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The idea of strategic alliance and supply chain management was originated from business circles, and soon gained popularization among these circles, thus making its theory development gradually improved and deepened. Under such trend, strategic alliance theory was applied into the management practice by foreign mature ports, and obtained good momentum in its development. Currently, Chinese ports, under severe global competition, are seeking innovative management strategy to enhance their comprehensive competitiveness. In order to suit the needs of such competition, it is imperative to make effective combination of strategic alliance and supply chain management, and apply it into the specific practice of port management.
     Based on the literature concerning with strategic alliance and supply chain management theory, this dissertation made earnest analysis of the theory foundation for strategic alliance and supply chain management, with the result that the driving force in forming strategic alliance mainly covers internal and external factors. The various modes of strategic alliance have also been analyzed as well as the main contents of supply chain management, the structure system, the business process and the management element. The relevance of supply chain management, strategic alliance and supply chain alliance has been analyzed.
     This dissertation concluded the current situation of Rizhao Port, made perspective layout for its development, promoted the specific conception of supply chain management of Rizhao port based on strategic alliance, and made analysis and diagnose of the driving force for implementation. With reference to the experience of specific practice on strategic alliance in typical domestic and overseas port like New Jersey Port in New York, port of Kaohsiung, Keelung and Taizhong, major ports in Yangtze River Delta, the possible modes of Rizhao Port strategic alliance were proposed.
     Based on the previous analysis, specific design on the supply chain management system of Rizhao Port viewing from strategic alliance was given in this dissertation, which mainly covered two aspects. On the one hand, based on the overall review of common design process, structure design and selection of partnership of supply chain management, and with consideration of the development trend of Rizhao Port, the double-sector style supply chain structure mode of Rizhao Port was put forward based on strategic alliance. On the other hand, in order to make it more clear on the specific process and contents of this kind of supply chain structure, the specific implementation of five supply chain for Rizhao Port in which capital was taken as the hub were proposed, named as, the coal supply chain based on norm regular ship transport mode, the ironstone supply chain based on cost optimization, the crude oil transport supply chain with the aim of extending petrifaction industrial chain, the timber transport supply chain based on circulating economy concept, and the farming transport supply chain based on futures theory.
     In the end, the potential risk which Rizhao Port supply chain management may come across in the future were analyzed with its countermeasures promoted. Risks were mainly from internal and external aspects. The internal risks include information risk, management risk, technology risk, cooperation risk and cooperation, while the external risks include market risk, government policy risk and economy risk.
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