.
    4 复合关税(Compound Duties),也称混合关税(Mixed Duties),是从价税和从量税结合在一起的关税,即对同一种商品既征从价税又征从量税。可以是以从价税为主,从量税为辅,也可以是从量税为主,从价税为辅。因为从价税和从量税各适合于不同类型的产品,从价税适合于制成品,它随着商品价格的涨落自动调整,保护程度不受价格变动影响;而从量税适合于标准化的大宗产品。大多使用复合关税的情况是从量税为主加征从价税,这时的从价税可能是一种补偿性关税(Compensatory Duty),即补偿产品中包含的原材料(按本国税则)应征而未征的关税。
    5 亚历山大·汉密尔顿,1755年1月诞生于英属西印度群岛的尼维斯岛。其父詹姆斯·汉密尔顿祖上虽为苏格兰望族,但家业衰败,穷困潦倒,在汉密尔顿10岁时便将他与母亲遗弃在圣克罗岛。母子俩起初以经营小店为生,12岁以后,汉密尔顿便到纽约商人尼古拉斯·克鲁格的商店当学徒。鉴于他聪明过人,又勤奋好学,克鲁格等人资助他到纽约读中学,后进入英王学院学习。在校学习期间,汉密尔顿广泛学习了哲学、法律、历史,但对经济学有浓厚的兴趣,阅读了英国经济学家的大量著作。作为爱国者,他参加了独立战争,并在1777年至1781年间担任华盛顿的副官。在独立战争期间,他经常与邦联财政总监罗伯特·莫里斯商讨财政经济问题,1782年还曾担任纽约州税务官。这些经历使他成为独立革命领导人中为数不多的通晓财政经济问题的政治家。汉密尔顿的关税保护论在很长时间内对美国制造业的建立和经济的发展起着重要作用。他的关税保护论甚至影响了保护贸易理论的形成,德国经济学家李斯特(Friedrich List)的保护幼稚产业理论很大程度上是受到了汉密尔顿保护关税论的启发。
    1 张少华:《美国早期现代化的两条道路之争》,北京:北京大学出版社,1996年版,第48页。
    2 Henry Lodge,The Works of Alexander Hamilton,Vol4.,(New York:Haskell House Publishers,1971),p.90.
    3 Ibid,p.106.
    1 "Hamilton's Report on Manufactures,1791",in American State Paper,Finances,(Washington:Gales and Seaton,1832),Ⅰ,pp.125-127,135-137.转引自:Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),pp.95-106.
    2 Henry Lodge,The Works of Alexander Hamilton,Vol4.,(New York:Haskell House Publishers,1971),p.143.
    1 Merrill Peterson,Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation,(New York:Oxford University Press,1970),pp.69-75.
    2 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.32.
    1 Merill D.Peterson,The Writings of Thomas Jefferson,(Washington:Congress Library,1984),p.519.
    2 U.S.Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census,Historical Statistics of the United States,Colonial Time to 1970,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1975),p.538.
    3 张少华:《美国早期现代化的两条道路之争》,北京:北京大学出版社,1996年版,第163-164页。
    1 Douglass North,The Economic Growth of the United states,1790-1860,(New York:Norton,1966),p.57.
    2 Gerald D.Nash,Issues in American Economic History:Selected Readings,(Boston:Heath,1964),p.164.
    3 美国在1803年开始的英法战争中是中立国。
    4 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.16.
    5 Edward Stanwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century,vol.1,(Boston:Houghton Miffin,1903),p.131.
    6 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p12.
    1 Gerald D.Nash,Issues in American Economic History:Selected Readings,(Boston:Heath,1964),p.167.
    2 张少华:《美国早期现代化的两条道路之争》,北京:北京大学出版社,1996年版,第172页。
    1 财政关税(Revenue Tariff)指以增加国家财政收入为主要目的而征收的关税。财政关税税率一般较低,税率太高了就可能减少进口,从而使得关税收入降低,达不到增加国家财政收入的目的。此外,以财政收入为目的的关税一般也是与较低的经济发展水平相联系的。当一个国家经济发展水平较低的时候,国内的直接税收来源较少,关税就成了主要的财政收入来源之一。
    2 Judith Goldstein,Ideas.Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.47,p.50.
    3 Sidney Rather,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p13.
    4 Judith Goidstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.47.
    5 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p13.
    6 国外有学者认为1816年关税法不是保护关税,原因是它面对来自英国的竞争,降低了第二次英美战争期间的关税税率,并且,这部关税法能够通过国会既不是为了保护幼稚工业也不是保护理念的驱使,而是地区利益决定的。(见Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Intecests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.47.)但是大多数学者还是认为,不能把和平时期与战争时期的关税比较,1816年关税法的税率比第二次英美战争前提高了很多,也保护了美国的制造业。此外,地区利益也能反映出贸易保护的诉求,北部制造业比较发达,主张实行贸易保护政策。(见F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.68.,Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests.and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.47.)
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.22.
    2 Edward Stanwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century,vol.1,(Boston:Houghton Miffin,1903),p.201.
    3 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.49.
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.71.
    2 Ibid,p.73.
    3 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.49.
    4 Ibid,p.50.
    1 Sidney Rather,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.14.
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.15.
    2 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.85.
    3 Sidney Rather,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.16.
    4 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.50.
    5 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.18.
    6 Ibid,p.17.
    7 F.W.Tanssig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.91.
    8 Ibid,p.94.
    1 Sidney Rather,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.17.
    3 Frederic Bancroft,Calhoun and the South California Nullification Movement,(John Hopkins University Press,1928),p.32.
    1 Charles M.Wiltse,The New Nation,1800-1845,(New York:Hill & Wang,1961),p.115.
    2 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.58.
    3 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.18.
    4 1828年关税法仅有49种货物免税。
    5 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.18.
    6 刘绪贻、杨生茂:《美国通史》(第二卷),北京:人民出版社,2002年版,第167页。
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons.1931).pp.110-111.
    3 约翰·泰勒来自南部的弗吉尼亚州,对贸易保护不感兴趣。在1840年总统大选的时候,威廉·亨利·哈里森(William Henry Harrison)选泰勒作为副总统的候选人主要是为了赢得更多的南部选票。哈里森在就任美国总统一个月后去世,于是泰勒由副总统成为总统。
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D,Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.22.
    2 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.62.
    3 1842年之前,关税税款可以凭借信用在一段时间内支付。
    4 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.113.
    1 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.62.
    2 Edward Stanwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century,vol.2,(Boston:Houghton Miffin,1903),p.42.
    3 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.64.
    4 Ibid,p.64.
    5 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.24.
    1 这时爱尔兰发生饥荒,欧洲大部分国家局势动荡,增加了对美国农产品的需求。
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.113.
    1 此处用“高关税政策”而非“贸易保护政策”,是因为内战时期美国提高关税的主要目的是筹措战争经费,贸易保护只是次要目标,甚至仅仅是客观的作用。在内战结束后,美国关税政策才逐渐走向贸易保护。
    1 Sidney Rained,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.28.
    2 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.159.
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.29.
    2 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.163.
    3 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.30.
    4 U.S.Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census,Historical Statistics of the United States,Colonial Time to 1957,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1968),p.539.
    5 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.164.
    1 U.S.Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census,Historical Statistics of the United States,Colonial Time to 1970,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1975),pp.297-306.
    2 战争期间形成的高关税体系的总称。
    3 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.31.
    1 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.75.
    2 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including,All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),pp.223-227.
    3 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.176.
    4 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.228.
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.229.
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.229.
    2 Ibid,p.230.
    3 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.32.
    4 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Offce,1898),pp.238-239.
    5 Ibid,p.241
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.180.
    2 Ibid,p.182.
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.185.
    2 Sidney Rather,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.33.
    4 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.174.
    5 1866年发行在外的美国债务高达23.22亿美元,参见[美]斯坦利·L·恩格尔曼,罗伯特·E·高尔曼:《剑桥美国经济史(第二卷):漫长的19世纪》(王珏等译),北京:中国人民大学出版社,2008年版,第377页。
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.34.
    1 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.102.
    2 Ibid,p.74.
    1 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.102.
    2 U.S.Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census,Historical Statistics of the United States,Colonial Time to 1970,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1975),p.888.
    1 James D.Richard,A Complication of Messages and Papers of the Presidents,vol.8(New York,1897),p.135.
    2 Edward Stanwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century,vol.2,(Boston:Hougton,Mifflin,1903),p.202.
    3 其中一位曾是国家统计局的统计学家,另一位是纽约海关的官员。
    4 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.99.
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.34.
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),pp.294-295.
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.293,p297.
    2 Ibid,pp.284-285.
    3 Ibid,p.284.
    4 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.240.
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),pp.295-296.
    2 Ibid,pp.292-293.
    3 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.236.
    4 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.284.
    5 Ibid,pp284-286.
    6 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.237.
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),pp.34-35.
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.251.
    2 Clarence L.Miller,The States of the Old Northwest and the Tariff,1865-1888,(Kansas,1929),p.143.
    3 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.253.
    4 Edward Stanwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century,vol.2,(Boston:Hougton,Mifflin,1903),pp.220-221.
    5 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.252.
    1 Edward Stanwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century,vol.2,(Boston:Hougton,Mifflin,1903),pp.225-226.
    2 Henry S.Commager,Document of American History,vol.1,p.127.
    3 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.253.
    1 The Tariff Act of 1890,Compared with the Tariff of 1883 and the Mill Bill,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1891),pp.8-9.
    2 Ibid,p.20.
    3 Ibid,pp.29-30.
    4 Ibid,pp.18-19.
    5 The Tariff Act of 1890,Compared with the Tariff of 1883 and the Mill Bill,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1891),pp.32-34.
    6 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),pp.254-255.
    7 Ibid,p.254.
    1 Edward Stanwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century,vol.2,(Boston:Hougton,Mifflin,1903),pp.226-242.
    2 哈里森是威廉·哈里森总统的孙子,他本人是内战中的联邦将军,又兼印第安纳铁路公司的律师,集共和党元老和大企业代表于一身,是高关税政策的拥护者。
    1 Congressional Records,51~(st),1st session.,vol.21,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1890),p.867.
    2 1843年1月29日生于美国俄亥俄州奈尔斯市(Niles)一个小工厂主家庭,他的父亲经营了一家铸铁厂。南北战争爆发之前他曾在中学教过书,在邮局当过职员。战争爆发后,年仅18岁的麦金莱应征入伍,曾任R.B.海斯上校的副官。1866年,他以少校军衔退役。退役后的麦金莱开始钻研法律,成为了一名律师。1868年到1871年,麦金莱被选为斯塔克县检察官,连任失败后,他又做起了律师,并积极参与地方的政治活动。麦金莱在1876年当选为美国共和党众议院议员,并在1880年进入美国众议院财税委员会(House Ways and Means Committee),参与制定美国的重大财政政策。
    3 U.S.Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census,Historical Statistics of the United States,Colonial Time to 1970,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1975),p.1106.
    4 见表2—1。
    1 Margaret Leech,In the Days of McKinley,(New York:Harper Brothers,1959),p.24.
    2 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.102.
    3 Davis R.Dewey,National Problems:1885-1897,(New York:1907),p.179.
    4 早在1837年,联邦政府就规定了白银与黄金的比价为16比1。1848年加利福尼亚金矿开采后,出现银贵金贱。到1861年,银币已经基本上退出流通。随着70年代落基山区巨大银矿的发现和开采,形势又变为金贵银贱。因此,美国政府颁布了1873年铸币法,限制了白银铸币量。1878年,美国政府进一步将美元同黄金价值挂钩,这表明美国实际上开始实行金本位制。但是国会于同一年通过布兰德一阿利森购银法,规定财政部每月购入相当于200万至400万美元的白银并发行同量的银元券。但这无法改变白银供过于求的状况,银元券也难以进人流通,“金银之争”有增无减。80年代末,自由铸造银币派广泛开展活动,当1888年贸易状况突然恶化,农业受到出口市场减少的沉重打击时,银的问题又被提出。1889年,自由铸造银币派成立全国复本位联盟。两大党迫于压力,在政治纲领中都列入了复本位条款,但实际上都保留了金币政策。见[美]杰里米·阿塔克,彼得·帕塞尔:《新美国经济史》(罗涛译),北京:中国社会科学出版社,2000年版,第490-492页。
    5 该法规定财政部每月购银450万盎司,相当于全国的白银月产量。
    6 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.104.
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),pp.351-352.
    2 这是因为,美国人通常把资本和劳动力集中在那些更赚钱的服装用和精梳羊毛,地毯羊毛利润很低。
    3 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.352.
    4 Ibid,pp.352-354.
    1 The Tariff Act of 1890,Compared with the Tariff of 1883 and the Mill Bill,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1891),p.33.
    2 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),pp.338-340
    3 Ibid,p.343.
    4 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.269.
    5 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Mortifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),pp.359-360
    1 Congressional Records,51~(st),1st session.,vol.21,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1890),p.6256.
    2 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.106.
    3 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.353.
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.93.
    2 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Free Trade:International Sources of US Commercial Strategy,1887—1939.(New York:Cornell University Press,1988),p.91.
    3 Ibid,p.101.
    4 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Free Trade:International Sources of US Commercial Strategy,1887—1939.(New York:Cornell University Press,1988),p.102.
    5 Congressional Records,51~(st),1st session.,vol.21,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1890),p.7803.
    1 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),pp.104-105.
    1 U.S.Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census,Historical Statistics of the United States,Colonial Time to 1970,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1975),p.162.
    2 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.81.
    1 韦弗在12年前曾经被美钞党提名为总统候选人,并且作为美钞党人担任过几届国会众议员。
    2 Russel B.Nyer,Midwestern Progressive Politics:A History Study Of Its Origins and Development,1870-1958,(Michigan University Press,1959),p.62.
    3 Elizabeth Sanders,Roots of Reform:Farmers,Workers,and the American State,1877-1917,(Chicago:University of Chicago Press),pp.143-146.
    4 Russel B.Nyer,Midwestern Progressive Politics:A History Study Of Its Origins and Development,1870-1958,(Michigan University Press,1959),p.61.
    2 Russel B.Nyer,Midwestern Progressive Politics:A History Study Of Its Origins and Development,1870-1958,(Michigan University Press,1959),p.91.
    3 Ibid,p.81.
    1 Davis R.Dewey,Financial History of the U.S.,(New York:1934),p.453.
    2 Harold U.Faulkner,Politics,Reform,and Expansion,1890-1900.(New York:Harper Torchbooks,1959),p.158.
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.288.
    2 Harold U.Faulkner,Politics,Reform,and Expansion,1890-1900.(New York:Harper Torchbooks,1959),p.159.
    4 同上,第412页。
    5 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.290.
    1 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.110.
    2 Congressional Records,53~(rd),2~(nd) session.,vol.27,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1894),p.7191.
    3 早在1887年,克利夫兰总统就提倡取消羊毛的关税,民主党也曾经把它列入1888年的《米尔斯关税议案》的免税名单中,但都没能变成政策。实际上,当时世界上经济发达的国家都不对羊毛征收关税。
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.pp.408-412.
    2 Ibid.pp.408-412.
    3 Sidney Rather,The Tariffin American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.38.
    4 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.pp.426-429.
    5 Ibid,pp.418-422.
    6 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.309.
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.309.
    2 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade:International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.106.
    3 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.92.
    4 Harold U.Faulkner,Politics,Reform,and Expansion,1890-1900.(New York:Harper Torchbooks,1959),p.158.
    5 Charles Hoffman,The Depression of the Nineties:An Economic History,(Connecticut:Greenwood,1970),p.56.
    1 在此之前,内战后两党总统选举的选票之差在1%——3%之间。
    2 Davis R.Dewey,Financial History of the U.S.,(New York:1934),p.454.
    3 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.326.
    4 Sidney Rather,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.40.
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.326.
    2 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.40.
    3 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.462.
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),pp.466-469.
    2 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.337.
    3 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.481.
    4 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.492.
    5 指1894年关税法的税率。
    6 另一种是棉花。
    7 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.342.
    1 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),pp.496-498.
    2 Ibid,p.472.
    3 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.349.
    1 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade:International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.126.
    2 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.506.
    3 这也是法国进行贸易谈判的让步手段之一。见F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.353.
    4 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.506.
    5 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade:International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.127.
    6 Congressional Records,55~(th),1~(st) session,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1897),p.254.
    7 Tariff Acts Passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897,Including All Acts,Resolutions,and Proclamations Modifying or Changing Those Acts.(Washington:Government Printing Office,1898),p.509.
    1 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade:International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.128.
    2 陶西格认为,《丁利关税法》之所以能够持续这么长时间主要原因有:其一是共和党在此期间一直是执政党,政策变化的可能性较小;其二,经济在这段时间内一直处于繁荣的局面,而这种繁荣被贸易保护主义者归因于贸易保护的作用;最后,随着1897年以后工业联合的快速发展,托拉斯、铁路和垄断等问题越发突出,这也一定程度上转移了人们的视线。1909年的关税改革是因为当时流行的观点认为关税促进了垄断的发展。见F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),pp.361-362.
    3 1930年《斯穆特——霍利关税法》的平均税率为53.2%。
    4 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.358.
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.41.
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.42.
    2 这与法国在1892年采取的关税征收方式类似。
    3 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.43.
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.44.
    2 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade:International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.154.
    1 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade:International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.154.
    1 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.48.
    2 Ibid,p.48.
    3 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade:International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.167.
    1 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade:International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.193.
    2 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States,(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.491.
    3 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.51.
    4 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade:International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.194.
    5 Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.51.
    1 David A.Lake,Power,Protection,and Trade." International Sources of U.S.Commercial Strategy,1887-1939(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),p.194.
    2 1932年时世界贸易降到只有1929年1/3的水平,见陈宝森:《美国经济与政府政策——从罗斯福到里根》,北京:世界知识出版社,1988年版,第836页。
    3 张小青:“论美国的贸易保护主义——从历史角度进行的分析”,《美国研究》,1988年第1期,第111页。
    1 U.S.Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census,Historical Statistics of the United States,Colonial Time to 1970,(Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1975),Series Y 335-338.
    1 亨利·克莱1777年4月12日出生于弗吉尼亚州汉诺威县(Hanover County)的一个中产阶级家庭。20岁时,他搬到肯塔基州并很快成为一名成功的律师,他曾经在肯塔基州的立法机关工作过。美英战争时期,克莱是一名好战分子,主张扩大对英国的战争。1824年约翰·昆西·亚当斯(John Quincy Adams)当选总统后,克莱成为众议院议长,1831年左右他成为当时共和党(后为辉格党)的领袖。1832年,1844年克莱两次参加总统竞选,均告失败。1852年6月克莱在首都华盛顿逝世。
    2 亨利·查尔斯·凯里1793年出生在费城一个富裕商人家庭,父亲马修·凯里(Matthew Carey,1760—1839)是爱尔兰移民,凯里与李出版公司的创办人。亨利·凯坐是一个虔诚的天主教徒和坚定的共和党人。他继承父业,长期经营出版业至1835年。此后,转入经济学研究。他在很大程度上是自修成才,1835出版其首部论著《论工资率及世界工人状况差异的原因的研究》。随后,陆续出版《政治经济学原理》、《英、法、美三国的信用制度》、《通货、通货不稳定及其稳定之问答》、《过去、现在和将来》、《农工商利益一致论》、《社会科学原理》等。最后一本书是凯里的代表作,该书最后由科特·马克普缩编为《社会科学教本》。
    3 由于第一章第一节已经谈过,这里不再做详细探讨。
    4 Lars Magnusson,Free Trade and Protectionism in America:1822-1890,Critical Concepts in the History of Economics,Vol.Ⅰ,(New York:Routledge,2000),pp.12-14.
    1 "Clay's Speech of 1824 on American Industry",in Daniel Mallory,Life and Speeches of the Hon.Henry Clay,Vol Ⅰ.(New York:A.C.Barnes,1857),pp.521-523.转引自Sidney Ratner,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),pp.106-108.
    2 Marion Mills,Great Debates in American History:From the Debates in the British Parliament on the Colonial Stamp Act(1764-1765) to the Debates in Congress at the Close of the Taft Administration(1912-1913),Vol.12,New York:Current Literature Publishing Company,1913),p.40.
    3 Ibid,p.41.
    4 Quentin R.Skrabec,Jr.William McKinley,Apostle of Protectionism,(New York:Algora Publishing,2008),p.1.
    5 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.34.
    1 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.35.
    2 Ibid,p.41.
    1 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.86.
    2 Ibid,p.86.
    2 同上,第127页。
    1 李道揆:《美国政府和美国政治》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1990年版,第376页。
    2 Judith Goldstein,Ideas,Interests,and American Trade Policy.(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993),p.96.
    3 李道揆:《美国政府和美国政治》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1990年版,第317页。
    1 屠新泉:“党派政治与美国贸易政策的变迁”,《美国研究》,2007年第4期,第67页。
    1 限于篇幅,仅列出有关税法案出台的年代。
    2 何思因:《美国贸易政治》,台北:时英出版社,1994年版,第70页。
    1 Sidney Rather,The Tariff in American History,(New York:D.Van Nostrand Company,1972),p.30.
    1 G.M.格罗斯曼和E.赫尔普曼:《利益集团与贸易政策》(李增刚译),北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005年版,第44页。
    1 农业和制造业以1899年的产值为100。
    2 增长比率系作者计算所得。
    2 同上,第420页。
    1 F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History ofthe United States.(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons,1931),p.189.
    1 何思因:《美国贸易政治》,台北:时英出版社,1994年版,第7页。
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    4.Congressional Records,53~(rd,) Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1893.
    5.Congressional Records,55~(th,) Washington D.C.:Government Printing office,1897.
    6.Speech of Hon.J.W.Barbeock,Jr.,of Ohio,in the House of Representatives.
    7.Speech of Hon.Nelson W.Aldrich,of Rhode Island,in the Senate of the United States.
    8.Speech of Hon.William McKinley,Jr.,of Ohio,in the House of Representatives.
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