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In the June of 2001, after Shanghai A Share Index reached 2245, the stock market stepped into the period of adjusting. Till 2004, the circulating value depreciated for 1000 billion yuan, at least 100 listed companies' price were lower than their IPO prices, and the market value of 400 shares are less than their net assets. All of these led to the bad effects: firstly, institutional investors lost much and it is very difficult for other companies to collect money; secondly, banks' NPL raise greatly which increased the risk; thirdly, the living condition of many investing banks deteriorated.
    Due to the downturn of stock market, many problems in China's investment banks exposed. In 2004, the net asset of China's investment banks reached 96 billion yuan, however, the NPL is 48.7 billion. In fact, China's investment banks are facing the biggest crisis in the history. Since Nanfang was trusteed in 2004, about 20 ones have broken or been trusteed. According to the data of China Securities Regulation Commission, the appropriation amount of bail has reached 60 billion, and the trust financing reached 200 billion. Optimistically, it needs about 100 billion to solve this crisis by government's support.
    Facing this situation, some department has recogniaze the severity and enacted several laws to regulate the investment banks. Now some problem investment banks have been dealt with, but whether we can solve this crisis radically is unknown. Investment banks are the important media in security market, and they are also the key composition of financial system. So it is very meaningful to solve this crisis.
    This paper casts some light on every aspect of the sectoral crisis of security industry in China since year 2001, including the characteristics, the causes, and the solution of the security-company crisis. First of all, we go through the history of the development of investment banks in some of the typical market economy countries and give a overall review on the development of the security-company crisis in China, based on which we describe the characteristics and influence of the security-company crisis, and look deeply into the mechanism of its formation using different methods such as practical method and theoretical method. Then we come to the solution of the security-company crisis. In that part, we give some comments on the on-going disposal of the over 20 security companies.
    We put our emphasis upon the analysis on cause and the solution of the security-company crisis. As an experienced insider of the security sector, I hold the opinion that it's institutional causes that lead to the security-company crisis. The paper is consisted of three main sectors. The first sector is chapter 1, indicating that the
    security-companies are confronted with a severe crisis of survival, reviewing the history of the development of the crisis, and describing the characteristics and the potential damage to the society.
    The second sector comprises chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4 and chapter 5. In this part, a thorough analysis of the survival status of security-companies is made. In the first place, a analytical matrix is introduced, which give us four different areas, that is, the perfect survival status, the disadvantage caused by internal defects, the disadvantage caused by external defects, and the situation where there are both of them.
    When focusing on the external factors, the matrix assumed fatal institutional defects in the security market, among which the equity division situation accounts for the most. As to the internal factors, the incomplete corporate governance and the imbalance of the ownership of the security-companies are the two main causes. In the last part of Section 2, an empirical analysis is made regarding the illegal operation of the security-companies, which leads us to the theoretical mechanism of the illegal operation of the security-companies when confronted with crisis.
    In the last section, which includes four chapters, we will discuss the solution of the survival crisis of the security-companies. We firstly review the history of the crisis of the security-companies took place in developed economies before, especially their reaction and solution to the crisis. Based upon the enlightenment of story from precedents and the theoretical analysis of Section 2, an integrated set of solutions is raised. The main components of the solution set include taking protective measures from the government during a transitional period, keeping carrying out the equity division reform, consummating the corporate governance and the structure of the ownership in security-companies, encouraging the emergence of private-owned and foreigner-owned security-companies, completing the government and legislation regulation in security market, and strengthening the internal risk-control institution in the security-companies.
1 杨成长,《解决当前资本市场问题事关经济发展战略》,《上海证券报》,2005年04月15日
    2 王瑞霞,《不良资产率超过51%129家券商直面熊市生死劫》,《北京青年报》,2004年07月25日
    3 毛蕴诗、刘旭,《论企业的生存危机及其原因》,《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》,1997(5):1-7,22。
    4 毛蕴诗、刘旭,《论企业的生存危机及其原因》,《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》,1997(5):3。
    5 刘双、胡振虎、夏厚俊,《企业危机形成机理的思考》,《江苏商论》,2005(6):93-95。此 文对危机形成机理的分析其实仅仅是描述了时序过程,分析还很不到位。大部分篇幅分析的是危机产生的原因。
    6 郭玉德,《WTO与我国银行业潜在的危机及对策研究》,《商业研究》,2005(6):169-173。
    7 付强,《单个银行失败的因素分析——亚洲金融危机再研究》,《经济科学》,2005(1):48-55。
    8 毛蕴诗、高瑞红、汪建成,《日本企业的生存危机与组织重构—日本松下电器打破事业部制重新设计权责利的组织结构》,《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》,2003(6):103-111。
    9 胡立峰,《黑幕or前台的生存尴尬——危机中的中国基金业》,《数字财富》,2002(3):27-28。这篇文章的分析主要是描述性的,没有相应的数据支持,严格意义上不能看作是学术文章,但它毕竟还是指出了基金业的问题。因此,仍将此文纳入本文的综述。
    10 李维安、申光龙,《金融危机中的韩国企业生存战略》,《市场观察》,1999(5):36-40。此文的分析对象是危机中的企业战略,企业的生存危机是因为外部的金融危机引发的,而不是企业自身的原因。因此,这种情况下的企业生存危机主要是适应环境变化的危机,应该说与我国证券业的主要由自身问题造成的生存危机是有本质不同的。
    11 何劲、熊学萍、肖华,《论我国白酒企业危机管理与规避策略》,《经济问题探索》,2005(1):52-55。本文虽然以白酒企业为分析对象,但论述的危机类型和危机管理程序也适用于其他类型的企业。
    12 卢世应,《欧洲个人机产业的生存危机》,《全球科技经济了望》,1997(2):1-2。本文主要是介绍国外动向的,因此,危机类型的界定主要也是按照市场观察所得的印象来区分,没有迹象表明作者要在理论上加以深入探讨。
    13 戚海峰,《资产重组+产权重组+管理重组——我国国有企业摆脱生存危机的根本途径》,《管理现代化》,2002(5):26-28。
    14 刘湘、彭豪,《浅析旅行社的生存危机及应对策略》,《萍乡高等专科学校学报》,2005(1):68-69。
    15 鞠伟,《危机处理理论运用于商业银行的现实思考》,《现代金融》,2005(10):5-6。
    16 陈道江,《我国券商危机的现实分析与对策思考》,《学术论坛》,2005(10):66-69、73。
    17 伍兵,《我国证券公司生存危机的外部制度与内部治理缺陷》,《求索》,2005(9):23-25。
    18 马庆泉,《怎样挽救股市出危局?》,《银行家》,2005(2):17。股权分置的处理已经进行了,因此,搁置的建议不再有意义,但其他问题仍然有参考价值。
    19 对证券业单个方面的问题,下文会在相应的地方加以论述。
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    18 Jensen and Meckling, 1976, The Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, AgencyCosts and Ownership Structure, Journal of Financial Economics, 305-362
    19 Clarkson, M.B.E. 1995. A stakeholder framework for analyzing and evaluating corporate social performance. Academy of Management Review, 20,
    20 Margaret M. Blair: "Ownership and Control: Rrthinking Corporate Governance Fore TheTwenty-First Century", The Brookings insititution, 1995
    21 Aoki, Masahiko. 1984. The Economic analysis of the Japanese firm. North-Holland; Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
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    2 陈玉萍,《世纪之交的中国证券市场》,经济科学出版社,1999
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    12 Infobank数据库,中国资讯行,2005
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    17 贺桥,《宏源证券5.8亿元预亏折射券商整体低迷》,《国际金融报》,2005年04月07日
    18 高国华,《中国券商:危机中洗牌创新中整合》,《金融时报》,2005年06月04日
    19 钮键军,《回购交易:四大行联手扛价狙击券商》,《财经时报》,2005年9月7日
    20 《委托理财末路》,《证券市场周刊》,2004年07月05日
    21 王瑞霞,《不良资产率超过51%129家券商直面熊市生死劫》,《北京青年报》,2004 年07月25日
    22 《帝贤B:南方证券重创了我!》,《证券市场周刊》,2004年08月
    23 李中东,《券商祭》,《证券市场周刊》,2005年第3期
    24 《中国证券登记结算公司简介》,中国证券登记结算公司,2005
    25 李箐、吴小亮,《证券结算危机》,《财经》,2005年06月
    26 李箐,《券商“三大铁律”瓦解》,《财经》,2004年08月11日
    27 根据公开信息整理
    28 李爽、吴溪,《审计失败与证券审计市场监管——基于中国证监会处罚公告的思考》,《会计研究》,2002年02期
    29 刘溟,《438个行政处罚诠释“铁案”原则》,《经济日报》,2005-9-7
    30 引自:李柯勇,《证券市场将直接受益》,《市场报》2002.11.21
    31 陆媛、李晶,《汇金出手165亿救助三大券商 银河成证券业老大》,《第一财经日报》,2005-08-18
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    5 李箐、吴小亮,《证券结算危机》,《财经》,2005年06月
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    1 李艳,《新形势下中国投资银行业的发展对策》,万方数据中心,2002
    2 根据证券公司年报整理
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    4 Thomsen, S., & Pedersen, T. 2000. Ownership structure and economic performance in the largest European companies. Strategic Management Journal, 21: 689-705.
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    6 根据公开信息整理
    7 根据公开信息整理
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    10 Jensen and Meckling, 1976, The Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, AgencyCosts and Ownership Structure, Journal of Financial Economics, 305-362
    11 Oliver Hart & John Moore, 1990. "A Theory of Corporate Financial Structure Based on the Seniority of Claims, " STICERD-Theoretical Economics Paper Series 217
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    3 《深圳证券业协会预测证券营业部面临全面亏损》,《中国证券报》,2002年9月27日
    4 李德林 陈玉强,《券商委托理财末路 巨额资金撤离股市》,《证券市场周刊》,2004年7月21日
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    7 胡涛涛 于宁,《券商生死劫之目击与实录:谁来为历史埋单》,《财经》2004,第11期
    8 潘晓虹,《大连证券倒闭背后》,《财经》2004,第6期
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    12 诚颖 李翔,《银行资金入市:游走在灰色地带》,国信证券综合研究所
    13 刘唱,《中科系股票事件大揭秘》,《新快报》2001年1月31日
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    16 吴海峰,《券商祭》,《证券市场周刊》,2005-1-17
    17 郭建新,《老牌券商“完了”?》,《中国经营报》,2004-10-17
    18 《中国资本市场系列调查报告之委托理财》,《上海证券报网络版》,2004年12月15日
    19 《中国资本市场系列调查报告之委托理财》,《上海证券报网络版》,2004年12月15日
    20 闻涛,《法庭争斗创历年最多 问题券商恶化委托理财市场》,《证券时报》,2005-01-12
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    22 李箐,《券商“三大铁律”瓦解》,《财经》,2004年08月11日
    1 李静,《证券流通市场风险解析与防范》,万方资源中心,2003
    2 因美国在1929大危机之前实行混业经营制度,因此很难将投资银行与商业银行分开;实际上很多投资银行业务是包涵在商业银行内部开展的。此处引用该数据,试图在总体上说明投资银行的遭遇。
    3 何苏湘,《证券公司监管实务》,上海财经大学出版社,2001
    4 《中国经济景气月报》,中国经济景气月报杂志社,2005年3月
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