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In the last 30 years of the 20th century, the global product design came to a new development stage. Nowadays design puts more attention on users, instead of the function and form of the products. The requirements of people towards products change to the emotional ones, at the same time, the trend of product design changes to the semantic ones form the functional ones. At this turning point, Kansei Engineering is born in Japan as the research results and plays an important role in the development of products. And the products developed with Kansei Engineering are also proved successful. In China, as a new method of product development, Kansei Engineering lacks the deep and systematic research. The thesis plans to do the primary research under this background and provides some fundamental theory for Chinese design circle. Based on the above, the author begins with the background of Kansei engineering, analyses the birth and development of perceptual idea. After studying on the meaning of Kansei engineering, the author states the birth, development and research field of Kansei engineering. Through the research on the specific case, the author discusses the concept and application of six methods of Kansei engineering. Finally, through the introduction of the emotional qualification method, the author compares Kansei engineering with other emotional design method and points out the application process of Kansei engineering. The purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of Kansei Engineering and to promote the development of Kansei engineering in China.
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